2597-2 All work and no play is as bad as all play with no work.
- for a body (physical) to function under stress is to break
down either the mental or the physical result.
- There is too much strain, strength and vitality lost in
continually strengthening the mental attitude at the expense
of the better self.
1638-1 For there must be perfect coordination in body, and mind,
in purpose, in spirit; if there are to be the greater
- Mind must be founded in the Spirit of Truth.
- But keep balanced - keep coordinated.
- Know that there are material laws, there are mental laws,
there are spiritual laws. And just as it is necessary for
the body to coordinate - mentally, physically and spiritually -
so must the rules or the laws coordinate and cooperate.
- Finding harmony and happiness as ye create and bring it
about in the bodily activities of others.
- First study to show thyself approved unto God; that is, the
consciousness of thine own self; being in attune with and
directed by and towards and through the activities of the
Creative Forces.
- (Exodus 31:13 - 17 for how to spend your spare time)
- Knowing that the applications of the spiritual, mental, and
physical laws are but the pattern one of another.
349-6 The manifestations of self are within that three-fold
law as one, that the mental, the physical and the spiritual
must be kept and must be fed in the way and manner as to
bring contentment, not necessarily satisfaction.
- Life and its experiences are only what one puts into same! -
Be constructive, not long-faced!
- showing thyself Worthy of the trust He has put in thy hands.
2062-1 Remember that silence often is golden, and determine in
self to better acquaint thine own understanding with All
Phases of whatever the problem or condition may be.
- Approach all not as a longfacedness or mien; and not alone
in the spiritual sense but as a practical, daily living.
- Don't be - one-sided or overzealous of one phase without
consideration for the other.
- Have the proper associates.
- And the greater spiritual lesson you may gain is in the 5th
chapter of Matthew.
- Keep all the forces well rounded in that straight and narrow
way that leads to the perfect understanding.
- Then don't get self out of balance by thinking wrong, acting
wrong, doing wrong.
- One willing to pay the price in study, in application, that
you may gain the proper concept not only of your relationships
to spiritual forces from within - and without, but your
relationships with your fellow man in every phase of your
- (We should try to give others) A greater concept of the
purposes of life.
- Rely upon the attributes of the phases of the whole.
- And these also must, as in mind, have a spiritual conception -
if you would grow in grace, in knowledge, in understanding.
- Work in such a manner that others may be Inspired by that
manner in which you conduct yourself. - Not as one afraid!
- We would begin first, with the formulating of policies and
attitudes for the balancing of the life principles and purposes.
- meditation and prayer for some definite purpose.
- Take time - to make contacts for a social life and for
- After breakfast, work a while; after lunch rest a while, after
dinner walk a mile.
- Be conversant with things pertaining to all phases of
experience. - Be interested in them.
- Be able to meet every individual on his own ground, and in this
manner the body will find that even physical rest is often
attained by the change, or trend of thought.
- To make a success in any direction at the expense of body, mind,
home, or relations with individuals, is to be lacking in that
which may prevent the real self from entering into that of a
contentment that must be the desire of every entity.
- Do not become the extremist in any direction.
- Live the normal life!
- It is true that one rarely succeeds who has many diversified
- not all to reading
- Keep the mental and spiritual balance that makes for the
experience being more and more worth while.
- That which makes for the better constructive spiritual forces
will make for a better Balancing and releasing of the body,
mentally, physically, spiritual, for better activity.
- Do not do or think that which is condemned by the
consciousness of the body.
- Be constructive always!
- depends upon what phase of the mental
- For to become lopsided in any direction is to make for
- Do not allow the - loss of confidence in others, to
disturb the equalibrium.
- All those necessary forces in life will be added in their
proper order.
- One builds through their mental attitudes.
- Build not a one-sided life.
- Let not thine physical endeavors be evil spoken of.
- Study all phenomena, yes - but let it express from
within rather than so much from without.
- The body-physical needs its own activity to make for the better
conditions of self; that the imaginative or mental body needs
its stimuli as well.
1158-3 Add to the foods - not only bodily foods but the
thinking foods. (Honey, figs, dates)
- Self is a part of the universal consciousness.
- As the records of each entity are made upon the skein of time
and space, so, so may one in patience become aware of such
relationships of the other side of that angle, or triangle.(Phases?)
- Patterns, or the composite reactions from material
sojourns and the astrological aspects.
- Hence the need, the necessity for the balance that
will keep a continuity of purpose.
- Study and to analyze itself in the light of that
which is ideal. (Jesus Christ)
- the hereditary influences that are both of the present, past
and future.
- There are three dimensional phases.
- Do not become the extremist.
- In Neptune - is found the realm of, or key to, the
mysteries of ages.
- in Jupiter the Universal Consciousness, the Universal Love.
