- As complete beings, we were essentially androgynous, containing
within a single identity all the attributes of both sexual
378-42 (Jesus) is the one who has known the whole way
through. He is the wayshower.
- The fundamental illness of mankind is the unwillingness to
surrender our selves to a Higher will.
2533-7 Ye are made strong, by that power in Christ.
2879-1 He, that Christ-Consciousness, is that first spoken of in the
beginning when God said, "Let there be light, and there was light."
- Yet as He then proclaimed to thee, there is a cleansing of the
body, of the flesh, of the blood, in such measures that it may
become illumined with power from on high; that is within thine
own body to Will!
- Surrendering all power unto Power itself.
- (Examine the life of Jesus for) definite pronouncements in
purposes and ideals.
3395-2 tempted in all points like each soul, and yet without offense
to any.
- Jesus - the access to the first cause. - Each mind for its
expression - is supplied in Him. For He is the Tree of Life;
He is the Water of Life; He is the Bread of Life.
- For he that doeth the Will is the Will, and becomes one.
- Prefer even those that would speak evil of thee above thyself.
- In Him is no darkness at all.
- And as ye give expression of same in thy ministry to thy fellow
man, each atom of thyself not only becomes illuminated to that
strength that ye may impart to the weakened members of a body.
683-2 Such as to renew that mental force that becomes, with the
soul of such, awakened in such measures as to make their portion
of the divine in themselves to become like the green bay tree,
or as the hart upon the mountain as it springs in its youth in
- For the heart is gladdened by that light in Him.
- Read - Deuteronomy 30, the whole of the chapter, especially that
admonition of Moses as he summed up the life of man.
- Do use thy mind. - Walk in the light, then, even as
He is in the light.
- Jesus - the Spirit, the Mind of God.
- That first creation of God, the mind, is the way; or
the way through which light may come.
2845-1 Thus we see the relationship each soul bears to the Father,
as to the way, the Christ, by wholly trusting in Him day by day.
- At the door of thy heart. - Through searching, seeking,
humbling thyself before the throne of grace and mercy.
- The soul or the spiritual portion is hoped for, and one may only
discern same from a spiritual consciousness.
- Spiritually there becomes no time or space, for they
like the Father - are one.
2879-1 Yet man discerns, as within himself, that his body has its
attributes, its functionings, its phases of expression.
- There are many organs, many functionings. Yet if there is a
coordination of these - there is spiritual discernment.
2879-1 Thus He became the first of those that within self
arose to righteousness.
- Yet the soul was the Son, the soul was the Light.
3357-2 For the spirit is the whole. The soul is individual.
2845-1 Mind - that gives expressions to the emotions of the
body, as well as the emotions of the soul.
2485-1 That first creation of God, the mind, is the way; or the way
through which light may come to the entity of the Father.
1620-1 The Light within purifies the mind.
3385-1 The mind is capable of exploring many dimensions,
the physical beings has not attained.
3385-1 There are many teachers, there are many signs, there are many
symbols - in body, in mind and in the studies of man.
3685-1 Jesus, is the way, is the only way that true light,
the truth in light, may be experienced.
3685-1 Ye may not pass this way without sorrow or without
- For all ideals must be practical, and livable, as
was manifested in Him who is the way.
1947-8 (Accomplishments) these are given power from without
according to the ideal of the body-consciousness.
3339-1 the meaning of the cross in man's experience.
3051-3 Keeping in the faith and in the way called straight, ye will
come to a completeness, to a oneness of purpose in Him.
2812-1 Build those purposes whereunto it hath been called, or
whereunto the Spirit of Truth has proposed in an entity's
consciousness. But He has prepared the way that this may be
accomplished - by subduing the earth.
3003-1 For, each soul enters with a mission.
5124-1 In the study, forsake not, of course, the true way and light.
- Jesus who became the Christ, is indeed thy elder brother and
yet Creator, Maker of the Universe.
3528-1 There is no other name given under heaven whereby
men may be saved from themselves.
- For His way changeth not.
- Be termed a good citizen.
