- (The Edgar Cayce readings recommended the wet cell appliance
several hundred times, and for more than 150 different ailments.)
- (The variables are the chemical solutions used, and the locations
on the body where the electrodes were to be attached.)
- (More detailed and individualized readings were given prior to
1930, then a more universal approach began.)
- (Wet cell) is of the nature that - with the type of plates used -
the electrical forces should have their effect upon the very
sources of the disturbances through the bodily functioning.
- (Before using device, consult the files on that particular
ailment. Do not alter procedure!)
- (The wet cell employs low vibrations.)
- Not AC or DC, but - "This is of the Galvanic nature, and more
as a cellular reaction to the body. - the power from the wet
cell was neither AC nor DC." - it does not act like ordinary
static electricity.
- A simple flashlight battery, costing only a few cents, would
produce more DC power than the wet cell.
147-1 (several times the readings prescribed the use of
2244-1 both rods of the same material, in which case there
2355-1 could be no potential of any known nature.) Copper
2226-1 (And also in 4448-1 it was given that both poles be steel.)
89-1 (And also in 4797-1 both poles were of iron.)
- By far the greater number of cases followed a more
standard pattern, with only minor variations.
- The readings referred to the power produced by the appliances
as "Etheronic Energy", and also related it to the emanation
from a healer's hands. - he compared it to what Mesmer called
"animal magnetism".
- (Might be the "Odic Force" of K. V. Reichenbach? Or W. Reich's
"Orgone Energy" - Dr. Brunier called it "Bio Cosmic Energy" -
and British scientist Esman called it "X Force".)
- Some materials which are conductors to ordinary electricity
are insulators to Odic energy, - and for other materials the
opposite is true.
- Odic energy travels quite slowly - Odic energy is generated by
magnets - the readings referred to the appliances as
"regenerative magnets" - Odic force remains in the conductor
after the source is cut off - the leads should be kept separated
when not in use. - Its bipolar like regular electricity.
- while it cannot be measured with ordinary electrical instruments,
it can be detected by sensitive people (people with some psychic
- Some sensitives can see a strong force emanating
from the terminals of these appliances.
- the Atlanteans obtained all their power from cosmic forces.
- this energy was very powerful in its influence on
biological processes.
- (Reichenbach studied sensitives who could see these energies
very clearly - various substances affected them physiologically
with sensations of comfort, discomfort, heat or cold - almost
all physical transformations of some form generated a cloud
or flow or stream of this other kind of energy which he called
A battery or any chemical reaction were found to be
rather powerful generators of this energy. - This energy was
easily transmissible through wires.)
- The therapeutic effects, perhaps, do not effect the physical
body directly but may affect what is called the etheric body.
- Unless those that surround the body, and that make the
applications to the body for such a change (the wet cell and
gold) are in accord with those forces (Creative) - they would
produce greater destructive forces for the body than were it
left - as it is
- low charge of the vibratory forces that arise from mental
attitude and activity in the spiritual manner.
- (As long as the Self) sustains and keeps the oneness
of purpose the body improves.
5576-1 Concerted group meditation with a amagination! Seek and
ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened! See that being
accomplished, and it will aid much.
- When the appliance is attached to the body, rest and don't be
thinking what you're going to do next. - Do this for a purpose!
2215-1 During the period of treatments do not let the body take
any element that will even produce an extra amount of alcohol
of any character.
- see and feel constructive reactions taking place.
- Use that hour as the period for definite meditation.
2334-1 Meditate during the period that either of the Galvanic
appliances are attached for treatment. But do not attach
appliances or meditate when the mental and spiritual forces
are under physical disturbance, either lack of food or
oversupply of same (see?), or digestion not completed.
- During the period that the appliance is applied each day while
lying down, let the body read the 30th chapter of Deuteronomy,
and the 14, 15, 16, and 17th chapters of St. John. Make them
real - then surround self with the Light of the Lord.
- (Nickel and copper anodes to return normalcy)
552-2 (Wet cell) will create more and more the ability for the
suggestive forces to reach to the nerves of consciousness in
the body.
- The three centers (Chakras) through which there is the activity
of the Kundaline forces that act as suggestions to the spiritual
forces for distribution through the seven centers of the body.
