1298-1 20. Before this (among those appearances that have an influence
in the present) we find the entity was in the land of its
present nativity, in what is now known as the southernmost
portion - or in Florida; during those periods when there
were those settlings from the Yucatan, from the lands of On
(?) or the Inca, from the Norse land, when there were the
beginners of the Mound Builders and those that gathered upon
what is now the east portion of Alabama and Florida - though
it was quite different then in its structure, outwardly.
21. The entity's sojourns then were with those of a race of
unusual height, unusual proportions to what might be termed
in the present. For they were then the lords of the land,
as would be termed, that issued to the other lands, the other
environs about same, the instructions for their moral, their
religious, their penal codes.
22. Then the entity was among those that were the more lenient
in that lording; for the entity sought rather to bring that
activity, that development where all under the Lord - as law
- are ONE.
23. Hence the experiences were made to become rather severe,
rather strained in those activities. For there were the
harkenings to those periods that stand first in the
experience of the entity in the present, as well as those
sojourns in Egypt and Atlantis and those activities that
brought the lack of consideration of those that were - STILL
in THOSE experiences in Egypt and Atlantis - with their
beast appendages, their hindrances; which made for that
which has been and is so much a part of the animal, that has
signified and does signify the very natures of same.
24. Those the entity abhorred, as in the present - yet so little
apparently gained, yet how great in the soul's developments
25. The name then was what would be termed in the present Alta,
that meant a NEW life!
26. In the application of that experience in the present sojourn,
the entity will find its desire to bring the greater
consciousness of the healing forces within the body-mind
and consciousness of individuals to aid themselves. And
from the divine within rather than from the outer forces;
while the outer forces are divine when and if they are
applied with the glory to the Creator rather than to the
self-knowledge of man!
3934-2 14. In the one before this we find in those days when the first
peoples came to the country now known as America. The entity
then among those first Norse people who occupied that
country afterward settled by the Puritans. Then in the name
Oflaeiof, and the entity then among those who gave the first
conception to those peoples, then found in that country,
of the study of religious rites. Hence the love, in the
present, of those things, those conditions, those truths,
as pertain to rites, as to ancient, medieval and present
religious worship, see?
3126-1 Before this the entity was in the Norse land, when the early
explorations told of the finding of a new land.
Then the entity's activities were with one Eric the Red.
(These would be associations of note, should there be the
possibility of same in the present; provided the entity
could learn AGAIN to take orders, as then.)
Through the experience, as On-Olson, the entity gained and
lost; and much of the characteristics of that period may be
seen by others through the emotional self in the present; the
humbleness of the entity at times and then at others such
self-assertiveness as to become one wished away.
The entity learned much of strange places, strange happenings
for the day. And still there is the innate search for
adventure. For, then the entity visited the land of the
present sojourn; journeyed far to the central portion of
this new-found land.
As given, the entity then gained and lost; gained when there
was the calling on and the applying of those tenets - or
fruits - of the spirit of truth. Not truth itself, yet the
symbol or the sign of the seeking of the one applying same.
984-1 As to the influences from appearances in the earth, or those that bear upon the material, the mental and the innate EXPERIENCES that may become a portion of the entity's OWN activity in the present sojourn, we find:
Before this the entity lived in the earth during those periods when there were the activities of the Norsemen who came to the lands now known as Greenland and the eastern coast of North America or New England.
The entity then was among the crew with one Leif Ericsson that made for an establishment of a settlement NOW near what is Providence, Rhode Island. [See Source File Key #984 for newspaper article "WHO REALLY DISCOVERED AMERICA?" re 984-1.]
In the name then Abe Olenscen, the entity was of a stature that made for an imposing influence upon the sailors, [10/12/65 GD's note: Today he is still an "imposing stature" of a man.], and the activities in the immediate vicinity of the settlements there. And in the return the entity acted as the steersman of the ship, or the navigator of same. Hence it rose to one of power through those activities that were established at that time.
