- (At the highest development man speaks directly with God.)
- (Study) the 30th chapter of Deuteronomy
- In the soul or psychic experience one attunes the
God - self to the universal.
- all persons have psychic powers
- (In meditation one can remember past life experiences.)
- Read the Scriptures! Meditate to know!
- First, do those things that will make thine body,
as it were, whole.
- for there Must be a premise from which to reason
- any phase of the mind
- Concepts are made aware to observers
- (There is Seeing, Hearing, and Feeling without the body.)
- There is a super-activity through the olfactory
centers (smell) that produces perception.
- (Cayce once lived on Arctic Crescent Road.)
- receive through these higher activities of the sensory forces
- (The First Universal Law is to have no other god before Him.)
- Ye have two very desirable manners for manifesting that which
is not understood. As to its evaluation, yes. As to what it
is, no.
- In electrical forces of every nature (that are the very basis
of the atomic structure of the body, through which there is the
manifestation of mind and soul in its varied forms of whatever
nature) if there are shorts of any nature there is confusion.
- So in the radio wave that may make for pleasure, for convenience,
for activities that are necessary for an attunement - so that
these are in unison - by the use of those forces that must work
by law.
- attune themselves to the forces that are without
themselves (if we are "Constructive")
- (Other than the Universal brings confusion.)
- (Universal Law puts God's way first.)
- inner sphere
- psychic is from without to the within
- (Manifests) through thine senses
- Bow thine heads. Call ye on the Lord while He may
be found - for in His day
- ye that would find a helping hand, give a helping
hand to thy brother
- in thine inner self. For there the Spirit of Truth
may indeed only - to thee - first be found.
- Seek ye not lower
- be guided by that which will be shown thee, even as
the pattern in the Mount.
- (From Christ) may ye hear first of all, "Peace - I
am with thee. Be not afraid, it is I."
- The body finds itself, then, a body, a mind, a soul.
- physical desires that may be answered or supplied as appetites
- mind with its hopes and purposes
- a soul with its beliefs or tenets
- In religious experience one is told what to expect,
how to expect and when to expect!
- In the soul or psychic experience one attunes the
God-self to the universal!
- from within and in communion
- the harvest is white
- This is what psychic force, and so called occult science, did
mean, has meant, does mean in the world today. - in the strength
of such forces do worlds come into being.
- (Bodies project the psychic force.)
- through certain lines that are as sure conditions - in this manner
and form, may same be developed, giving a certain given period to
concentrate his body physically, mentally, entering the silence.
- entering in through concentrations
- (Read) last verse of Deuteronomy 29 and all of 30.
- (Entering silence with) Here am I, Use me.
- all become cognizant of the something that separates
- there are no short cuts to God
- the attunement of an individual wavers
- interpreting or resounding (the influences)
- "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it again."
- For each day is thy Eden; yea, each evening is the call.
- (Seek self-effacement)
- Has to reach numbers of psychic forces or phenomena
that may be manifested.
- (Manner, form, way)
- Man approaches the nearer condition of its approach to that
field when the normal is at rest; sleep or slumber, and when
more of the forces are taken into consideration, and are studied.
- study, to show themselves approved
- (Get understanding of self!)
- (Thoughts change the pulsations of the heart, and
built through our) own blood cells.
- Each, in the beginning, endowed with that same condition -
- Psychic forces cry for expression.
- (The body - mind as Father - Son)
- (brought about by necessity)
- signs are only given to those that seek only in Jesus' name
- The great white light in the center of the table here is a force
or power ye give to those influences about thee.
- For there is the raising within self of those influences that
may make known even the mysteries of old.
- (Tempered) with those truths thou gained in that prison wall.
- (Abilities) to the tenth degree may they be manifest in thee
- know what to thy mind is dedicating of self's abilities in
every way
- Study to know the manner in which the body, the mind, may be
purified. - (Then the power comes naturally when you are
helping others.)
- (In a correct manner we awaken our purpose.)
- they will come rather as visions
- as ye turn within
- the raising of the mental consciousness to the various spheres
of attunement is accomplished only in concentrations and in
attuning self to those forces as are without.
- (Body, Mind, and Soul) have their various minds or planes.
- By the use of that in hand does one attain the next plane.
- Know that which moves the mental, the spiritual, the physical. -
through the intonations from kinds of music or colors ye may
attune thyself.
- For even as the incense in the Holy of Holies was not the power
of God, but rather the attuning of the finite mind to an infinite
- Desire is the opposite of will
- from the mental, rather than from any character of
mechanical manifestation.
- (Control retrospective vision)
- Only those, then, that have named the Name and have
put on that love (are worthy)
- the better physically fit the better the attunement will be for
those active influences of the psychic, and of the connective
ratios between the Borderland and the Beyond
- (Left temple) Psychic forces as applied to the expression of self,
related to those nerves as find expression through that portion of
the body. The tingling as is caused is the response of the
cerebrospinal with the sympathetic.
- (Reverie) If ye will study to Understand the opening of the
channels or the centers for the deeper meditation, then the
spiritual and psychic awakening may be brought about.(Chakras) -
you understand how and why centers are opened in meditation.
- (Reverie) that inter-between makes for those periods of the
visions within and visions without; the abilities to turn back -
to see forward
- (Elevate the mind)
- (Develope tendencies and the associations)
- phenomenon of the spinning sphere (is an experience
of nearness to God.)
- (Betatrons?) When any force is being manifest that connects any
two great forces, there is the movement of every energy pertaining
to same. (Looking at Betatrons) everyone that may attempt through
that connection with earth's forces to express itself, then when
another entity in that same region, why may it not gain some
knowledge of the presence of such (attunement to those forces)
- Universal Force is spiritual force in the material plane, and
those in that plane that have attained only to that of the first
connection - give off that same emanation. - we then see a flash
of a presence around us
- (Vibration of soul was quickened) as the result of
consecration of self to God.
