AUM~Sparky's Atlantis Review: Wilson's Mysteries 2!!
Mysteries by Colin Wilson Part 2
Book Review!
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MYSTERIES, by Colin Wilson Part 2
- - His imagination had no will of its own.
- - Brazil: After drinking hini xuma, the "vision
extract" - (shared visions)
- - The efficacy of magic is basically a matter of inner
- - Maintaining his inner pressure by means of brandy
and absinthe. (Alcohol dissipates the energy.)
- - Magic: Mathers, Yeats, Rosenroth, Barret Dowson,
Johnson, Paracelsus, and Bruno.
- - Yeats' "A Vision"; Bruno's "Art of Memory"
- - The order to sleep is transmitted to various centres
by a chemical called acetylcholine.
- - Wilson was 45 in 1978; he wrote his first book at
age 24.
- - To reach inward you replace reason with images.
- - A "mondo" is a Japanese Zen term for a problem given
by a master to plague the student in a productive
- - Strauss' "Salome" keeps the dreamer in the borderland.
- - Wakeful: After much watching of thoughts coming
forth on their own.
- - There is little that we actually rule in our mind -
watching this coming and going.
- - The most fascinating thing about Swedenborg is that
his great religious conversion was preceded by all
kinds of strange dreams, of which he kept a record
in a volume that has survived.
- - Swedenborg was born in 1688.
- - He dreamed he was caught up in a Great Wheel. - A
woman had a set of teeth between her legs. - He
spent a whole night - 11 hours - in a semitrance-
like state, between sleeping and waking, observing
hypnogoic images.
- - Swedenborg interpreted his dreams, and came to terms
with his unconscious.
- - The culminating dream was unambiguous; after a great
wind had flung him on his face, held a conversation
with Jesus, who urged him to do something with his
life. It was then that he began to study the Bible,
to experience ecstatic trances, and visions.
- - He visited heaven and hell and conversed with
spirits; he also gave accounts of travel to the moon and
the planets.
- - I strongly desired to see the truth of the matter.
A voice from heaven then said to me: You shall see
and hear. So I departed in the spirit and saw before
me an opening, which I approached and examined; and
behold!, there was a ladder.
- - Swedenborg book - "The True Christian Religion"
- - He had completed his partial mind. - as far as the
next set of lock gates.
- - Faith is so important that even the pressence of
sceptics prevents psychic.
- - The mind relaxes into a state of trust, and what
might be called pleasant expectancy. - positive -
- - None of the pleasant ecstasies of sexual intercourse
or the exhilaration of fighting.
- - He will have to go it alone.
- - Ramakrishna taught to ignore negative emotions, to
avoid saying: I am a fool, I am a weakling, I am a
sinner. Such notions, he said, prevented a man's
spiritual progress - forget what you were!
- - Ramakrishna lived in the security of the temple of
- - George Russel was enchanted by daffodils, silver and
blue, lilacs and primroses: they are symbolic of our
inner being.
- - If someone is kept awake for days on end; dreams
begin to force their way into the conscious mind.
- - A whole host of personalities, who might be brought
into some kind of unity by an immense inner effort.
- - like Ramakrishna after his suicide attempt
- - Aeon: had been used by the Gnostics to designate the
first created beings.
- - The earth is its bottommost dungeon.
- - The original demiurge who created the universe was
called Aeon.
- - A Russell pseudonym was "AE".
- - He thought the image language was from Ur.
- - Russell saw UFO's in Earth's past.
- - Russell and Yeats became Theosophists.
- - and there were fiery pulsations as of wings about
my head. (With cymbals)
- - Serpent force: that in one who was not completely
purified, it could turn downwards and vitalize his
darker passions. (Baptize or wash clean in the
- - There where the ether like a diamond glows.
- - Russell's mystical books: "Candles of Vision", and
"Song and Its Fountains".
- - Wilson mentions Emerson, then "cloying".
- - Honey - See Traherne's "Centuries of Meditation".
- - Russell saw many visions involving celestial beings
from other levels of reality.
- - Upanishads are called Scripture.