Again and again did the entity, in its early portion of the sojourn, journey across what is now the North Atlantic; making settlements in Greenland, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. These were the portions of the land touched by the entity, and the hardy activity of the entity made for a development in the mental and material experiences; yea, with the latter portion of its sojourn in Vinland (as it was then called by those peoples with whom the entity was associated), there was a spiritual development also through the establishing of an association with those peoples in that particular portion of the land. Even when the settlement was abandoned, the entity remained there - with those associations; for these were among the first people in the northern land to journey to the new lands - in that particular period. [See Bro's rdg. 2157-1 on 3/27/40 indicating he was Eric.]
1949-1 34. Before that we find the entity was in the land now called the
Norse land. There we find the entity was among those who
were mighty in power, as in physical strength, and those who
made for the great expansions into the unseen or unknown
lands in that experience.
35. The entity was among those who set about for finding the
manner or means of communicating with those who were
separated by the varied activities of the groups to which
the entity entered for material action.
36. There we find the entity then forming the signals, the codes,
the means and manners of lights and sound, and noise, and
quiet. These were a part of the means for signaling or
37. Hence we find those things pertaining to the sea, and the
manners or means of an activity over same for interpreting
the needs as well as the helpful forces in the lives of
others, were a portion of the experience of the entity - as
38. The application of self from same has been and is seen in the
present experience. This needs rather to be paralleled with,
or comparisons drawn as to those that have been of a more
ecstatic (?) or of a more secular nature.
3000-2 22. Before that the entity was in the Norse land, when there were
the earlier expeditions into other lands for the seeking out
of activities.
23. The entity then was a seafaring individual, a man in that
24. Thus the love of travel, of adventure, of those things having
to do with interests and interesting facts about individuals
or peoples; factualities regarding organizations or
activities, all become a part of the entity's experience in
25. Then in the name Sarahdevien, the entity acted with those
various groups in meeting the problems when there were those
changes to the sea-faring activities. Thus we find the
entity making contributions to its own land.
2125-1 8. In the appearance, then, before this we find in this present
land of sojourn, in that then known as the Vinland. The
entity then among those peoples who came as settlers in the
first portion of that development.
These came, as we find,
from the Norse land, or with the Norse PEOPLES as gathered in
that experience. The entity then in the name Odens, GAINED
through the experience in this sojourn in the developments,
through the aids and understanding given those the entity
labored with during those physical hardships in the land.
Waiting - waiting - waiting - was EVER that expectancy
of those peoples, for the return of those who never came.
Hence, as has been innate in the present experience of the
entity, an innate feeling that all WILL be well, will the
faith, the hope, the understanding, be kept.
While this
has often made for that of a pessimistic, with a shade of
optimism through same, as the understanding of those of the
occult forces, of the spiritual awakenings, have come to the
entity, a holy spirit of optimistic influence shades over the
entity's present experience. These make for that affability
of the entity's associations with others, makes for that
safety as is felt by others in the experience of the entity's
presence. This also brings in the present experience that
to the entity, wherein those things whether good OR bad are
often kept to self; not as a recluse, not as one that would
keep FROM others those things that should be known, but
rather that self's COUNSEL has been well kept in many things.
ONE woman who can keep a secret! One that finds in those
influences from that experience, the love for the outdoors,
yet a fearfulness in numbers, in groups, and in associations
in large groups.
2157-1 39. (Q) In the Norse land experiences, how often and in what
years did I cross the ocean?
(A) In 1552, 1509 and 1502.
40. (Q) What was accomplished in that life, either for my own
country or for this country?
(A) In this country there were the settlements in the
northwestern lands; portions even of Montana were reached
by the entity, - because the entrance then was through the
St. Lawrence, through the Lakes.
Hence the west always has a call, still, for the entity, -
and yet the dread of it.
41. (Q) Are there any proofs to be found now in this country,
that might prove it?
(A) They have just been uncovered by a recent expedition
there in Wisconsin!
