Edgar Cayce on the Great Mysteries!

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Edgar Cayce on the Arcane Mysteries

- 254-27 4. (Q) What should Edgar Cayce, if anything, do in this and
the adjoining vicinity to make known the work, and his ideals
in respect to same.
- (A) In the same vicinity, in the district, in the WHOLE
WORLD, distribute that as has been outlined here, see?
Not as something emblazoned as something new; not as
something as an idea; not as something as a mystery; not as
something that is a side show - but rather as offering of
self in service to him who would come, see?
- 275-33 16. Hence, directing in that which may - through associations of
eating - give to a soul the harmonies necessary for the
better attunement and unfoldment of the sources of force or
power from within is within the ken of the entity's activity,
even in the earth's sphere in the present; provided the
entity will but harken to that from within.
- 439-1 individual development from within; through the seeking
within self to know not only the mystery and rote that may
come in the mysticisms of life, but in the occult influences.
- 454-2 7. In the influences seen in that of Uranus and of Neptune, we
find all conditions as pertain to the occult and mysterious,
or mystery, are interesting to the entity. Those of peculiar
force, power, or influence - no matter whether it be of the
mental or of a secular or religious cult, each have for the
entity some influence as calls for a TOUCHING of same, an
understanding of same. In the mystic influences, kept
aright - these make for, as has first been given, many of the
changes in the life, in THIS experience, for the entity. In
the occult, to THIS entity, will come the most satisfying of
experiences; for these, as has ever been, are rather of the
independent or individual nature; and as the entity has
studied, will study, those of the influences as make for
characteristics, personalities, individualities, of entities
as are used or influenced by such associations as the occult
influence (this in the broader sense), so the entity may find
within self, and self's experiences of contacts, the GREATER
portion of satisfaction.
- 8. In the combination, then, of these influences - and as the
entity has applied self as respecting same:
- 9. Nature provides, then, through such influences, the entity -
the natural leader of many groups.
- learned
much of that that makes for INNATELY the activities of the
introspective experience, and occult forces are those that
come to the experience of the entity from that sojourn.
Hence symbols, symbolism - the moon, the stars, the many - as
the sands and palms - mean much. PALMS, and the palm leaves,
should ever be worn by the entity in the experiences where
the entity would be commanding.
- 454-2 In the
present, those of the hangings - those of the futuristic
designs, that have for their background the old form of
Egyptian culture, are especially near and dear to the entity,
and those of the rhythmic lines of body, of the Eastern - or
what is called the oriental - are to the entity as music of
the inner self. Also we find that those of SOME peculiar
odors, as of incense during the period, have their influence
upon the entity.
- 16. In the present, these experiences - especially in that of
the rebuilding in the temple, those in that of the Egyptian -
will bring the greater experiences to the entity, and may be
used, builded, or applied in the present experience to gain
the greater understanding of self and self's association,
self's relation, and that required of self. Build that, and
there may be no question to self in meeting every word, every
act, as it passes in the moral. "AS we sow, so shall we
reap." Keeping self in attune to those calls that made for
an understanding of man's relationship to man, man's
relationship to the Creative Energy; opening for the soul of
many that of the divine heritage as MUST lie within; knowing
that would a soul [if a soul would] separate itself, it is
of its own doing, for the will of the Creative Energy is that
all may be One in Him; for the life, the light, the water of
life, is as that Word that was made flesh, that man might
know its true relationships to the divine; knowing that -
whether expression from self is in written word, or in word
that is enacted upon the stage, or whether in the group or
whether in the individual consultations - these are WORDS of
truth. Be NOT afraid, for I, the Lord, am THY GOD, if YE
will be my people.
- 640-1 8. The interests from the Neptune sojourn make for the love of
the mystery, and that which will pertain unto the mysteries
in the earth - or those as the relationships towards which
the body-mind throughout its intent and developments in the
earth has been inclined; those things that have made for the
change in the mysterious forces in individuals, groups and
masses; hence those things that pertain to the chemical world
or those that pertain to the chemical-electrical world that
give life and take life in the ELEMENTAL forces of the
activities in a material world. For, as the mysteries of
nature are ever in the experience of the entity, so does the
mind in its abilities separate itself in these directions.