- - Under nitrous oxide, James felt that opposites had
ceased to exist. (One)
- - I was where the causes were, and to see them
required no more mental activity than to recognize a
colour as blue.
- - As the Zen story says: Now that I'm enlightened,
I'm as miserable as ever.
- - The horse is our feelings and desires, which
according to Gurdjieff, are another name for the astral
- - The "I" is the will.
- - First, there was a strange geometrical arrangement
of circles and triangles. "Tem gwef tem gwef dr rr
- - Time being somehow curved.
- - Read John Lilly.
- - Triangle is fire, the circle is air.
- - "Self-remembering"
- - It is so important to resist impulses of self-pity
and gloom.
- - All we have to do is deliberately increase the
intentionality of perception and to be accustomed to
the higher level of effort.
- - Books: "Cosmic Consciousness" and "Ecstasy"
- - That it is possible to dream while remaining
sufficiently conscious to observe them.
- - While he is also conscious of his heartbeat.
- - Dreams of this type, in which the dreamer knows he
is dreaming, are known as "lucid dreams".
- - It is like the feeling of slipping from one body
into another. (Dream/awake)
- - Van Eeden identifies this dream body with the astral
- - Fox - Lucid dreaming: Which he decided depended on
noting incongruities in the dream.
- - In such dreams, he discovered he could fly or
levitate or pass through brick walls.
- - But the sense of freedom never lasted long; his
physical body would demand his return; when he
resisted, he would experience a pain in the forehead
of his dream body.
- - Relax completely, close his eyes, and try to hurl
himself against an imaginary trapdoor which he
called "the pineal door".
- - Coleridge's account of how he dreamed "Kubla Khan".
- - Swann went OOB to the planet Mercury, and described
its magnetic field. This was later verified by
Mariner 10.
- - Gerhardie described the "silver cord" while out of
body: A shining cord that seemed to extend from the
forehead of his sleeping body to the back of his own
- - Jack London's "The Star Rover" was about Morrell, a
prisoner who went out of body during torture.
- - Cracknell: His paralysis sounds like the state that
so many have experienced before projection of the
astral body.
- - Cayce, Lethbridge, and Monroe all felt that the
astral body leaves the physical body during sleep.
- - Reicheneach: announced that crystals and magnets
emmit a curious radiation that can be seen by sensitives.
- - When magnets were used, the blue light came from the
north pole and the yellow from the south.
- - Experiments with precious stones showed they had the
same colours found in a table of "magical correspondences".
- - One man in ten, and one woman in four - senses
history by touch.
- - Kilner's book on auras, "The Human Atmosphere", 1911
(included screen)
- - 3 layers of aura extend over a foot from the body.
- - The entire aura was sensitive to magnets, and when
subjected to the negative current from a Wilmshurst
machine - a device for producing an electric charge-
it vanished completely, then reappeared with an
increased intensity.
- - After use of his screens, the eyes become sensitised
and see auras without aids.
- - (Kilner's aura glass is made in Czech.)
- - Burr and Northrup: "L-fields rises sharply when
animals ovulate."
- - The Aurora Borealis may be an aura.
- - Healers are able to produce flare-like effects.
- - After the drink (alcohol) the tip was literally
- - Human magnets are recorded.
- - Magi, the priests of the Persian Zoroaster.
- - Maria Prophetissa (Mary), Sister of Moses, is the
legendary founder of alchemy.
- - The most famous magical work is the "Key of Solomon"
- - Swedenborg equates the cerebrum with intelligence,
the cerebellum with wisdom - with a deeper,
intuitive kind of knowledge. - The importance of the
cerebellum in the mystical is great.
- - The essence of Jewish mystical and magical tradition
is found in the body of esoteric doctrine known as
Cabbala. (Reception)
- - (Considered by some the best example of the Cabbala)
the vast commentary on the first five books of Moses
that became known as the "Zohar, or Book of Splen-
dour". 1280 AD
- - According to the "Zohar", the ultimate godhead is
the Macroerosopus or Ain Soph.
- - I am Yah
- - The Tetragrammaton because his name has four letters
J H V A.