42. (Q) What would I find there that belongs to me personally?
(A) Among the knives and stones that were found, one of
those was Eric's!
2157-1 16. Before this the entity was in the Norse land, and among those
who were the daring, as the sailors; and the entity was Eric
[See 2157-1, Par. R13 giving Norse incarnations for entire
family.], as called through that experience; journeying to
or settling in the land of its present nativity.
17. Yet with the experiences through the latter portion of its
sojourn, and the activities from which it returned in the
period or interim, the entity in the present - as indicated
- is averse to water, waterways, water carriers.
18. Hence the daring now is exhibited more in the air, or in
ships of the air, - arising from another sojourn, as will be
19. In that experience the entity gained, the entity lost; for
there were periods of defiance of not only its associates
and companions but of its home life, and the superiors under
which the entity acted or labored.
20. Hence there are the needs in the present for the closer
counsel as to choices of associations or activities.
1431-1 22. Before this we find the entity was in the Norse land, during
those experiences when there were the journeyings of many to
what is now the land of the entity's nativity.
23. The entity then was in the name of Patricia Hellenwurt.
24. In the experience the entity MENTALLY suffered much, waiting
waiting for those that had been as the experience through
which much of those activities were to make for the material
sojourns or activities in that experience.
25. For the entity was betrothed to Eric the Red, and yet was
left in the land.
26. Hence there is the disposition for the entity to oft find
disappointments with its experiences or its associations with
those of the opposite sex. Though there is not an abhorrence
to same, there are those doubts and fears and questionings of
the activities and purposes.
27. Remember that these arise from the emotional. If these are
judged rather from that which is the IDEAL of those
associations, then there will come a much better
understanding with those of the opposite sex.
28. Again we find the doubts and the fears as from the
environmental forces and surroundings.
29. Hence again periods come when, with the astrological
influences, the entity so oft gives expressions to others as
well as to self, "O, what's the use - it doesn't make much
difference anyway!"
30. These come from the lack of the emotional forces as from
those experiences in the Norse land, or Norway.
31. In the experience the entity gained and lost and gained.
32. Hence as has been indicated, the lessons learned - and the
lack of patience - makes for those which if applied in the
present may become stepping-stones for greater development
for the entity.
33. Types of music may be a part of the entity's experience, but
rather pipes than strings; and any type of horn or reed the
entity may easily learn to play.
1373-2 26. Before this we find the entity was in the Norse land, during
those periods when there were those venturous activities of
Olsen (?) and Eric.
27. The entity was closely associated with those individuals,
and thus came to know longings; the entity came to know
adventures into strange experiences. These became a part of
the entity during that sojourn; making for the desire for
self-expression in ways in which there might be given the
activities to express the longings of the heart as in
relationships to others.
28. Thus in song did the entity then find a means of release for
the emotions in self.
29. And there will be seen in the present experience the
abilities especially in those characterizations of songs
where the emotions of the heart, the emotions from longings,
the emotions from fears that would come to the loved ones.
These become those means or channels in which the greater
expression may be made or had.
30. Hence the artistic temperament may be a portion of the
entity's experience in the present.
31. The name then was Graciarr Olson (not "e").
583-3 10. In the one before this, we find in the name then Olse, and
in the country near where the entity now sojourns [Chicago,
Ill.], for the entity, then, as we see, came into this
country from the descendants of the Norse peoples who first
landed and settled the Northeastern coast of this country,
during that time. The entity then of strong physical forces
and giving much to the aid of the peoples in establishing the
forts and the outposts of the peoples who joined later with
that peoples in the country South of there, known as Mound
Builders, see? The entity in this, we find, did not develop
in the last of the sojourn, for the forces of might were used
against the entity. In the urge as is seen, again the
dislike of force or might used in rule with peoples, things
or conditions, making the entity, then, as it were,
accentuated against such actions in physical plane and
turning, as it were, rather to the spiritual elements of
3651-1 13. Before this the entity was in the Norse land, among those who
journeyed into the greater western portion or near to the
central portion of Minnesota in the present land of nativity,
when Eric the Red was among those active there.
