- (The Northern Kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians
in 721 BC, and the 10 tribes were lost. Presumably?)
- places the Lost Tribes in the Yucatan at about 3000 BC.
- (The Yucatan was more temperate in 10,600 BC.)
- Iltar of the household of Atlan came to Yucatan.
- The lands of Mexico and Central America were vaster.
- though the Incals were themselves the successors of
those of Oz, or Og, in the Peruvian land, and Mu in
the southern portions of that now called California
and Mexico and southern New Mexico.
- The stones that are circular, that were of the magnetized
influence upon which the Spirit of the One spoke to those
peoples as they gathered in their service, are of the earliest
Atlanteans. (I wonder if he refers to those large stone spheres
that are found in Costa Rica today?)
- hate, - were cleansed from the body through the ceremony (altars),
through the rise of initiates from the sources of light, that came
from the stones which the Angels of Light (talked)
- The pyramid, the altars before the doors of the varied temple
activities, was an injection from the people of Oz and Mu.
- The Atlantean settlers of Yucatan later moved north
to become "the Mound Builders".
- (Temples and Pyramids) Those of the first civilization have been
discovered, and have not all been opened.
- Many of the second and third civilization may never be discovered,
for these would destroy the present civilization in Mexico to
uncover same!
- The temple by Iltar will then rise again.
- The records are One. (Will be found by an initiate)
- learning little of the usage of the conditions in
physical that are called earthly combined forces.
- in all of thy meditation, Ohm - Ohm mmmm has ever been, is ever
a portion of that which raises self to the highest influence, and
the highest vibrations throughout its whole being, that may be
experienced by the entity.
- sang together of the heralding of the glory of the
noonday to the sons of God!
- (Late in the 15th century the descendents of the
Lost Tribe of Naphtali settled in Somoa.)
- mental and spiritual attributes should be first upon the mind of
the individual - and there the growth begins.
- keeping thine own body, thine own mind, unspotted,
untarnished by material and carnal forces.
1258-1 For as ye help, as ye aid thy fellowman to seek and to know,
to find and to apply the spiritual forces of self within and self,
ye bring the greater blessings upon thine own self.
- Then turn ye to Exodus 19:5 and begin - and find self.
- (Some of Hezekiah's people migrated to England.) and the setting
up of the stones in the forms of circles for altars. (Stonehenge?)
5259-1 These (symbols) were to represent the tabernacle. - and thus
all forms of mysticism, all forms of occult science, occult
influences were a portion of the activity, as the Holy of Holies,
the Ephod, Urim and Thummin; all of these were parts of the
entity's experience.
5384-1 The entity was in the English land in the early settlings of
the children of Israel who were foregathered with the daughters
of Hezekiah in what is now Somerland, Somerhill or Somerset. There
the entity saw group organization of tenets and truths of the
living God.
- Then the entity was among those who landed and set up the seat
of customs as indicated in the altars built near what is now
Salisbury, England - those altars that were to represent the
dedications of individuals to a service of a living God.
- (Came from Jerusalem to Somerset) who established the outer
courts or the temple for individual service and activity, as
well as the altars which have long since been torn away and yet
there are evidences of these having been set up in a form of a
court and an inner court for the admonitions.
- give in its writings - the more important things
- Even as He knocks at thy heart may ye hear and open,
that He may enter.
- One may be free indeed in thought, though the body
may be bound in chains.
- yet the heart kept singing all the while the purposes of the
living God.
- as is purposed from the Creative Forces themselves - that each
soul shall hold to that which makes it (that soul) as one with
God, and a god itself.
- Hezekiah, the king in Judah who opened again the
house of the Lord of those peoples.
- The knowledge of the value to bestow upon odors, and certain
activities pertaining to the burning of incense - the thresholds
of the influence that may be good or bad.
- (The Israeli exiles to England) being a portion of those
descended from the children of Dan and those who had been with
Caleb in Bethlehem.