900-187 And as was by Buddha, in that position (lotus)
- (Electrical and white lightening are connected with
the awakening.)
- Green light for healing; in the blue trust; in the purple,
strength; in the white - the throne of Mercy itself.
- (Gifts are given if one withholds judgment, or shows mercy.)
- That gained is lost in poor experiences with others.
- (Curiously light means not heavy, and not dark.)
- (He abides) if thou hast prepared His temple - remove the
fleshy clutter or covering. (Circumcise the heart) - clean
and decorated
- that in the mouth of two or three witnesses a fact is established
- Search ye the Scripture
- all manifestions of life (which is that we worship as God)
- Be sincere with thyself
- Seek Him in thine own heart
- (Psychic forces) manifest through the senses
- (Colors and tones from a violin) are akin to the soul.
- as those of the brain, those of the precepts that deal with
glands that function with concept, conceptive thought,
constructive thought - or destructive thought, dependent upon
that it is fed upon.
- be on speaking terms with the cosmic forces, with
those influences that magnify the spiritual life
- the Criterion, the measuring stick by which all such
phenomena may be measured.
- Study as to how Hannah consecrated the life of her
son (yet unborn).
- those who have reached the years of maturity or responsiblity
in self
- (The Lord chose suffering and privation to win
blessings to others.)
- Lose self for others
- What shall I read? Wherewithal shall I be clother? (white linen)
Where shall I dwell? What shall I eat? (vegetables)
- Do some certain amount of exercise, certain amounts of rest,
certain amounts of various characters of breathing, of
purifications, of prayer, of reading.
- (Keep your promise to your Maker.)
- Whenever there is the opening, then, of the lyden (Leydig)
center and the kundaline forces from along the pineal, we find
that there are visions of things to come.
- Do not get away from the church!
4087-1 (A six year old boy was told that he had been the prophet of
Jereboam, and also the man that tried to buy gifts from Peter.)
- There are no short cuts
- For the law of the Lord is perfect and it comforteth the soul.
- Then there will be the needs that thou, as well as others, take
heed to the warnings this entity (4087) may be sent to give.
- as has ever been proclaimed - a name immediatly sets metes and
bounds about the abilities or the experience of development for
a given period.
- so the highest purpose - is to glorify the Creative
Energies or God
- (God could use a gnome or a fairy.)
- (Some "emanations" bind rather than loosen.)
- Step lightly, then, to those border edges - be first
well grounded in self's own stability.
- the building up of every atomic force let loose
- kundaline forces as they act along the spine
- (First) the alleviation of those disturbances in the nerve system.
- Positiveness of the mental body gives control of others, beware.
- (Headaches are) the affect of the Opening centers
that are disturbed
- psychic development or the attempt to Raise the vital forces,
until there has been more of a purifying of the blood stream
- Projections, inflections, astral experiences are
much harder upon those who are not wholly fit.
- (Emotional worry, overanxiety, and scare stop the "effluvia" in
the blood stream, "or the better forces in the blood supply".)
- (For psychic) All of these may produce as one and the same.
- thy Creator as thy Inner Self
- (Exercise the body to balance the mind.)
- Know how to apply the rules of metaphysical operations to a corn
- It is not mental unbalance, but a mental body may be so over-used
as to allow physical energies to become detrimental forces in a
physical body.
- (Sound brings gnomes under ether)
- (Twelve o'clock has something to do with the feeding of the soul.)
- (The crystal ball) offers rather the concentration of the physical
powers, and thus offers many channels for the entering in of many
an influence; yet if it is held only in His name, in His right
much may be received there.
- place the crystal upon a background of royal purple and with
subdued lights that would come from over the left shoulder, and
not from the front. (Then pass hands over the ball, cover the
surface with your meditation raised emanations.) His face may
- (The development is to "be directed" by self.)
- As to the place of records, - this is a place, yet
it is everywhere.
- (The more selfish, the denser our bodies are.)
- by their interpretation of their spirit of direction
3744-2 PSYCHIC means that of the mind presenting the soul and the
spirit entity as manifested in the individual mind. Then
taking the phases of that force, we find all Psychic
Phenomena or force, presented through one of the acknowledged
five senses of the physical or material body, - these being
used as the mode of manifesting to individuals. Hence we
would have in the truest sense, PSYCHIC, meaning the
expression to the material world of the latent, or hidden
sense of the soul and spirit forces, whether manifested from
behind, or in and through the material plane.
3744-2 The nearer approach the mind comes to
the divide, between the soul and spirit forces, the nearer we
become to that infinite force that guides when it is allowed
to the individual's actions day by day.
1150-1 24. OVERCOME these in the present, that there may be rather a
UNION of purpose. For "Know, O ye people, the Lord thy God
is ONE!" And whatever force, power, manifestation there may
be of a spiritual nature only comes at HIS behest, not of
self. For would any man (as thou) glorify or glory IN his
own self?
364-11 Man has ever (even as then) when in
distress, either mental, spiritual OR physical, sought to
know his association, his connection, with the divine forces
that brought the worlds into being. As these are sought, so
does the promise hold true - or that given man from the
beginning, "Will ye be my children, I will be thy God!" "Ye
turn your face from me, my face is turned from thee", and
those things ye have builded in thine own endeavor to make
manifest thine own powers bring those certain destructions in
the lives of individuals in the present, even as in those
first experiences with the use of those powers that are so
tabu by the worldly-wise, that are looked upon as old men's
tales and women's fables; yet in the strength of such forces
do WORLDS come into being!
4. THIS is what psychic force, and so called occult science, DID
mean, HAS meant, DOES mean in the world today.
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