- Thus the way is opened continuously; that they who seek may find.
- One is as life and death.
- Death - for it may be put off; and it was - six hundred years.
- As He showed the way, as He fulfilled in giving His life, - "In
the day ye eat thereof ye shall surely die."
- Father, why - why the way of the Cross? - That man
might by his own innate desire be at-one with God.
- It must first be created in thine own mind.
- Cultivate in self humor, wit. Quit being too serious.
- He does not open or force Himself.
- Don't act like ye think ye are a God! Ye may become
such, but when ye do ye think not of thyself.
4083-1 That First Cause, God; that first principle, spirit.
683-2 Form the meditations of the soul, the hands, the
body, the mind, find their manner of manifestation.
683-2 Ye read in thine holy places.
- The Throne of Mercy, the access to the First Cause.
683-2 Each mind for its expression - is supplied in Him.
- Not sacrifice - go about doing; not withdrawing -
not sitting still.
- In Him is no darkness at all.
- But as ye clear the way for thy fellow man, so dost thou have
the clear path that leads to the greater understanding.
- The love of the Father, of the abilities in Him, of Him who
stands between those influences of good and evil, the crossroads
of choice. - And ye may point the Way. - What a responsibility!
- If one wants something - make self so pattern its
own thoughts - make it happen!
- To become a better channel - giving the foods of the
air, of the earth, of the water.
- Jesus patterned His experience in the earth among men in such a
manner as to answer Every question of conduct, of morality, of
associations in any way and manner!
391-1 Then be guided by that ennobling influence as is in His way.
1362-1 When they spat upon Him, when they condemned Him,
He saith not a word.
- Then as ye study to show thyself approved unto the
better within thyself, He will show thee the way.
- for Lo He is in thine own heart.
2970-1 (May have more) needed things for enlightenment
673-1 that may be the experience of every soul that sells not its
birthright for the gratification of something within the material
forces of self.
- All approach according to their own concept.
- the lack of hate - but love, love in everything,
then ye will find.
338-2 After the pattern shown the in the mount!
2373-1 Then clutter not thy temple with strange fires, nor
with undue vows, nor with strange offerings.
2281-1 Thus, be ever as a messenger, as an entity or individual
that makes known the ways of the Lord! Not as one that would
be long-faced, or that would separate self from others so much.
3213-2 This ability, this light, came into being of His will, and
thy will in the earth. Thus through that light is there a
540-3 The Pattern - if applied in the experience, becomes
such as to lead one as from darkness into light.
254-71 in the hearts of men, that there may be sought others that
may aid them in comprehending or awakening themselves? True
indeed may this be.
- As the pattern which was shown in the mount to Moses, as well as
the greater pattern in the temptations to Jesus upon the mount.
2067-1 Not as light of the sun, or even of the stars, - for these
are but reflections of that Glorious light which is in the Son
of God, - who is thy light.
2629-1 Thus in thy dealings with others, magnify their virtues,
minimize their faults.
1301-1 But He is the light - ye, too, have seen the light
and lost thy way.
1504-1 Thus hope springs anew with the growth and the knowledge
and the understanding of the light on the way.
1504-1 That we may walk circumspectly one with another.
1504-1 For we be joint heirs, as one with Him.
1504-1 Subdue ye the earth - make ye then the laws thereof
thy servants, not thy enemies.
- Sin not; for ye that know sin and have fallen short,
must meet these in thyself.
1504-1 Yea His body bled not only from the nail prints in His hands
and feet but from the spear thrust into the heart of hearts! For
the blood as of the perfect man was shed.
- For with thy mind, thy heart, ye may give much, much
the more to those about thee.
- For if we do good only to those that would do good
to us, what praise, what profit is there in same?
- but My peace I give in that
- There is a way that seemeth good, but the end thereof is bitter
gall. - Be tolerant.
3052-3 For freedom alone can come in the knowledge of the
only true living God.
556-1 For, He is the light.
556-1 For He said that thine own self condemns, "I do not
condemn thee."