Well to keep these separate from the social and the material
affairs, but not so separate as to create or build the selves
that accompany each and every entity in its sojourn in and
through the earth - two or more personalities!
- 14. Hence in the present the directing of the activities in
chemical engineering, that makes for associations with first
causes or first principles; as the elements - not only herbs,
trees, but the soil itself, as to its relationships to that
which may build in the experience of individuals as they
apply themselves in the toil of the soil; or as those things
that may apply to the various elements and chemical
formations in the earth in its relationships to the
commercial activities of man; or in those things of the lower
forces in the electrical engineering; or a combination of
these - as to HOW the lower forms of electrical forces change
or alter the chemical influences in earth, air, water, fire -
or the elements.
- 16. The entity then was among those who, as would be termed in
the present, combined the elements to add to body-building as
applied to the spiritual sources of healing. This should
need an explanation all its own, if the entity applies self -
in his developments or studies in the field of chemical
- 670-1 interested in things dealing with the nature of inventions;
such as traps, catches, things dealing with the activities
out of doors, peculiar character of springs, locks,
fastenings, that deal with the mysterious activities or
workings in wood, that would deal with anything having to do
with the mysterious influences or that are as a mystery in
the experience of one.
- For, it
is not all of life alone to live nor all of death to die, to
those that have visioned - and do vision - that purpose for
which the experience of an entity is engaged in its passage
through any particular experience in the earth.
- 26. Then, first find self - and the promptings of the inner self.
What are the motivative influences in the experience? And
enjoin self in those things that may deal with the
constructive force in the creating of new experiences for
man, in the activative forces of those things that become
creative in the material plane these will offer an outlet for
the abilities of the entity that will bring material-mental
success to the experience of the entity. Or join with those
who may be in that field of activity of the scientific
research into other fields, where there are the development
for the searching for lost or hidden civilizations or
activities. This will bring the experience to the entity,
through the abilities, for the creating of aids and helps to
man's experience - in its active forces from without - which
will bring understanding in many of the fields of activity of
the entity.
- 764-1 Then, when thou enterest in, ATTUNE
thyself rather with the harp cords of thine own inner self
to the periods of intuitional influence that will make thee
in accord with that thou hast gained in Judea. And it will
flow as from the fountain of life.
- 900-14 In Neptune, those of the mysticism, mystery, spiritual
insight, spiritual development.
- The Mercury influence of mental understanding of each.
- Then, with the mental insight into the operative elements of
ennobling, of virtues, of good, of beautiful, with the
mysteries of the universal forces, given understanding,
brings the development to soul's forces. For the soul feeds
upon that environment to which the mental guides and directs,
and the expectancy is that soul development that each entity
must exercise through will.
- These we find are at
times adverse to ennobling forces, and may be made to appear
in self to coincide with mysteries of life; using will then
to know that each and every such condition must be brought
under those forces of Jupiter and Neptune, that this
influence, through will, will be turned into that which will
bring the better conditions in the life's plane. For with
the mental carrying such conditions of any intrigue against
ennobling influence in earth's plane, or carrying such
intrigue that bring the mysteries of life to naught, these we
see work condemnation rather than blessings in the life of an
entity. Hence the warnings as given of the Moon's influence
at times in the earth's plane. Will used directly. Warding
against such conditions becoming detrimental to the body's
- 900-145 Immediately there is seen that the appeal in
such a manner is to that portion of the mental which does not
reach to either of those necessary for the perfect
understanding, but rather to the mystery, or to the
understanding of those who only seek the moment's
understanding of any condition
- 900-359 remembering that in application, as has been given, does the
entity find the truths as are being sought by the mental
consciousness of self, and in this way there comes the
understanding; for in physical or material, or individual
application do the laws as concerning truths become
established, by one studying any element of such conditions,
whether these are of the physical, mental or spiritual
nature. [1/4/28 See 900-3606 continuing information in
- While it
is true all force is of one emanation, and the various phases
of its activity is relative according to another's individual
activity towards that being manifested.