- P394- Cabbala: This Creator is also known as Kether, the
Crown, which split into its nine attributes.
- - These ten holy names - or Sephiroth - into a form
which they call the Tree of Life. - Like a chemical
- - Paracelsus recognised that the Cabbala was actually
a map of man's inner worlds.
- P394- Magicians: Regard the Cabbala as the foundation of
all occult science and a chart of the astral worlds-
and the Sephiroth as a series of states of inner
being that have the same objective existence as the
planets in our solar system.
- - There are 22 paths between the planets. These are
called states of mind.
- P496- Illustrates the Tree of Life.
- - Astral projection has dangers!
- - "The Mystical Qabalah", by Dion Fortune.
- - Yeat's method of drawing the symbol on a card and
pressing it to the forehead. (Japan)
- - The life force and its tidal modes of functioning
- - Each of the 22 paths has: A magical symbol, colour,
planet, precious stone.
- - Levi related to the twenty-two cards of the Major
Arcana of the Tarot pack.
- - Crowley refered to the Cabbala as the alphabet of
magick. - The Tree of Life has got to be learnt by
heart. - Examine the background of all your thinking.
- - These 22 symbols stir the subjective mind.
- - For the Cabbala opens up access to the occult, to
the mysteries. (Paracelsus)
- - The Tree of Life itself is divided into four boxes
by the three horizontal paths.
- - The four levels of reality are called "Atziluth, the
world of emmanations", Briah of Creation.
- - Immediatly above us is Yesod, the astral realm,
which gives our world its shape and direction.
- - The Cabbala was said to be more enlightening than
- - The Cabbalist would say that you have nine others
selves in nine beds.
- - Again, the mystic, Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony".
- - Mental effort brings tension: We sustain this
tension by focusing the meaning.
- - Plato believed that meaning exists independently,
in a world of ideas.
- - When someone becomes severely neurotic, it is
because he has mishandled his psychological energies
and become a bankrupt.
- - South: Attached particular importance to the
Mysteries of Orpheus and Eleusis. - These were secret
rites of purification and initiation, often
involving days of ordeal. - The Eleusian mysteries were
a celebration of the forces of the earth and of
Demeter, the corn goddess, whose daughter Persephone
was stolen by the Lord of the Underworld and finally
allowed to return part-time to her mother.
- - Because she ate a few pomagranate seeds, Persephone
had returned to the Underworld every winter. (Myths)
- - Reichenback is classed with Mesmer.
- - The mystical works - like the "Pimander and
Asclepius" - magical works include the famous
"Emerald Tablet".
- - South thought alchemy a coded form of the mystery
religion of the ancients.
- - Boehme fell into trance staring at sunlight
reflected in a pewter dish. - and had a vision of
the divine love and wisdom.
- - Boehme's famous works as "Morning Redness" - law
- - Mary Anne Atwood wrote "Early Magnetism" in 1846.
- - Their startling discoveries-that the ancient
mysteries made use of some form of hypnotic trance
state. - Mary Anne also wrote "A Suggestive Inquiry
Into The Hermetic Mystery With A Dissertation On The
More Celebrated Of The Alchemical Philosophers".
- - He made only 100 copies at his own expense in 1850.
- - He later burned all but a few copies.
- - It was reprinted in Belfast in 1918.
- - Mary Anne presented one of the few remaining copies
of her book to the mystic Anna Kingsford.
- - Greek: The Lesser Mysteries which took place every
- - A. E. Waite: Boehme's idea that the Philosopher's
Stone it Jesus Himself and the Elixir of Life only
another name for salvation.
- - Mary Anne said: There is plenty of evidence to
prove that alchemists really could transmute base
metals into gold.
- - Flamel in 1383 succeeded in making the "red stone",
and transmuted mercury into gold. - Printed in 1612
- - Helmont transmuted mercury into gold in 1650.
- - Helvetius did this with lead.
- - Edward Kelly also successfully transmuted metals.
- - John Dee wrote of the "scryer".
- - Seton and Haussen gave the secret of the powder to
Sendivogius in 1604.