556-1 (Light) Converting the soul into such activities as to make
aware to those who may contact the body from day to day that he
walks and talks with the Light of the world.
- That seeketh the Father's house that is within even
thine own consciousness.
987-4 How? - Turn thou within!
900-10 To reach that of position, when separated, must pass through
all stages of development, that it may be one with the Creator.
3347-1 Into the way of the cross that leads home.
5252-1 Not that any attains to perfection other than by passing
through the earth without error, without fault.
254-87 For only those that are in need of the answering of
something within will heed.
- Realizing there is a purpose that is a union of strength of each.
849-76 What is Truth? - Write it from that angle to who asks, and
the answer Lived by Him. - For it's in the application that ye
know truth.
- as in sitting in high places as Isaiah
- As ye write - let it be in meekness of spirit, in
Purposefulness of service.
472-3 Ye are called to the greater service of making known again -
by word of mouth or by the pen - the greater lessons of Truth.
- I will uphold thee.
457-3 Through the will power and its activities - there is
raised within self soul development.
- Given in the mount is that pattern of the individual entity or
self as it is set up and hedged about, and yet is the place where
man meets his Maker.
954-5 Know that unless they are constructive, though an angel
proclaim them, they are far, far from that He would have thee do
or be!
954-5 His peace I would have thee seek! For only in that
may ye know the joy of living!
- (Jesus) He has purchased with His own will that
right for direction.
- My peace I leave with you.
1222-1 For where the heart is, there the treasure will be also.
2109-2 Let there be renewed a new purpose.
- (For Light) If ye love Me, keep My commandments, and
I will come and abide with thee.
557-3 Let there be definite periods when ye look within self,
cleansing the mind, the body, in such ways and manners and
measures that seemeth that as ye would offer as thine offering
unto the holy experiences that may be thine.
557-3 So oft in seeking that some great thing may be done-
does a soul stumble over itself.
3051-2 (Christ) And understand, this includes the opposites
as well as the positives.
- May be well fulfilled or completed in the first law
that pertains to a promise.
- Keep my commandments, and I And the Father will come
and abide with thee.
- Be happy, - be in that attitude of ever being helpful to others.
938-1 Each has its relationships with that which has gone before,
that is to come. And the patterns that have been set as marks
along man's progress are plain.
1348-1 Much of that which is of a theosophical, philosophical and
theological nature must be touched upon. For it is upon such a
basis that all entities, all souls in their study must draw for
their strength, their faith, their hope.
311-5 2. In meeting those questions as present themselves to this
body in the present, well that all that has gone before,
as well as that as has been gained in the present, be WELL
understood; how that as a body in the material forces has
builded or used that material in the mental world, or the
soul consciousness, for the building of that cosmic force
- or building, as these have been applied, so is the
structure; so are those conditions that either commend or
condemn the self in the present.
There is set an example,
and by THAT example should one ever measure one's efforts as
related to God or man; for He, being both God AND man, CAN be
TRULY the example for men to pattern THEIR activities, their
going in, their coming out. Ready for questions.
1152-4 Then when ye quote as to what this or that author says, or
this or that man has experienced, do not give same as if they
were an authority - but that the experience has been in such
and such a manner; as ye in thine experience have become
aware of that truth that is ALL TRUTH - that God IS!!
And they that would know Him must seek Him, not in heavens nor in
the uttermost parts of the earth, but Lo, within thine own
self! For THERE the temple of thy soul abides, and there He
hath promised to meet thee. And there the covenant is made.
And there the choice is taken.
For as the pattern in the mount, as the pattern in the temple
- yea, as the pattern as thou hast seen in the cave when
Life - of the Heavenly Hosts - brought joy and peace and
281-31 while many of the references - or all - refer
to the physical body as the pattern, there is that as may be
said to be the literal and the spiritual and the metaphysical
interpretation of almost all portions of the Scripture, and
especially of the Revelation as given by John.
Yet all of these to be true, to be practical, to be
applicable in the experiences of individuals, MUST
coordinate: or be as one, even as the Father, the Son and
the the Holy Spirit.
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