- The small (copper plate anode) would be attached to three
different centers alternately. The appliance (wet cell) would
be used for 30 minutes each day; one day attaching the small
plate to the 3rd cervical, next day to the 9th dorsal, next day
to the 4th lumbar. Be sure to rotate the attachments (anode only)
in this order.
- The large (nickel cathode) plate, through which the gold
chloride solution passes - vibratorily, would be attached to
the Lacteal Duct and Umbilical center which on the average
adult, would be the width of three fingers from the navel center
towards the right, and two fingers up from that point.
- Include the suggestion to self: "May this body be so attuned
to the infinite that it may be prepared here and now for the
greater service it may render to its fellow man in this
- Use the radio-active appliance for coordination, 30
minutes each day.
- Use the wet cell with gold chloride, 1 grain per oz. of distilled
water (3 oz. of this): attach the positive plate to the 9th
dorsal, the negetive plate to the lacteal duct - 30 minutes or
the standard charge
2836-1 Use one appliance in the morning, and the other at night. -
it produces in the endocrinals - the stamina, as it were, to
the plasm of the nerve forces - and increases the leucocytes,
the warriors.
1433-1 Best to keep (gold chloride) in a dark bottle in the
3695-1 dark. Use with expectancy!
849-28 (Electrodes) polish these off each time before and after their use.
- (Imbalances are indicated if there is found a different pulse-
rate in the ankles. - Left to right)
849-37 Do not use the same connections (spiral or U) for
the various medicinal solutions.
717-1 (Use a separate lead or coil for each solution.) And it
would be much better if these were made in a larger container
and spiral, rather than just in the shape of a U.
988-10 Hollow tubular lead spiral: The anode or lead lead that
is hollow should be cleaned. While the charge remains through
the lead tube vacuum, this will be more active if attended to.
- (The three ounce solution jar should be covered with black tape
to protect the gold chloride from the light.)
849-27 the lowest form of electrical vibration that will carry
with same the elements which in their final analysis are the
basis of the association or connection with mentality,
coniousness and matter in activity; that is, gold and silver.
- As the lacteal duct center is that from which all assimilated
forces from the body are carried to the various portions of
the body for resuscitating forces.
- gold - being an acid
- (Take leads out of solution, when not in use. Replace with
the plain lid.)
- Then a few minutes before it is to be used, place it in solution.
- for it is the type of lead that produces connections
and currents that are helpful to the body.
120-5 given properly, silver and gold may almost lengthen
life to its double.
- (When alternated, gold chloride and silver nitrate
is the cure for neurosis.)
- (Gold chloride and muriated iron are alternated to
cure problems of the nerves, and insanity.)
- (These solutions are applicable to both the wet cell
and the radio active appliance.)
- (Gold chloride and soda, are alternated with iodine
for arthritis.)
- (Gold chloride and sodium, are alternated for insanity.)
- (Tincture of iodine for arthritis, glands, the ductless glands,
and nervous tension.)
- (Tincture of iodine and muriated iron, alternated
for the nerves.)
- (Spirits of camphor for nausea, nerves, circulation,
cerebral palsy, and paralysis.)
- (Spirits of camphor and gold chloride, are alternated for
hypertension, and insanity.)
- (Gold chloride for) rejuvenating any organ of the system
showing delinguency in action. - Also epilepsy, insanity,
melancholia, poliomyelites, cerebral palsy, possession, and
4488-1 Strychnine: For enlargement of heart - one grain
strychnine to five ounces of 80% alcohol. Attach the negative
to second and third dorsal center; positive to upper right
portion of umbilicii, between umbilicii and pancreas area for
not over ten to twenty minutes.
- (Spirits of camphor and muriated iron, are alternated for
incoordination in assimilations and eliminations.)
- Set the appliance where it can be used without moving it.
- allow it to stand for at least twelve hours to
charge up before using.
- attach the red wite with the small copper disc, by plugging
the banana plug into the red jack on top of the appliance
(lid on jar). The black lead, with the large nickel disc,
then may be plugged into either of the jacks on the solution
jar. - Then plug one end of the short black lead into the
remaining jack on the solution jar and the other end
into the black jack on the appliance.
- Do not allow the ends of the wires (discs) to touch one
another after the leads are attached to the appliance.
- Clean the face of the discs, where they touch the skin, with
the emery paper, then attach the discs with adhesive tape to
the body as directed for your particular case.