- - Price gave in 1782: Add a white powder to mercury,
together with nitre and borax, heap them in a
crucible and produce an ingot of silver. (Red powder
got gold)
- - Price drank prussic acid and died before their eyes.
- - The basic aim of the alchemist is to discover the
"materia prima".
- - Mary Anne Atwood: There follows her translation of
"Tractatus Aureus", of Hermes Trism.
- - Aqua fortis and aqua regia seem to dissolve metals,
and many salts be found useful in analysis - yet
nothing vitally alternative is achieved, unless the
vital force be present and in action.
- - The foolish used "salt of the mines".
- - The secret vessel in which it takes place is man
- - Alchemy: The ancients withheld the means.
- - This matter, O king, is extracted from thee.
- - To protect from foolish and profane intrusion that
living temple wherein alone the wise of all ages
have been securely able to raise their rejected
Corner Stone and Ens of Light.
- - (It's Mary Anne South!)
- - Again and again, she remarks that the basic secret
has to do with concentrating the vitality.
- - For this a concentrative energy is needed, and an
intellect penetrating into other spheres.
- - She was sure lead had been turned into gold, and of
the Philosopher's Stone.
- - Boehme revealed the deepest secret of all.
- - The double mercury - mind?
- - When we are forced to put twice as much effort into
the learning process, it becomes a kind of instinct,
and can never be forgotten or lost.
- - Adepts: Husson, Geber, T. Vaughn
- - Unlike earlier alchemists, Mary Anne South wrote to
the general public.
- - Psychic power are, unfortunately, not confined to
the virtuous.
- - Crowley abused his powers.
- - The Taoist doctrine that man and nature are
intermingled and that man can discover his true powers
by merging into harmony with nature.
- - Each plant or herb had its individual essence or
- - Early Greek alchemy: "Physika and Mystika", by
Bolos of Mendes - their reputed magical powers -
possibly the peony used by magicians for calling
up the gods.
- - The word gibberish derives from Geber's obscurity.
- - Book of alchemy: Aristotle's "Metrologica".
- - [Wilson misunderstood Jung and the Secret of the
Golden Flower.]
- - Jung's great and last alchemy book: "Mysterium
- - Alchemy: The Work is best begun in Spring, under
the sign of Aries (although Taurus and Gemini are
also acceptable. - 12 stages)
- - The thirteen propositions of the famous "Emerald
Tablet" of Hermes - earliest alchemy?
- - Maria the Prophetess: One becomes two, two becomes
three, and out of the third comes the one as the
- - We can shift the centre of gravity of the soul from
everyday consciousness to the true self - we become
- - This superior personality, Jung wrote, is the
diamond body.
- P419- (Wilson doesn't know crystaline, as related to the
diamond body.)
- - Gurdjieff knew the high secrets: There must be a
certain crystallisation, a certain fusion of man's
inner qualities.
- - Fusion, inner-reality, is obtained by means of
friction, by the struggle between yes and no in man.
- - He also makes clear that the essential body that
emerges from the struggle is what is usually called
the astral body.
- - Resisting suffering through a concentration of the
- - Only once met a man who possessed natural essence:
A brigand who had achieved it by standing in the hot
sun all day, peering down the sights of a rifle.
- - Personality is the opposite of essence.
- - "The Tree of Life", by Regardie is a fine intro into
magic and Cabbala.
- - Stella Matutina had a cult.
- - Books: Included by Miss South - "Golden Tractate of
Hermes", and "The Six Keys of Eudoxus". The "
Philosopher's Stone" draws from Jung and South about
- - [Miss South honored Mesmer, as I do.]
- - Mesmer believed that all space is pervaded by a kind
of psychic ether in which the heavenly bodies cause
- P422- South: In a trance, the mind becomes unusually
concentrated, and related to the Universal - becomes
one with the great magnetic Will of nature.
- - Regardie talked of magnetic forces.
- - Salt is intellect.
- - The essence can be extracted by placing the herb,
either fresh or dried, in pure alcohol or ether. -
or a Soxhlet - recycle
- - Greater Celandine is good for liver trouble;
honeysuckle for kidney stones and whooping cough;
rosemary for gout.