14. The entity then, as Olsen-Olsen, became among those who
journeyed there and remained to become a part of those
peoples in that land. Thus were the northwestern lands made
available when Clark made the expedition there, so that there
were not the activities against those peoples at the time.
15. Thus may the entity use itself as a peacemaker among those of
various groups, tribes, nations or countries.
1848-1 20. Before this we find the entity was among those who came
to this land of present nativity, among the Norsemen with
Ericson and Olsen.
21. There we find the entity was among those who were of that
Norse peoples, and venturesome, - giving the assistance in
the activities upon the sea, the building of the trustworthy
crafts, - as well as one given to the establishing of, or the
attempts to establish settlements in the land.
22. And there were the attempts made again and again to bring
aid and help to that new-found freedom in a land in which
there were plenteous opportunities of every nature, for
not only the material attainments of the supplies for the
physical but the opportunities for the mental and spiritual
advancement which was sought in those activities of the
entity then, - as Heth Erichlson.
23. In the experience the entity gained materially, gained
mentally, gained spiritually, - through its attempts to
make for the great freedom, and yet remembering much of
that which had been and was a part of its developments for
not only itself but for others.
24. In the present the application of same is that there needs
be, not the venturesome activity and yet this is called
or is a part of the experience, - daring to do that as the
conscience bids as in relationships to making for freedom
of thought, of activity, for others.
2124-3 9. In the one then before this we find in that period when there
were the journeyings of peoples in that of the spirit of
adventure, when those peoples in the Norse land journeyed
into those of the westward land. The entity then among those
that came into the land in that portion of same now known as
the Vinland, or about that place now known as Rhode Island,
Connecticut - in THIS PORTION of this land did the entity
then journey, gaining in the experience, being in the
capacity of those that were second in command, COMMANDING
those forces as they established the first associations with
the peoples, and the journeys were made back and forth to
this land; LOSING in the hardships suffered in the journeys
over the many waters.
Hence that as may be termed in the
present experience as has to do with motive forces is of
interest, that as of navigation is of interest, whether on
land, in air or sea, yet that that is of the stationary
nature, is that that calls for the activities of the entity
in its carrying OUT of that as is innate within self.
In the name in this experience, that of Ericersonel. In the
present we will find that those journeys of those peoples, those that
make for the histories of that particular land, will be very
interesting to, and beneficial to, the entity in the study of
same, as to the understanding of self as in the relationships
of individuals TO individuals, and to the mythology of the
Norse land - especially that of Odin and Ymir (Ur) (?).
910-4 Before that the entity was in the Norse land, as indicated,
when there were those becoming active in journeys to other
The entity then was among those of the Olaf family, and saw
the companion and those of its own household leave without
returning. The desire to know their fate, to follow
irrespective of what was said or given concerning others,
soon brought the separation from the physical and mental to
the spiritual forces.
It may be said that the entity gained and lost in the
experience; GAINED because of devotion, lost because of that
made in the experience of others - a selfish one. These
become influences, then, that the entity must combat.
1468-6 8. But, a description of the entity's experience there: We find
that the entity was of a peoples who were drawn to the ideas
and ideals prompted from the great Odin, who brought a
message as to the relationships of individuals with the First
Cause, by the unusual inclinations or tendencies which
bespoke those influences termed in the present as the
supernatural, the supernormal, - not only because of the
changing in the influences of the sun's activity upon the
material blessings or material supplies and surroundings, but
because of the purposes of individuals in their relationships
to that portion of the then known world.
9. Know that these were expressions of that which is divine in
the development of man's relationships one to another.
10. There the entity then was born, into a family of three
children, to those who accepted those tenets of Odin, and
brought into their experiences the attempts to materialize
the mental and spiritual implications and tenets of that
11. The sire or father of the entity then was one who forged
metals, one who made usage of the various iron and metal
12. The mother of the entity had been a weaver of reeds, as a
decorator of abodes or homes.
