- The beginning of finding self is assured when an
inner peace is experienced.
- First, find thyself, thy relationships to that one force.
- For the individuality of a soul must be lost in the
personality of the Christ - in God.
- For it must first be found within self before it may
be given to others.
- For ye may tune again to things afar off, if ye set
thyself in order and attune to the infinite.
- For, much is required of those to whom much is given.
2506-1 The way is open. The light shineth out. Follow that light.
- Such must prove themselves worthy of acceptation by
meting out to their fellow man, that they would have
given them by their Creator.
- Joshua in Shiloh
- realizing there cannot be one relation with thy
fellow man and another with thy Maker.
- This is not easy and yet not hard.
- In the study and the analysis of self use as the pattern the
life of the Master, in that given in the Sermon on the Mount.
- Set it down on paper, so that it may be alone for thyself.
- Do ye measure up to thine own ideal?
- as a whole, and with self individually
- (Bible) the silver and the gold is mine, saith the Lord, and
the cattle on a thousand hills. He that abideth in me shall
not want; neither shall the desire of his heart go unrewarded.
- In any field of service where thy hands find work to do, serve -
as a message to those that may not justify but glorify God in
the Christ.
- Then press on to the mark of higher calling as set in Him. Thus
ye will make the pathway straight for many. But be Sure ye are
- in association or companionship with others - and
not too much of the radical.
- The mental may bring life or death according to the
choice of the mind itself.
- The entity must have its life in spirit.
- While there is a past, put it behind thee.
- The Spirit is the motivative force and is the turning of self
to the things of the Spirit.
- Losing self in good is the better way to Find Self.
- First find self through the comparisons that are
drawn for the earthly, material conditions.
- For, as all are come under the rod, so must all pass into that
oneness of life as to make for a development that is worthy.
- But day unto day uttereth speech, night unto night
showeth knowledge.
- But seek to build thine own home - yes, be married again.
- Find that ability to control self, and find self!
- That others may gain the concept of the creative forces should
be the entity's attempt in this Earth's plane.
- For, as self is given out does the growth within self progress.
- No matter what others may say, keep the face to the
light - and the shadows will fall behind.
- The first mastery of self is gaining the first footstool of
divine guidance. (Virgo)
- Then write about same!
- for the spiritual forces are the source of the supply in all
- And unless there be builded in self that from the spiritual
import, the end thereof must still be confusion. - for until
the activities of an entity is a building one, little may be
accomplished! (Build it up! Heap it up! And turn to God!)
- Find the peace in self and ye will find that ye can
bring it to others.
- Be in that position of not gaining or attaining, but worthy.
- As the creative forces in spirit use the mental forces in the
material for the materialization of that as may be visioned,
- Come unto Me and learn of Me, for I am lowly in
heart, and ye shall find rest unto your soul.
- through attuning of self to the various phases of experience.
- and if there will be taken into the self the influence and force
promised in the truth set in the constructive force in the earth.
- Even the mystic
- For service to others is the highest service to the
Creative Energy.
- (Wives) For they are not to be controlled, they can
be led but not driven.
- Do it now! Begin! Don't wait to attain!
- Better right about face while it is time, else the
glory of the Lord may pass thee by.
- These must be, will be, constantly warring one with another,
until the mental and the aspirations and the activities are One.
- Do not expect more from others, nor one standard for
self and another for thy friends.
- Ye are indeed gods in the making!
- Thy God meaning Him that in Spirit is the Creative
Forces of all that is manifested.
- (Creative Forces) become active oft in the physical forces or
the physical activities through their nerve reflexes in a
material body. - Self must be conquered.
- Raise thy voice that He, thy God may be heard!
- There must first be peace within self before there
can be found even congeniality with its associates.
- For what you are, by your relationships to others,
speaks much louder then what you say to individuals.
- And until self can find, and does awake to the realization of
that union of desire, of love within the self, and Knows such
a peace, it certainly cannot shed it on others!
- It is not what one says, but rather what one does that counts -
for by this must ye judge yourselves before the Throne of Grace.
- Enter close oft into communion, into meditation with the
consciousness within thyself of thy relationship to thy Creator.
- when self is made, molded, builded, into the kind,
character, the way of success.
- All should be ministers or teachers.
- When ye abide in me I will bring to thy remembrance
all things from the beginning of the world.
- each creates its own recompense
- as self builds into the spiritual elements of self
- When the days of purpose are fulfilled, then in the sunset of
this experience there may be a union of understanding, of
thought that will make for a satisfaction, and understanding
of why these must have been.
- And in the reading, the studying, begin with such
that is of the most elementary nature.
- if His presence - the Lord's presence is not with thee, may it
not be lifted up - may Ye not be lifted up.
- The fear that comes always, begins from within.
- entering into the silence at the periods as have
been set for the entity and self.
- Sit by a good, nice pine or hickory tree, and listen
to the voice within.
- (Writing) that there may be that which is ever constructive and
for the good of the many - rather than for the impelling force
that would be for the few, or for self-aggrandizing.
- in the warp and woof of the very mental forces of the body.
- And do not be satisfied with a guide other than from
the Throne of Grace itself!
- Self should know intuitively whether "I believe it", or whether
it is true or whether it is worth the trouble of correcting such
a brother.
- But one that demands not long-facedness, but a joyousness in
the service.
- Be on speaking terms with Him.
- knowing self - and that is only to see what will
happen - you will find self in a maze.
-1293-1 40. Self-glory, self-exaltation, self-indulgence becometh those
influences that become as abominations to the divinity in
each soul; and SEPARATE them from a knowledge of Him. For
thou ART persuaded, for thou KNOWEST from thine experience,
NOTHING may separate the soul of man from its Maker but
desires and lusts!
3657-1 25. (Q) What can I do to develop "Trumpet" or independent voice?
(Q) Find self first, and then decide whether it is most
advisable or not. Most who would speak with thee, ever seek
help. Don't fail them - ye have the ability. If this is for
demonstration, ye only have to close thyself - not merely in
a darkened room but sit by a good, nice pine or hickory tree,
and listen to the voice within.
115-1 In a word, MUCH has been
made of the PRESENT experience, and it will lie within the
own desire of the entity as to whether the return in earth's
experience becomes necessary or not; for in Arcturus' forces,
these become all magnified in will's force, and the
conquering of self is truly greater than were one to conquer
MANY worlds, and IS conquering those of OUR, or of our SUN'S
own attributes.
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