- relativity of force; for rather is that of the action of
the mental consciousness controlling or urging through its
relative application of self to universal forces, than to
subconscious; for when we speak of subconscious forces and
universal forces we are speaking of one and the same; yet it
is understood that the subconscious forces of any individual,
whether from the physical plane or alive sensuously in the
physical plane, or the subconscious forces of a cosmic entity
- we are reasoning only from one faculty of a universal
consciousness, or a universal relativity of force.
Just so, when one would reason from that of the mental flesh
consciousness, or the mental application of the individual
toward the information as would be obtained through anyone,
or this individual in particular as seen in vision - when
in the subconscious or unconscious, or in attunement with
the universe - then may consciousnesses, and not one, is
contacted; and the relative position of the individual so
conducting such is as of one among MANY activities of a
mental consciousness toward that of the consciousness or
consciousnesses from which such information would be or is
being obtained.
Hence that as has been given, that one of
the negative [passive state] - rather than positive - would
obtain the better results from such experiences or such
manifestations for another seeking information from such
sources, see? or again this as is seen gives the outlet
for the entity to explain, as given, that taking place when
such phenomena through the channel seen is in the state of
- Yet ever is that sixth, seventh or eighth sense
of the entity alert to the various responses as received
by the inner self through the various experiences of life.
- 953-24 6. During this period was the completion of the memorial
standing as the mystery of the ages to-day [the sphinx],
and this, as is seen, represents this councillor to the
kings, for, as is seen in the figure itself, not as one of
the kings made in beast form, yet overseeing, supervising,
giving council, giving strength, to the kings before and the
kings since. The face, even as was given then, is the
representation of this councillor to this great people.
These, and many findings, as given, may be found in the
base of the left forearm, or leg, or the prostrate beast, in
the base of foundation. Not in the underground CHANNEL (as
was opened by the ruler many years, centuries, later), but
in the real base, or that as would be termed in the present
parlance as the cornerstone.
- 7. In the force of this as may, then, be brought in the present
day (for, as given, many come under the present guidance of
the entity), the entity guided much, physically and mentally,
by entities in that same realm. Then in the present there
is still seen that many take council from these forces as
set in motion, and will bring much good to the peoples in the
earth's plane for many, many, more centuries to come, for,
with this arising again of the powers as may be set, and as
ARE set, through the efforts, the entity will bring much,
much, in every field, to the peoples, even in greater
mysteries than the sphinx, the representative of the entity,
has produced in the last centuries as passed.
- (A) In this period there was the caravan, a portion of the
lost forces as were seen in the lighter than air, and the
forces of the force, as given, propelling in water.
953-24 Page 3
- 9. (Q) What, please, was the mode of transportation of the
emissaries to the notable gathering often mentioned in
- (A) Lighter than air, as was seen, the beginning of the
sacred fires from India, through the skins as of animals that
were being destroyed and made into those great bayous (?),
as would be today termed balloons. These became the mode of
travel for the peoples in the emissaries' gathering from the
five nations, peoples or places, of man's indwelling.
- 963-1 34. Before that we find the entity was in that now called the
Egyptian land, during those periods when there were the
rebellions and the uprisings, during that period when the
Priest was banished to the Abyssinian land.
- 991-1 THIS is the mystery, which
is SO SIMPLE that those who are wise in their own conceit
stumble over same. "Like begets like."
- 1033-1 27. And the entity aided with those in setting about in Gilgal
to set up the ark of the covenant, and the places round
about. While only aiding in same, the entity made not for
the correlation of the peoples roundabout but rather for
the establishings of the household of faith to those
activities in that new environ.