13. Then, in that environment we find that the entity grew to a
sturdy, steady activity for the carrying on of those tenets
and principles that were established by the union of minds
and purposes as indicated in a material as well as a social
and home and economic experience of a peoples of the day.
2800-2 22. Before that the entity was in the Norse land, when there were
those expansions and activities that brought about great
changes; when there were those periods of the Norseman
overrunning the lowlands.
23. The entity was among those of the ruling household then, in
the name Emedene Odon. In that experience the entity almost
became a tyrant, in its desire to rule those conditions; just
saving itself by those activities that brought about the
attempt to establish a leader to follow the companion at that
particular period.
24. In the present we find that determination, that planning to
have the own way, or to have things come about in such a
manner that those purposes which are a part of self may be
the experience of those to whom or for whom such is directed.
These may be well, these may become great stumblingblocks.
Be sure you are right, but judgements are of the Lord. Then
walk in his ways.
371-2 17. Before that we find the entity was in the English land, as
now known, during those periods of the early expansion of
that land; when there were the turmoils with not only those
of the Norse land but of the Huns, as well as those peoples
who came from the southernmost portion of what is now called
the European land.
18. The entity was among the Vikings, the peoples strong in might
and power; giving to the peoples and to those activities many
sons and daughters during that sojourn; in the name Sarah
19. From that household arose the groups from which there has
materially come the blood of those who are in force and power
in that land today.
441-1 9. Before this we find the entity was during the period when
there were the journeyings of those of the Norse country in
the activities of a portion of the north country.
10. The entity then was among the sturdy men of the land that,
with their families, journeyed into the land of the present
nativity - that may be called the north woods. And from
these activities the entity became a leader in establishing
homes and settlements in the north land, and was in the name
11. In the experience the entity gained in the activities, both
as to material and soul development; for, becoming a leader,
the entity builded well in those lands in that north country,
and gave much to the peoples in tending the cares of those
that were needy in body, in mind, in purpose, in desires for
pushing on; not only for their dependent ones, but for the
love of the resistances necessary to meet the needs of the
12. Hence in the present, when there is determined or felt in
self that the ideas and purposes to which self would push
forward are right, the temperament is for the entity to be
determined in that direction.
1272-1 11. In the one before this we find in the Norse country. When
the peoples were coming as settlers to the new land, the
entity among those of the peoples who came in the first
groups and settled in the Cape Cod country. Then in the name
of Laurel Golightly and the entity developed in that period,
though of short duration in span of human existence after
reaching the new land, yet giving much to the peoples that
depended upon the entity for the guidance and directing of
their future development in earth plane.
1437-1 16. Before this we find the entity was in the Norse land during
those periods when the Norsemen were journeying to the land
of the entity's present nativity.
17. The entity came only to the extreme shores of same, during
that period when Eriksson and Olaf and Olenscen made those
journeys into what was called Martha's land and Vinland,
in those portions about Connecticut and Massachusetts as
they are called in the present.
18. Hence those particular portions of the land have held for
the entity an interest, in all of its experiences; as a land
of mystery, as a land in which there might be discovered
those forces that make for the material and the social
19. And these have been the experiences of the entity through
this particular sojourn.
20. The name then was Jessenson. In the experience the entity
gained, as not only one well versed in the activities of the
open sea during the experience and acquainted with navigation
but one with the abilities to arouse within those under same
the desire for a service in a purposeful activity; and the
abilities to furnish for each and every associate that which
would help them to keep in accord with the purposes.
21. Those made for gaining experiences, yet if they are turned
into that Channel for self-glorification alone, they may
become a stumblingblock in the present.
22. For with the abilities to entertain, with the abilities to
give pleasure and to make for concentrated effort on the
part of others by the very activities of self, unless these
are given to others in a constructive manner or with the
hope for other than the mere material or earthly pleasures,
they become a boomerang, or as a Frankenstein in the
experiences in the present.
