- If ye become interested in others, others are interested in you!
- When you forget self, and don't put self in front of every
problem, you overcome your shyness. Be true to self.
262-59 When ye love God better than yourself! Then is it
the day, the hour, of the awakening in thine self.
- (Matthew 7:12 - Therefore, whatever you want men to
do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law.)
- That self may be rather a channel through which the Spirit of
Truth, the Christ Consciouness, may manifest for and in His name.
- (My Spirit will bear witness with thy spirit as to
whether ye are the children of God or not.)
524-2 (Faith) That it brings for self places of trust, places of
the ability to meet, to contact, to have put into thine keeping
places and positions of trust, is as the innate urge, the
purpose, the activity.
3344-1 To the glory of God through Him - who is able to make thee
whole; who may - if ye will allow Him to enter in - abide with
4185-1 Unto Him wach and every individual shall render that
service as would bring the entity as One with that Creative
Energy, and the understanding of that self being One with that
Force brings all those elements that are of the earthly nature
in such a way and manner as to be more acceptable, appear more
in peace, more in quiet, more in the comforts that are stable.
4386-1 (Subluxation of lumbar, dorsal, and cervical) have
much to do with the mental attitude.
254-95 When it is the life source, it is recorded upon space and
time - and is that which is to be kept against that day.
- The entity may limit self only by its ideals and its
- So live that thy life is consistant with what the Word speaketh.
- As ye live it ye can preach it.
509-2 Know that all power, all forces seen manifest in the earth
are as beneficent influences in the experiences of those who
seek to know His way.
- The effect then of the drug and the effects of alcohol upon the
system weakening the will, and thus weakening the coordination.
- Ideal - or its (as everyone else's) First Cause.
3615-1 Let it ever be said of thee that ye will make, ye will cause
the welkin to ring for the glory of the coming of the glory of
the Lord.
- Welkin is the vault of heaven or air.
3645-1 Show thyself worthy of being given the opportunity
to express thyself to others.
- Without spirituality the earth is indeed a hell.
- in those periods when in the Atlantean land there were the
separations of sex from the individual entity, the gratification.
(Adam and Eve?)
3647-1 For when an individual entity or soul has lost its
faith in itself it is miserable.
- (Write to) bring about the understanding of the mysteries that
have been accredited with a power or influence in the experiences
or lives of men. - Be creative and not self-assertive. - Bring
the creative reaction!
- There is none better than being led by the Spirit.
- (Relax with others) By creating ease first within
self. - Self gets in the way.
- To be sure, one must have confidence in others if there will
be had confidence in self. - lack of confidence because the
inner self condemns at times.
78-7 And, most of all, do not loose faith in self nor self's
abilities, when trusting in the divine influences.
- If there is any doubt, either in self or in those with whom the
body would associate with, then its already half lost!
- To have knowledge and withhold same from others is
not always best.
- The work is prepared. The field is right, the field
is ready. Let's publish same!
3268-1 For, knowledge without judgement may easily become sin.
Understanding without spirituality may too soon become egotism.
- Ye belittle others by comparing them to thine own
self and consider thyself as superior.
- (A woman's greatest failing) feeling a little bit better than
others. - Do not think more highly of thy opinion than ye ought,
and ye will find much better relationships may be established.
- For ye have not begun to think straight until ye are able to see
in the life of those whom ye utterly dislike, something ye would
worship in thy Maker.
- Let not those things that hinder through the desires of the
flesh, hinder in the Way.
- (Cayce) hast that which may set the world on fire
for the Lord; that of sincerity with self.
1281-30 From Revelation Readings: The incense that is before the
image of a soul seeking to become one with the Creative Forces
or God - rises before the throne of the mercy seat within self
to that of an incense of satisfaction.
281-3 Well that individually, all self-condemnation be laid aside,
that self be wholly free in that source of power as would bring
316-1 Rather make self's life one of service to an ideal, and
leave the whole in the hands of the Creative Forces that rule
the destinies of every soul!
- Thou hast become self-condemning, thou hast looked upon others
as things that are unnecessary. Thy daily experiences are as
tests for thy own self.
633-5 And until thou hast shown thyself, canst thou truly ask of
thy Maker, of thy Creator - ye of thy better self - for better
- Study to show thyself approved unto thy ideal - keeping self -
as has been the first injunction - from ever condemning self.
- For, every virtue has its own reward.
2072-13 Look into self and follow, then, closely those suggestions
that have been made.
2673-1 For in knowing the Truth one becomes free indeed in Him.
- Find self first in that quiet secluded manner.
2842-2 The law of cause and effect is as the law of time and space
- for cause and effect are one, and each creates its own
- The trying is oft counted for righteousness.
- In Uranus we find the extremes, as well as the interest in the
occult, the mysteries.
3051-2 It is selflessness we are to attain.
1473-1 Hence one of the greater forces as may be had, allowing
self to be loosed by the influences of the vibrations of the
body - in the Appliance - and the abilities to unify the
concentrated efforts, ye may indeed learn the lesson as that
Teacher of Teachers gave; that abiding in the truth, it Shall
make you free, and will bring to thy remembrance All that is
helpful since the foundations of that ye know as the earth!
1129-2 There has come, rather, that feeling, even upon the
spine, that; It means me.
1732-2 In self there is seen all force as is manifest in
the whole universe, will the entity awaken in self the
relationship of self to the divine.
3357-2 The first commandment is, the Father first, then thy
fellow man.
2683-1 Thus the needs - when the feelings are hurt, or when
there are condemnations - that the expression be made, not
in anger, in the immediate.