- - made the vegetable stone and can by using it,
extract in moments the soul of any vegetable material.
- - The Philosopher's Stone is called the Great Work,
the Grand Arcanum. (Nowhere given)
- - What is alchemy: It is the raising of vibrations.
- - Higher worlds consist of higher rates of vibration.
Aspects and densities
- - Vibrations: From the finest to the coarsest; they
issue from various sources and proceed in various
directions, crossing one another, colliding,
strengthening, weakening, arresting one another, and so
on. - Albertus
- - The vital essence of a thing is its mercury.
- - Although the mercury is of the same origin it is of
a certain vibration in the vegetable, of a higher
vibration rate in the animal kingdom, and of a high-
er rate still in the mineral realm.
- - Whitehead, who held that the whole universe is a
single organism.
- - Metals and minerals grow inside the earth.
- - Man holds the balance of the three kingdoms.
- - All are made of three elements: Salt, mercury, and
sulphur. Mercury is +, salt is -, and sulphur a
neutral or binding force.
- - The lesser work of separating the plant or vegetable
into its three elements, then recombining them. -
The greater work requires the Philosopher's Mercury.
- - He speaks of the way individual organs of the body
act as if they had a will of their own, producing
their own special substances.
- - Hartmann believed that in the unconscious lay the
driving force of all creation, its vital essence.
- - The essence of minerals is higher than that of human
- - Albertus claims to have extracted the essence (oil)
of copper, lead, and gold.
- - Gurdjieff's Law of Three: All phenomena are
produced by three forces, the active, the passive and
the neutral.
- - The third may sometimes be discovered either at the
point of application of the forces, or in the
medium, or in the result.
- - There is a third component, sulphur, which is
difficult to separate from the mercury.
- - Law of Three is at the root of all ancient systems.
- - Gurdjieff: There are four possible ways to achieve
heightened consciousness. 1. Way of the Fakir,
discipline and self torture. 2. Way of the Monk,
prayer and meditation; his chemistry is emotional.
(Four times faster than the fakir.) 3. Way of Yogi
involves concentration (fastest). 4. Way of the
Sly-man: He simply prepares and swallows a little
- - Intelligence and the power of concentration may be
connected with a chemical called serotonin, which is
used by the pineal gland of the brain to produce the
hormone melatonin. (Caused by ultra-violet light.)
- - Book: Wilson praises "Gold of a Thousand Mornings",
by a French adept A. Barbault.
- - He picked the plants at dawn and kept them in
containers filled with fresh dew.
- - The elixir needed to be stabilised with a third
element, a mineral.
- - Earth is the "prima materia".
- - Earth's forces wax and wane according to those of
the heavenly bodies.
- - Burr experimented with the effects of plants by
sunspots, with a voltmeter.
- - Alchemy is closely related to astrology.
- - Choose the time to begin according to his
astrological chart.
- - Not only are there times when nature's life forces
are at their most intense, there are also privileged
areas where these forces are concentrated.
- - Gather the black earth when it has a pellet-like
- - Some were searching with a hazel rod, an implement
well-known to the ancients.
- - Barbault chose the moment: The following week saw
intensification of the currents while the sun passed
successively through conjunction with Saturn and
(Saturday February 15, 1948) New moon in
Aquarius was fixed as the date of acquisition - soon
after midnight, at the moment when the sun passed to
the depths of the sky under the feet of the seeker.
- - His psychic wife chose the spot in trance.
- - Washed in dew collected by dragging large canvas
sheets over the grass at dawn.
- - Heated to 40 degrees centigrade - for three years -
and six years more.
- - Paracelsus: The solvent of metallic gold is
vegetable matter.
- - The forbidden secret as being essentially sexual in
- - The Tantrist attempts to arouse his sexual energies,
and to cause them to rise up the spine.
- - Vaughan, according to Rexroth, comes close to giving
the whole show away.
- - Book: Vaughan's "Aula Lucis" or House of Light.