- 1159-1 25. For of the entity's own peoples then were the first of the
Syro-Phoenician groups extended off the borders of the
Mediterranean; yea, even beyond the borders of what ye now
term as the Canary Island, even into the Sargasso Sea - that
into which the caldrons of the earth were turned with the
destructive forces in the Poseidian land in its last
- 30. Before that we find the entity was in the land now called the
Egyptian, being among those of the Atlanteans who came into
Egypt; coming as the children of the law of One to make a
preparation for the preservation of the tenets and truths
that had been handed down by the teachers that in due season
came within the golden and the bright lights that made for
the interpretations of those things dealing with the
relationships of man to the Creative Forces, and how in the
applying of their dealings with their fellow creatures might
be found that within the experience of the soul as to its OWN
relationships to its Creator!
- 1182-1 these brought to the entity a study also of the
Persians' experiences.
- 27. Hence those things that pertain to religion as to its
FOUNDATION and its correlating with the arts of other
nations, the various experiences, become as an interesting
factor in the entity's activities in the present.
- 28. Hence astrology, numerology, Sanskrit, the findings of those
that delve into the mysteries of nature in ALL its forms
become as a portion of the entity's experience.
- 29. As to the development, this remained rather of the secular
nature, yet those very experiences applied in the present may
make for a step forward in knowing that all power that
manifests in a material world arises from one source and is
the expression of a Creative Energy. And those that usurp
authority or those that turn same into that of
self-indulgence or aggrandizement do so to their OWN
- 1193-1 42. The ENTITY came into the experience in Egypt but was of the
Atlantean peoples, and interpreted in the Temple Beautiful
those beauties of the temples in Poseidia; for from there we
find those great lights - opaline lights, as it were - about
the entity. And these, as we find, would be those stones
that to others may bring as mystery yet the fire opal would
be of the stones that should be about the entity; for the
holding of that fire, that vigor, that UNDERSTANDING that
makes for purification, even though the fires of the flesh
must be BURNED OUT that the glory of self may be made
manifest in being a channel for the glory of the living
truths to be known and experienced among others.
- First the preparation of the
body in an athletic manner, that the rhythm of the body, the
rhythm of the soul may be expressed in those ways and manners
that there may come - to the experience of those for whom the
entity may interpret this or that portion of man's activity
in the earth the TRUE understanding!
- Which would include all FORMS of dance but
INTERPRETATIONS that not arouse the BODILY forces, but the
- 1234-1 9. In the one before this we find in that land known as the
Peruvian. In this land, the entity among the Ooms [Aymaras].
In this experience the entity a leader, a guide, a ruler.
In this land may the entity in the present experience gain
fame, fortune and power, but used in an IMPROPER manner to
the DETRIMENT will it become to the entity in every respect.
- These may be turned into channels that may become
MATERIALLY beneficial. Used properly, they may be for the
DEVELOPMENT in EVERY sense. Especially in the land as given,
in Peru, or in the west countries of this South American
land, will the entity SUCCEED in MATERIAL things the best;
especially near Luzon.
- 1258-1 There are indications also of archaeological research. And
those things that have to do with the definite trends that
were made in the various stages of man's experience or
indwellings in the earth become of great interest. The
solving of problems that pertain to such. Hieroglyphics,
those things as pertain to emblems, those things that have
been considered a mystery; whether in a chemical compound
as the alchemist or whether in words that have made and do
make for the setting of vibrations in the experience of
individuals as may use them in forms of an activity, whether
for producing definite results or effects in chemical changes
of the baser natures or whether in those things as make for
form or manner.
- Thus the spiritual activity,
thus those forces that make for rote, interest in the
alchemist formulas, arose from those experiences.
- 26. The name then, as the Atlantean, was Am-eel; as the aid in
the Temple Worship, Gu-el-am-ee.
- 1476-1 35. But if the entity finds within self that answer to what has
been said here as to its ideal, and as to its attainment in
same, then:
- 36. BOLDLY know that ye have arrived at that experience where,
with the consciousness of giving self in such ways and
manners, thy service may bring hope and help and the
longings for constructive experiences.