1613-1 25. Before this we find the entity coming to the land of the
present sojourn, from the land of its present nativity - or
from the Norse land. Then from Flaverstock(?) did the entity
come to the land of the present sojourn, during those periods
of the early activities for adventure and the discoveries of
things that made for greater conveniences in the lives and
experiences of individuals. Also it was when those things
pertaining to manner or means of exchange brought with same
fame and fortune, for and through the very possession of
26. Then the entity was in the name of Eric Olsensen. In the
experience the entity gained, the entity lost; and the entity
is applying and has applied in the present experience the
lessons from that sojourn. And the entity may gain the more
by the greater application; as in those experiences when
there was the journeying into hardships, yea turmoils, yet
through them there became the greater awakening as to the
possibilities, as to the probabilities.
27. For as thoughts take hold, and as Mind is the Builder, these
then become the storehouses of knowledge - that is power,
which if applied in CONSTRUCTIVE manner brings harmony. But
if it is applied in the selfishness, in aggrandizements, in
pleasure, it may only bring the husks of desire that may not
be satisfied.
28. These the entity has learned, and is learning. And the more
these are applied, the greater may be the peace and harmony
that is being sought by the entity in its associations with
its fellow man.
29. Few there be who have sought for an understanding of their
relationships with the Infinite as experienced by self
through its journeys into materiality and to the spirit
forces; or who have accomplished and are accomplishing
in self what THIS entity has done and is doing!
1650-1 47. There we find the entity, from the Norse land, came with
those early settlers under Ericson - and among those groups
who remained in that known as Vinland; or a portion of
Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts as termed in the
48. Hence there is a constant call to the entity for those
portions of the land, and they appear oft as those portions
in which only those things worth while materially are or may
be accomplished.
49. This comes from the experiences and hardships through which
the entity passed during those sojourns there as a builder,
yea as a waiter; yea as one longing for those things that had
been and were not, those lands and scenes and environs and
surroundings from which the entity had attempted to escape
and did materially - yet the mind, the heart oft dwelt there!
50. And these produce oft confusions in the present, deep in the
soul and heart of the entity.
51. These bring oft unsettledness, the desires to roam, the
desires to change.
52. Yet rolling stones gather little of the comprehension, or of
the moss that rests in peace and harmony in the minds of
those that would know peace.
53. Then - quiet thyself, even as ye did in the latter portion of
that sojourn, in those environs which would now be nigh unto
Hartford, Conn.
54. And in those environs may the entity, materially speaking,
find some of the happiest, some of the most pleasing
experiences. But it isn't the easy way that is always that
which makes for the growth. For whom He loveth He
chasteneth, or He allows those things to test - even as He.
55. As ye brought then harmony into the experience and environs
of many, as Hansen Olensen, so - where thou ART - use that in
hand! And as ye use that thou hast, that thou knowest to do
today, TOMORROW may be given the greater things to thee.
56. For the Lord hath knowledge of thee, for thou art a portion,
- yes, each soul! Ye become not aware of thy pulse beat
until disturbances arise. So in the heart and mind of thy
Maker, thy Creator, when thou art disturbed He becomes aware
of thy disturbing forces.
57. Keep peace, then, in thy own heart and mind. And as ye apply
thyself ye will learn, as ye did in the latter portion of
that sojourn, that in giving out ye receive. As ye made for
the educating and helping of those that were weak, those that
were discouraged - in helping the discouraged ye found
courage; in helping the weak ye became strong.
58. And so is the law.
59. Then ye were as an educator or teacher, or one who gave those
activities in which not only the mind but the hands were
directed in ways and manners to bring not only comforts and
ease but conveniences in the activities of the experience.
60. Hence those things that are products of the field, products
in which life is sustained, are a part of thy own being; the
creative forces as in turning the simpler things into the
supplying of elements of body and mind to those in a material
2005-1 Before this we find the entity was in the Norse land, during
those periods when there were the peoples who journeyed
towards other lands, and when there were the men who were
spoken of as the daredevil, or who did the unusual.