- (Signs and symbols have great importance.)
- The day is at hand when neither in this mountain nor in the
temple in Jerusalem, but in thine own heart will He speak.
- to the Persian land, or when Zedekiah with his whole
retinue was carried into banishment or exile.
- (To Britain came) the daughters of Zedekiah, and among those
who - through the activities of some of the children of Benjamin,
Judah and Dan - came to the Isles - and began the establishing of
an understanding that the Mysteries of the Ages that had been
handed down to the priests - in the judgement of the records
given by the prophets and sages of old - could or might be
established in such a form, such a manner as to ever present -
to the peoples who looked upon same - a reminder of the promises
of Divinity to the children of men - even in their weakness!
- (The granddaughter of Zedekiah escaped to Ireland.)
- The "Handwriting on the Wall" of old Babylon was
"Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin".
- gaining the more perfect understanding of the unison of forces
as applied in the spiritual and mental realm, and of its
application to physical forces in a material plane.
- furnishing to the peoples that of the first according of
vibratory forces in nature to the healing of forces in physical
- to gain the knowledge of the nerve vibration in the body from
this entity's application of stringed and horned instruments as
applied to vibratory forces set in various diseases of the mental
and physical body.
- Chants that are so often heard to drive away the
varied impulses in the human heart.
- only the fruit of the spirit beareth that which is
creative in the experience here, now, and always.
- the abilities through the Uranian mental faculties -
but love rules
- As ye would that others do to thee, do ye even so to
them. - Forgive!
- the madness of Nebuchadnezzar as well as of the sojourns of
the peoples.
- Hezekiah had a tunnel dug to bring water from the
Virgin's Spring (Gihon) to the Pool of Siloam
- 620-1 Before this we find the entity was during those periods when
there were the settlings in the land that is now known as the
Northwest, when there were the enterings into this land of
those peoples from across what is now known as Alaska or
Bering Straits; those individuals that journeyed into the
lands now known as the Columbia River section.
The entity then was among those whom the strangers from the
East met with; that were not the native Indians nor those
from across the sea, but the remnants of those people who
were of the tribes that were lost or that had journeyed to
the land, that had settled in the Aleutian Islands; that were
of the Caucasian or white race that settled in the valley,
with which Clark came in contact or found there.
During the sojourn the entity gained and lost; gained in
those activities as to the influences brought to make for the
enlightenment of those people to aid themselves, in not only
the comforts of the material activities but as related to the
more spiritual or soul forces of each, and in the
understanding as to how what individuals did to others
brought about the better understanding in their relationships
to the Creative Forces as expressed in soul manifestations.
Then the entity was in the name Jean Zeda.
1286-1 Before that we find the entity was in the land of the present
nativity, during those periods when there were the spreadings
of those teachings that had come from the lands from which
those peoples came that were known as the Lost Tribes, as
well as from Atlantis, Yucatan, the Inca, and the land of On
[?]. [Og?]
They were portions of the entity's people then, in that part
of the land now known as the central portion of Ohio, during
the early portion of the Mound Builders.
There the entity was a priestess of those peoples that were
a part of the experiences there of those peoples. For while
confusions arose from the tenets of the Hebraic as well as
the Atlantean, as well as the Inca, these became centralized
or localized in the expressions of those peoples and those
groups in that particular period of their activity.
2822-1 Then in the name Quenteroien, the entity gained. Some of the
groups followed those lands as were set or established in
parts of now southwestern New Mexico, where some of the Lost
Tribes were established as a center; and others from the
entity's own group withdrew to same. Eventually the entity
abandoned same; though expecting to return, never did.
5750-1 3,000 years before the Prince of Peace came, those peoples
that were of the Lost Tribes, a portion came into the land;
infusing their activities upon the peoples from Mu in the
southernmost portion of that called America or United States,
and then moved on to the activities in Mexico, Yucatan,
centralizing that now about the spots where the central
of Mexico now stands, or Mexico City.
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