2756-1 There is the ability within self to turn the affairs
of the whole universe.
- Overcome timidity by having something particular to say.
5242-1 Ye are gifted in depicting such in a way and manner
that ye may be known among the initiates in their choice of
436-2 In the Temple of Oz in Atlantis - were the mysteries of the
black arts as applied in the experience practiced by Saail.
- Weakness is only strength misapplied.
518-1 Watered by the water of life from the Christ-Consciousness
in the earth that may make for a growing in grace, in knowledge,
in understanding.
8-4 (This early reading was given on 11-8-24.)
294-212 worry or anxiety, to be sure it calls on the necessity of
these emunctory activities - or those patches that are called
by a man's name (Peyer's Patches). These are then lessened in
their number, and thus make a quickening or an anxiety, causing
the flow of blood in the heart, as an organ, to dilate.
338-9 These worries and aggravations with reflect in the
functionings of the organs of the central nerve and blood
supply as well as in the sympathetic.
341-34 (Worries) take them to a centralized point, where the
promises as were of old - As ye believe in me, so shall it be
in thee.
540-11 Worry more about somebody else.
- (Worry causes poisons to accumulate fast.)
- Pray, rather than worry. He answereth prayer.
436-3 3. As to the mental abilities of the entity: The material
studies, the material analyses of mental effects, have
brought to the body-mind a comprehension of many of the
influences in the experiences of others in which the
body-soul forces have experienced both good and bad
Hence it may be found by the entity, the
soul-consciousness, the mental mind, there are many
conditions or experiences in which the body may allow itself
to engage in which neither the physical forces nor the soul
developments allow too great a delving into same without the
proper guards about self in such entering in.
4. As given regarding those influences that are active upon the
soul-consciousness of an entity when it meditates deeply,
unless there are those preparations within self for the
proper attitudes there may be brought such influences that
become detrimental to the PHYSICAL attributes and make a
miscomprehending of that soul development which IS the
birthright and privilege of each soul in a material world.
5. It would be well, then, for that given in that direction
through these channels (on Meditation) to be well
comprehended, well understood; and that, in the development
436-3 Page 2
of self and self's abilities to associate, the soul
development influence (that may be brought into material
manifestations in or through the various forces in the
experience of the individual life) be well studied, well
6. And then there may be brought for self that development which
is of, from and through, self's OWN analyzing of the
influences of the Creative Energy or the spirits, or Spirit,
about the Throne that is ever a dictator in the directing of
that impelling the soul development of each seeker for light
in His name.
8. Then we may find there will be brought to the body that which
is the desire of the inmost soul that is in keeping with His
purposes in the life experience of the entity.
9. Ready for questions.
10. (Q) Just what type of meditation would be safe for me to
practice in my present psychic and physical condition?
(A) As we have referred to, first study that which has
been presented through these channels that will make for a
comprehending of that necessary to be aroused within self for
perfect meditation; and as to HOW each soul - as it enters
into meditation - surrounds itself with the influences of the
consciousness of the Christ Spirit in the material affairs of
individuals who seek through His name.
11. (Q) Are there entities, because of a psychic opening,
feeding on or sucking my vitality? [See 436-1 on 5/30/30.]
12. (Q) Suggest a course of study that will lead step by step
in the right direction?
436-3 Page 3
(A) That as we have given. The Oneness of All Force,
Meditation, and meditating more and more - as the physical
self is subjugated upon that given in, "I am with those who
seek to do the biddings of the Father; for I go to the
Father, and they that ask in my name, believing, shall not
be left comfortless, neither will the darts of satan
interfere with those influences that may be brought by the
simple application of life in the experience of the body."
13. (Q) Give an affirmation which the body can use in
14. (Q) What talents should this body develop for more complete
(A) In common parlance, the abilities to speak that
which is impelled by the influences of that received in
meditation. Not as a great public speaker, but being a
channel of blessing to those the body may contact each day.
15. (Q) Would you suggest any special way for this development?
(A) Rather than reading, learn to meditate properly upon
that which may bring health, solace, peace, happiness, joy,
life, affluence, influence, and brotherly love.
707-1 8. Hence we find the agate, the beryl, should be STONES with the
vibrations and under the influence that the entity may find
carrying an incense to the finer self that makes for an
awakening, an opening of the inner self for the
RECEPTIVENESS. And attunement is made through such
vibrations, just as there may be with the tungsten in a
portion of a vacuum that may raise those sound Waves that
through their relativity of activity of the electrical
vibration that makes for the activity of the atomic forces in
same give that which is gathered from the ether waves. So
may numbers and those vibrations from stones as given, with
metals such as come in the lapis lazuli, make for the raising
of the attunement in self through meditation. But know
these, my child, are but means - and are NOT the God-Force,
NOT the Spirit, but the MANIFESTATIONS of same.
1782-1 It is not above self, but within. For as ye raise the
consciousness to that within self, He meeteth thee in thine
own tabernacle, in the holy of holies; in the third eye, -
NOT above same!
The use of these meditations is advised, IF they are kept
within thine own understanding.
9. (Q) What is meant by the Hidden Way?
(A) Just as we have been trying to explain to the entity -
the finding of the consciousness of self within as related
to, as being at-one with or as a part of, or separated from,
the whole.
For as was given so oft, this is found within. For thy body
is indeed the pattern of the heavenly body, yet it only grows
to same, as it grows away from same; though it may be within
the three-dimensional realm. This is the Hidden Way.
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