16. The entity was close in association with, in the home of, not
only the wife but the mother of many of those who ventured
17. Thus we will hear at times those of positions, stands taken,
or the staunch manners in which the entity will proclaim
itself as to being in this or that influence or force, -
arising from the experience of the entity there, as Mejel
18. In the experience it may be said that the entity gained.
For not only patience but perseverance were a part of the
entity's experience. But also loneliness and determination
were a part of the entity's experience, that may be tempered.
2011-1 Before that we find the entity was in the Norse land, during
those periods when there were activities for spreading.
33. Then entity then was in the opposite sex, and making for
activities in which great undertakings were a part of the
experience in the building of ships, in the searching for
new lands and strange sights.
34. Thus the innate longing in the present activities of the
entity for new scenes, new fields, new endeavors, new
thrills, new activities; and still that which makes for a
sociability with the opposite sex, and yet doubting most of
them - from its own experience.
35. The name then was Zebun.
2034-1 Before that we find the entity was in the Norse land, during
those periods when expansions were sought by many of the
companions and associates of the entity.
45. Hence the sturdiness, - the abilities to meet situations,
and yet the faultfindings arise in the experience of the
entity from that sojourn.
46. Thus we find that THINGS, and conditions that pertain to
such, are always of an interest to the entity.
47. The name then was Marlon Olson; and the entity gained, the
entity lost, the entity gained.
2115-1 15. In the one then before this we find in that land now known as
the Norse or Norway land, and in that period when there were
those sojournings of many peoples to a new land. The entity
then among those who with high hopes set out to conquer, and
to establish a new ideal in a new land. There were many
changes in this sojourn, or journey, and with the
disappointments that came much bitterness was builded for a
time in the experience of the entity; yet in the name Olinia
the entity developed in the latter portion of the experience
- but far from those lands to which the entity was first
directed. Hence, as we find, there has been oft in the
present experience those conditions wherein there is innately
EXPECTED sudden changes. The entity has builded itself, as
it were, to expect most anything to happen at most any time;
yet ever does there come something of that as builded in the
experience, that WHEREVER the efforts may be put forth, THERE
may be ALSO builded much in the experience, as well as aid
given those about self. In this there is much saving GRACE,
as it were, in the adaptability of self to environ, as well
as to circumstance. (These are quite different!)
3042-1 21. Before that the entity was in the Norse land, when there were
the first attempts for the settlings in the new land.
22. The entity then was in the opposite sex, and making for those
activities in the seafaring individual, and - as it boasted
of itself "rough and tough," and made many of the excursions
into the various ports and lands. And that which eventually
came to be the short way across New York State was a
portion of the entity's own concept, in the early periods
of the settlings in that part of the land; then as Jonathan
23. In the experience the entity gained, through the lending of
self in being a security for others, and brought periods of
activity that were disappointing in the material but that in
the mental and spiritual grew through those periods.
24. Hence the gentleness, and the ability to aid much through
the patience of the entity in the present; though the entity
would declare that it was very short at times. These arise
from the abilities through that sojourn as the man.
3271-1 12. The entity was among those hardy peoples of the Norse land
who settled in what has been termed Vinland.
13. There the entity was among those who attempted to make the
first establishments. And upon such may the entity draw for
strength, even virility, in the present activity; whether for
mental or physical attributes needed; provided the spiritual
attitudes or ideals are held in their proper relationships
to the other phases of the earthly consciousness - or the
three-dimensional consciousness of earth activities.
14. The entity was active in establishing and building homes, the
united effort on the part of groups not only for protection
but edification and help in the various stresses that arose
from carving homes and a livelihood out of the wilderness.
15. These brought experiences to the entity of strength,
spiritual and mental, and they may be used and called
upon the present in the activities of the entity.
16. The name then was Josephine Hordf, and the entity's
activities bring strength for the present.
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