- - The Vessel of Nature, the vessel in which the
alchemical operation takes place, is a menstruous
substance. Matrix of Nature - sulphureous heat of the
Universal sperm.
- - Waite thought the oil of Halcali was the First
Matter. He lost his wife.
- - Various substances in the universe are refered to
under the name of Hydrogen.
- - There are 12 types of Hydrogen: H6, H12 - H18 to
- - Hydrogen 6, the highest of all, is the fuel used by
the higher thinking centre.
- - Our higher emotional centre, which runs on Hydrogen
12. - Food Hydrogen 748.
- - Hydrogen 12 can be transformed into Hydrogen 6 by a
certain kind of shock.
- - Clues: How the body gains energy from food; and the
"Law of Octaves".
- - A shock - or sudden vital effort - at exactly the
right moment.
- - Alchemy was regarded as the epitome of the occult
- - Alpha rhythms are typical of relaxation, beta
rhythms of attention or concentration. When the beta
increases, the alpha diminishes. Theta rhythms are
- - Geller says he gains power from metal spoons. He
prefers the dry areas. - (Also ancient pyramids)
- - Many psychics have dated the development of their
powers from electric shocks.
- - Many had to become holy in order to acquire the
- - Christian demon Deelzebub (???)
- - Book: "The Undiscovered Country", by Jenkins.
Various kinds of psychic phenomena seem to be
associated with the nodes or crossing points of leys.
- - Great Broad of Wroxham is haunted by Romans.
- - Heavens listed in the teaching of Mahayana Buddhism
are planets. (Metaphysical or para)
- - Shambhala, the legendary island of bliss. (Gobi)
- - Glastonbury is, of course, the nodal point of a
record number of leys.
- P486- Nine out of ten people can dowse.
- - We tend to fall asleep when we try to descend into
- - Direct attempts to climb the stairs are usually
defeated by the sheer effort involved; it is as if the
force of gravity increased with every step.
- - When people become neurotic and obsessed by anxiety,
their energies diminish.
- - The more anxious and tense we become, the more we
fall into the hands of the robot. [William James disputes this!]
- - The conscious knowledge that such powers exist is
the most important step towards developing them.
- - Powers: They can be called upon be conscious
- - People whose sense of security is continually
undermined by accidents or difficulties, soon become
nervous wrecks and can easily go insane.
- - That narrow naked chamber - walking up and down -
(Dec.; moon) - layer to layer they descended - its
- - Consciousness is a beam of light. - It must be
- - (Wilson seems to have misunderstood the Spirit of
- - Michell gave "Seven Orders of Magic Squares" on
page 124.
- - The Sacred Rod is equal to 3.4757485 feet.
- - The Sacred Rod or Jewish cubit equals a
six-millionth part of the earth's polar radius.
- - (I recall the Bible giving the "long cubit" as a
cubit and a handsbreadth.)
- - (Half of the inner diameter of Stonehenge equals
48.66048 feet, half the outer diameter equals
52.136225 feet.)
- - The angle of slope of the Great Pyramid is 51
degrees and 51 minutes.
- - The meter should be rejected in favor of the Jewish
- - The Egyptian royal cubit was 1.728 feet.
- - Hershel and Smyth recommended that the inch be
increased by 1/1000 to be 1.001 inch. This 1.001 inch
is called the "Pyramid Inch".
- - Great Pyramid: Measurement of time in relation to
distance, and indications that the various lengths
of its inner passages were designed to record
episodes of sacred history and prophesies for times to
- - At 30 degrees latitude 1 minute equals 6048 feet;
1 second equals 100.8 feet.
- - At 50 degrees latitude 1 minute equals 6082.56 feet;
1 second equals 101.376 feet.
- P502- Our senses confine us in a kind of prison.
- - Bennett: This power to feel whatever I chose - if
I plunged any more deeply into the mystery of love,
I would cease to exist.
- - The problem is to expand into the darkened areas.
- - Mental evolution - as a basic law of the universe.
- - Man is a god who has forgotten his identity.
- - Yet there is no known method of finding out whether
a number is a prime except by painstakingly dividing
every possible smaller number into it.