- 37. And ye will find that as ye give, ye receive; as ye serve,
ye become better and better understood, better and better
- 38. But know, all must be - mentally, spiritually - CONSTRUCTIVE;
so that the reactions in the physical experiences of all may
be for that hopefulness which is ever the cry of the soul in
its search for its relationships to its Maker.
- 1715-3 13. As is seen, the entity has been the builder in the mental
and in the material. In keeping first self in the path of
that criterion as has been set and chosen as of old, may the
entity attain and gain through self's own development.
- 1716-1 sought by the entity for the counsel in the
storehouse of knowledge. Seek and ye shall find, has been
the greatest mystery to the entity of many of the passing
words that come as proverbs; yet the conditions as have been
builded have been through the seeking of understanding, the
seeking of knowledge. In the seeking has the entity gained.
- gains
for that understanding, that knowledge, as comes through the
concentration, and consecration of self to a purpose, to an
ideal; to LEAVE those that may do as they choose, but "for me
and my house, we will serve the LIVING God", in this has the
entity builded, and in the understanding of the ALLNESS OF
conditions, or the oneness of purpose in the Creative Forces,
will the entity gain that as is the last developing rung in
this experience.
- [Contrary] been given by others that the entity has studied in the
arithmetic, or in the influences as come FROM numbers; yet
symbols and mystic forces mean much. Rather will the entity
gain more by the understanding of that as comes through the
MENTAL, than through that as is gained in numbers, or in the
cabalistic, arithmetic influence - for these come rather as
builded influences, and the SPIRIT of numbers is as ONE, from
which each and every other ratio MUST be measured; for in the
BEGINNING was the Word, and the Word WAS God.
- - for being
blinded to the light, only those that chose to make
themselves one with the whole, are given the introspective
influence in their material phases.
- The entity in the first portion of
the experience known as Isu-Ui. In the latter portion, known
as Aarura. In the present we find much of that as is of the
mystic influence, and of the occult forces, finds for the
entity that most of interest. As has been seen from other
experiences, and in this as experienced here, those of the
MENTAL - or the occult - are to be developed; those of the
mystic are to be studied and experienced, rather than spoken
of or set out as ensamples; for it is of each to gain,
attain, an understanding through which each experience must
- 1735-2 Keep self
attuned to that love force, even as in the occult influences.
Beware of those that are of the forces as make through
chance, or of a force that through certain influences, by oft
being done, as of cabalistic or paleozoistic influences.
These to the entity would become too near that as would bring
for self the wonderments that bring destructive influence.
- 10. In the one before this we find in the Atlantean period, when
at that time before the first of the destructive forces, and
the usages of the influences as were gathered by the peoples
to the lands about, when the entity builded those that made
for the carrying of those machines of destruction that sailed
both through the air and under the water, did the entity
carry on in this period - and the entity gained through this
experience, gaining in that given and in the attempt to
influence the PEOPLES, the ENTITIES OF the period, to use -
rather than abuse; for many climes, many lands, sought for
the INFLUENCE, for the counsel, of the entity Smla, that
their lands might be blessed.
- 1737-1 13. In the abilities, and the warnings - these may be taken and
applied, and used, knowing that there IS the relationship in
this experience that may bring an inner knowledge of the
relations to the elemental or creative forces; also of the
expansion of individuals' abilities. Apply same! We are
through for the present.
- 1770-2 does the sounding of that as was the call from the station of
the third position in the Temple Beautiful over which the
entity, as Omuna, presided - sound within self, -
O-oooo-ah-m-mmm-u-uuu-r-rrr-n--nn. [See 2072-10, Par. 24-A
on 7/22/42 giving the sounds as "Ah---aum, see?"] These as
they may be sounded within; not just the vocal box of the
physical but as they rise along the centers from the bodily
forces to unite the activities, - the entity may bring
greater harmony within the experience, as it did to many
through the activities in that material sojourn.

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