- And when the wheel of life, that is given to each soul, becomes
lopsided or heavy through carnal or too great seeking into those
things that are not to be used other than in the will and desire
of the Creator, it makes for the lack of that called in the
earth poise, or temperament, such as to be the better for an
inner or soul development.
- Keep thyself in balance well, but continue in the studies that
bring to the self that rejuvenation which is necessary.
- (Intuitive forces come from a Uranus sojourn.)
- the ability to interpret that symbolized to the entity - in its
attempt to bring same into material activity.
- It is necessary that definite stands be taken as to ideals and
sources of those urges which arise in other dimensional
consciounesses of the entity.
- Be rather of the optimistic outlook.
- Not to that of extravagance in any thought or activity.
- If ye would have friends, make self friendly with all thou
mayest meet in every walk of life. - Show brotherly love.
- Does the mental and the physical war with those of spiritual
influences, they make contending forces within the body; thus
affecting the body through the impulses of the whole body as
a whole.
- an intenseness that caused disorders and unpleasantness.(Stomach)
- For, holiness is oneness of the mental, spiritual
and the material body.
- For all that is in mind and body first appears in spirit.
2970-2 Don't study so much, but apply it.
- Do not become a crank on any subject!
- For you grow to heaven, you don't go to heaven.
It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there.
- For there first must come peace and harmony within
thy purposes, thy ideal, thy hopes, thy desires.
- The general rest should be at least seven and a half
to eight hours of sleep.
- To be of interest is to be of service to all whom
the body contacts.
- All are to attune the body-forces through mind and matter.
- Be oft in the open. The better exercise is walking.
- There is in a normal healthy individual (alive)
every element that is known.
- Do not be abnormal!
- There are only four elements in your body, - water,
salt, soda and iodine - they make all the rest!
- A mental body may be so over-used as to allow physical energies
to become detrimental forces.
Vitamin C - for stamina, for mental energies that are carried
in the white tissue in nerve energy and plexus.
341-31 For each cell of the blood stream, each corpuscle,
is a whole universe in itself.
- (Eat vegetables) that the bodies, the minds, might be a more
perfect channel for the manifestations of God.
- Why could not we cast him out? Such is done only -
only - through fasting and prayer.
- All may experience Him in the still small voice from within.
- Enter into thine closet - that is within self - not
shutting oneself away from the world.
- (The Light) It is set on a hill, that it may give
life, light, unto all.
- Few may show forth that even felt in the heart with
the liver bad.
341-31 There is only one heart but
seven lobes in the liver; and in thine hands - use that
thou hast, and thine eye will be single in service, thine
tongue will be loosed in the right direction.
- (Enemas) which is well for anyone to do - removing dross
from fermentation.
3352-1 You know you must eat a certain amount of dirt, else
you'll never get well balanced.
- (Heaven) You have little hope of getting there unless you do
help someone else.
- (Osteopath) using the structural portions of the body as the
leverage - of stimulating the secretions through the various
activities of glands and centers and ganglia along the system
to bring about a coordination of the activities of the physical
forces within the system itself.
Thus, as individuals become aware of these activities, the
kingdom of heaven is within. Even as He gave, not that this
is to be attained only through transition; but through the
consciousness, the awareness of the activity of the spirit
of truth in and through us, as individuals, with that
birthright of the sons of the Father; one with Him as the
way, the truth, the light, that is shed abroad in the world,
the earth, that we may have that advocate with the Father in
light. (262-29) 10/2/1932
(5251-1) Thus, "humdrum" of just the same thing day after day; go to
work at "nine", quit work at "five"; go to the same places;
see the same thing; seek the same questions; do the same
things, all becomes drudgery, but change it. Let each
individual who is approached, let each experience, let each
day be a new thing, a new opportunity to learn more, to help
more. And then do write, and let your imagination run wild,
and you will find you can make just as interesting a life
experience as ye desire to make it. They may be called
extravagant stories, may be called mysteries of mind, may be
called the unusual or whatever the curious, or what not. But
ye can make it worthwhile. Do it! (5251-1) Female 51 6/14/1944
3744-1 (A) In the normal physical forces of this body, there
should be the better forces and elements about this body,
that which is in keeping with the work that is being
attempted to be done - sufficient of the relaxing of the
mental forces to keep the balance in the system. Remember
that always that of the ordinary or not too strenuous forces
of every character are the better elements with which to be
surrounded - not prohibited of or licentious, but that of
the mental or well balanced man or individual gives of the
best under those conditions, whether in the plane of mental
matter, physical matter, spiritual or soul or psychic
forces. No one need to be expected to obtain the best under
strain or by pressure. Only elemental forces are changed by
too much pressure or too lax conditions.
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