- - 7 is the 10th root of 282,475,249.
- - Tesla was a math genius, computing on a blackboard
inside his head. - able to conjure up a solid
object and to maintain the image for any length of
time. - I saw new scenes. These were at first
blurred and indistinct and would flit away when I
tried to concentrate any attention on them. - Every
night, and sometimes during the day - I would start
on my journeys, see new places, cities and countries.
- He suddenly had a clear vision of how to
construct an alternating current motor. (Only DC
was known then.) He saw every detail.
- - Daylight consciousness of the cerebrum, the new
brain - The Self inhabits the old brain, which man
inherited from the mammals, the cerebellum. - Man
also possesses a third brain - the brain stem and
medulla - inherited from our reptile ancestors. -
(Controls sleep)
- - Demons from the depths of the cerebellum, which is
the seat of the unconscious.
- - Passion and reason, self-division's cause - we must
reconcile the two.
- - Paranormal experience arises from the cerebellum -
the seat of orgasm also.
- - Man seems to be a colony.
- - The author of "Steppenwolf", Hesse, says when the
two antagonists are at peace we are akin to the
- P513- Hypnogogic images are accompanied by strong theta
rhythms. (Deeper than alpha)
- - Critical consciousness (which produces beta waves)
- - Rage is governed by the cerebellum.
- - Few important ideas occur to only one thinker at a
- - Gooch's theory of evolution through inner conflict.
- - Book: Plato observes in the "Symposium" that men
and women were originally halves of a single creature,
which was divided into two by the gods; now we
all wonder around searching for the other half.
- - As Nietzsche said, a man must have chaos within him
to give birth to a dancing star. (This is almost as
dumb as his God is dead comment.)
- - The intelligent man has to make twice as much effort
as the less intelligent to become a well-adjusted
human being.
- - We have all noticed how prolonged laziness causes
loss of energy.
- P527- In sexual ecstasy, we receive the impression that
this mechanism is situated somewhere at the front of
the brain.
- - With a little practice, meditation can produce a
mood of inner freedom that can last for hours.
- - Gurdjieff movements - and Bennett found that he was
filled with the influx of an immense power. - All
that was required were sudden convulsions of effort.
- - The convulsions seems to have an accumulative
effect - sudden convulsive efforts of concentration -
relaxing between each one.
- - Human freedom is continuous, from moment to moment -
this freedom depends on intelligence - that is on
insight and knowledge.
- - Book: Puharich's "The Sacred Mushroom" tells of
Harry Stone who, when examining an ancient Egyptian
pendant, fell into a trance and began drawing
hieroglyphics about a cult of the sacred mushroom - known
as amanita muscaria. - The mushroom could take a
man out of his body. - He applied it ritualistically
to his tongue and the top of his head, and within
five minutes had ESP.
- - Mushrooms related to fertility and the phallus.
- - Book: "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross", by John
- - We become good telepathic senders when we are in
states of anger, fear and aggression; and good
receivers when we are in states of relaxation and
- - Adrenalin for sending - and the parasympathetic
nervous system, which is concerned with sleep,
relaxation and digestion, is activated by acetylcholine,
the state is known as cholinergia - in cholinergic
states the psi-plasma expands, while in adrenergic
states it contacts.
- - Book: "Beyond Telepathy"
- - Uri Geller: The voice said, (Purarich) had been
selected to take care of Uri since he fell in the
garden. The voice was from the cult of "The Nine".
Tapes disappeared - Geller and Horne were told that
soon the space intelligences would arrive in mass
- - (Cayce: There are only four elements in your body -
water, salt, soda and iodine. The mind is not the
spirit. The classic "temple sleep" at Epidaurus,
undertaken by ancient Greeks to receive a dream
blessing from Asklepios.)
- - It is the love of this planet that generates the
energy that becomes God. The earth is a kind of
school, designed to teach the balance between the
spiritual and the physical. But mankind has become
too negative.
- - a vapour trail of love and peace.
- - Keel was told a factory would blow up on the Ohio
River, near Point Pleasant.