- disconnect the wires, keeping them separated between uses.
When possible put the wires out in the sun for a while
between uses.
- (Sand the spiral tube in the solution jar also.)
- (Reassemble, and connect 20 - 30 minutes prior to use.)
- The appliance must be recharged every 30 days with a
new solution. Clean the rods with sandpaper.
- The solution in the solution jar must be changed every 14 days -
clean the loop with fine emery paper add a new solution.
- the solutions used in both the main battery and in the solution
jar varies greatly for different ailments.
- (Discs must be held firmly in contact with the skin,
either with tape or velcro.)
- (Pray during Wet Cell) I am thine, Lord! In the love Thou
has shown through the Christ, bring to this body of mine that
Thou seest, that Thou knowest is best! That I may be the more
perfect manifestation of Thy love among the children of men!
Use my life, use my purpose, use my aims and desires, in such
ways that they may be to the glory of the Father in the Son,
Christ our Lord!
- The solution in the main battery varies, but the usual charge
is: 1.5 gal. distilled water, 1.5 lbs. of copper sulphate,
1 oz. of sulfuric acid CP, 6 drams (1 oz.) of zinc, add .5 lb.
of willow charcoal.
- (Add copper suphate to water, add acid, and stir to
dissolve copper suphate. Add zinc dust and wait 3
minutes, then add charcoal. Stir well.)
- (Silver nitrate also is light sensitive.)
- (Construction) Do not try to use substitudes!
- The readings say Not to use solder on any of the
electrical connections.
- the cupped discs
- quite flexible insulated wire, 18 to 20 gage, 32 strand, 1 red
and 1 black about 7 feet in length. Also 1 black lead of the same
type wire, about 18 to 20 inches long in length as a jumper
between the negative pole and the solution jar.
- The flat quick disconnect plugs are more comfortable when it is
necessary to attach the discs where they are underneath the body.
- (Rods are .5 by 8 inch nickel and copper.) Rods are first
drilled with a 7/32 drill and threaded with a 1/4 - 32 thread
tap - jack sleeve.
- (The spiral loop - either lead or nickel, hollow and threaded
with 6/32 nuts, through the jar lid into the banana jacks -
Smith 205)
- (Locked) by staking it with a center punch.
- The usually recommended tank holds 2 gal., although
only one and one half gallons of solutions is used.
- Plastic buckets are available, with a removable lid. 2 gal. -
The lid needs to be reinforced with a disc of similar plastic.
- (Solution jar) Which carries the medicinal solution, usually
uses a 4 oz. ointment jar with a plastic lid.
- The spiral loop attaches to the lid by the banana pin jacks,
which also provide electrical connections for the leads. The
loop should reach to within 1/8 to 1/4 inch of the bottom of
the jar. The banana pin jacks are Smith 136. When using
1/8 inch nickel wire for the loop, the ends may be threaded
with a 6-32 threading die, and they will fit the pin jack.
A loop of 3 turns was wound on a core.
- (3/4 inch velcro straps will hold the discs)
- (The discs have the blade portion of a quick disconnect lug
riveted on. The female half is crimped on the wire, with the
crimp end covered with shrink tube - to stiffen it.)
- (Use a match to shrink the tubing - 3/16 dia.
18 gage, 16 strand, plastic insulated wire - 7 ft.)
- (A 2.5 inch nickel disc is used on the black lead,
and a 1 inch copper disc is used on the red lead.)
- (The Wet Cell was first given in 1925.)
- The nervous systems, the circulation, and the ductless glands
are the parts of the body particularly involved.
- (Use a heavy crock for the battery.)
- the anodes of this appliance are placed at special nerve
centers along the cerebrospinal system and over ducts and
glands in the frontal portion of a body.
- The Radio-Active works through the circulation, and the Wet
Cell through the nervous systems direct to the ducts and glands
- (Whatever solution is used the amount the solution
jar should contain is always 3 ounces. - 3/4 filled)
- The readings advised the use of a different solution jar for
each kind of solution used. A solution should last for about
14 applications, then be replaced.
440-12 their preparations should be
allowed sufficient expansion - when there is a pound or pound
and a half of the copper sulphate and the sulphuric and the
activity of the zinc with same, in creating the forces that
come off in the mediumistic form of electrical forces.
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