- - Spacemen from Lanulos; a winged serpent sign
- - Keel says much UFO activity has been reported around
the Indian snake mounds of Ohio.
- - There are many legends of giant worms in British
- - All kinds of strange phenomena have been observed
over leys; particularly at the nodal points.
- - A different level of existance, a reality that seems
to cut through our own at right angles.
- - Gurdjieff was so convinced that suffering was the
only true means to non-mechanical self-consciousness
- - Effective work on oneself can only be practiced in a
group. (Nonsense)
- - Man actually is a god.
- - Man in his present form is about three million years
- - Einstein's hypothesis that the ether must be some
kind of material substance with the apparently
impossible property of traveling in all directions at
once at the speed of light.
- P605- Time: But by changing from one line to another we
can be free.
- - We find ourselves confined in a world that appears
to have four dimensions, three of space and one of
- - Einstein: Time is a fourth dimension.
- - As Tart points out, many processes in physics are
symmetrical. - If an atomic process creates a
negatively charged particle, it will also create a
positively charged one.
- - Young on 7: The seventh - is that of light, which
is capable of creating particles.
- - Light is the first step in the great process.
- - Max Planck: Light behaves like an intelligent being.
- - She could move a plastic bottle by concentrating on
- - Mulboon went out of body; also D. Home
- - Blake had always possessed the faculty of seeing
disembodied spirits - and elementals.
- - In place of death there was light.
- - Existence in the light of consciousness.
- - The answer - to understand the nature of time, and
to be able to stand above it.
- - Creatures in a higher dimension would perceive time
as a stationary line.
- - turn our heads slightly
- - Wine played a role in human destiny. It aids our
contemplation from above.
- - His new freedom brought a sense of inferiority.
- - Essentially, the power to create is the power to
grasp the world in concepts; but we end by viewing
the world through our concepts, as through the bars
of a cage.
- - The world of a bad-tempered man is coloured by his
- - Wilson thought Shakespeare a pessimist - human
existence as meaningless. - A tale told by an idiot.
- - If we can grasp that reality, we can use our
concepts to set us free. - Even to the realm of the
"keepers of the keys of being".
- - Which can be overruled by a sense of urgency.
- - Wilson meditated cross-legged or in lotus. -
Causing his vitality - meaning to grow - A bubble of
delight would rise in me. - The answer is to relax
beyond normal relaxation. - Going up or down doesn't
matter. - Trying to write books in my spare time.
- P625- or of descent into oneself, as if in a kind of
elevator, through layer after layer of meaning.
- - Art increases our power to focus.
- - There came a point at which a few human beings
realized that the pursuit of knowledge can be a self-
rewarding activity.
- - Inner freedom can be increased by thought.
- - Working with high frequency machinery my colleagues
and I have suddenly found we are on occasions telepathic.
- - Fish swim to the positive pole.
- - Collin: The Sun - the thymus; Mercury - the
thyroid; Venus - the parathyroid; Mars - the adrenals;
the Moon - the pancreas; Saturn - the anterior
pituitary; Jupiter - the posterior pituitary; Uranus -
the gonads; Neptune - the pineal gland.
- - Books: "Alchemist's Handbook", by Frater Albertus.
"Gems From the Equinox", by A. Crowley. Yeats'
"Golden Dawn" and "Yeats and the Occult". "The Key
of the Mysteries", by Eliphas Levi. "The Sacred
Mushroom: Key to the Door of Eternity", by Puharich
also read Regardie.
- - When the dowser's solar plexus is heavily insulated,
the rod ceases to respond.
End of Part 2!
See Wilson 1!!
Other Books by This Author!
Alien Dawn : An Investigation into the Contact Experience Colin Wilson
Religion and the Rebel Colin Wilson
Poltergeist : A Study in Destructive Haunting (Fate Presents) Colin Wilson
The Craft of the Novel Colin Wilson
The Books in My Life Colin Wilson
Atlas of Holy Places and Sacred Sites Colin Wilson
From Atlantis to the Sphinx Colin Wilson
The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Mysteries Colin Wilson, Damon Wilson
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