3004-1 14. Before this the entity was in the land of the present
nativity, especially in that period of the Mound Builders -
a little farther to the west; when there was the laying out
of the plans for those interpretations that had been a
consciousness in another organization or group to which the
entity had previously belong or been a part.
15. There the entity was the priestess. And there may be seen
some of those activities that are a part of the awareness to
some in that land of Ohio, where there were those plans for
such, in the mounds that were called the replica or
representative of the Yucatan experiences, as well as the
Atlantean and in Gobi land. All of these are as one
consciousness in the entity's activity.
16. The entity then was the priestess that led in the worship of
the purpose, the causes, as in the affixations of activities
through a part of the sun worship.
17. Then in the name Pfstxie, the entity attained to the
abilities of using much of those latent powers that are a
part of the mental consciousness of each individual entity.
And these as symbols are still effective in the application
of the individual as to the tenets or truths in the present
experiences. These may become a part of the mental
consciousness. These may be applied to that of spiritual
import, but the tenets lead usually to individuality, or
personality, and not to the universal consciousness.
This is
an application of material things, not of spiritual things,
as would be interpreted from here; though these may be
applied in spiritual manners.
If they are applied for the
individual rather than the universal consciousness, they
become disturbing forces - as indicated in the activities of
those groups.
41. (Q) And the double triangle between my eyes, just at the top
of my nose?
(A) This is a part of the experience to which the entity
attained in the building, during the period of the Mound
Builders, as called.
6-2 14. In the one before this we find in that land known as the
Canadian land, when there were many changes in the climatic
conditions, and what was then of a semi-tropical nature
became - during the entity's period and sojourn - that of the
glacier or ice period. The entity, during this period,
gained much and lost much. Gained through the assistance as
given in the establishing of the homes, even when forced to
move to other lands, and then known among the peoples as the
Mound Builders of the Central Northwest. In this the entity
lost, through the using for self those aggrandizements of
selfish interests. In THIS the entity lost. In the name
328-1 32. In the one before this we find the entity was in that called
the Lemurian land, during those periods when the people were
leaving - through the conditions that were arising in that
33. The entity then was among those that first came to that
portion of the present sojourn that would now be called Ohio,
or western Pennsylvania.
34. For, the entity then set up in this new land the first of the
temples from the Lemurian land; that has since been termed
the Mound Builders' land. Not the present as seen, but that
from which same arose.
364-4 We also
find that entering into Og, or those peoples that later
became the beginning of the Inca, or Ohum [Aymara'?], that
builded the walls across the mountains in this period,
through those same usages of that as had been taken on by
those peoples; and with the same, those that made for that
in the other land, became first those of the mound dwellers,
or peoples in that land. With the continued disregard of
those that were keeping the pure race and the pure peoples,
of those that were to bring all these laws as applicable to
the Sons of God, man brought in the destructive forces as
used for the peoples that were to be the rule, that combined
with those natural resources of the gases, of the electrical
forces, made in nature and natural form the first of the
eruptions that awoke from the depth of the slow cooling
earth, and that portion now near what would be termed the
Sargasso Sea first went into the depths.
With this there again came that egress of peoples that aided,
or attempted to assume control, yet carrying with them ALL
those forms of Amilius [?] that he gained through that as for
signs, for seasons, for days, for years. Hence we find in
those various portions of the world even in the present day,
some form of that as WAS presented by those peoples in THAT
great DEVELOPMENT in this, the Eden of the world.
6. In the latter portion of same we find as CITIES were builded
more and more rare became those abilities to call upon rather
the forces in nature to supply the needs for those of bodily
adornment, or those of the needs to supply the replenishing
of the wasting away of the physical being; or hunger arose,
and with the determinations to set again in motion, we find
there - then Ani [?] [See the name ANI mentioned on pp. 6,
57, 187 and 324 of the book, MYTHS & LEGENDS OF ANCIENT
EGYPT, by Lewis Spence.] [GD's note: I put a question mark
because I didn't know whether this was the correct spelling
or not.], in those latter periods, ten thousand seven hundred
(10,700) years before the Prince of Peace came - again was
the bringing into forces that to TEMPT, as it were, nature
- in its storehouse - of replenishing the things - that of
the WASTING away in the mountains, then into the valleys,
then into the sea itself, and the fast disintegration of the
lands, as well as of the peoples - save those that had
escaped into those distant lands.
7. How, then, may this be applicable to our present day
understanding? As we see the effects as builded in that
about the sacred fires, as through those of Hermes, those of
Arart, those of the Aztec, those of Ohum [Aymara'?], each in
their respective sphere CARRYING some portion of these
blessings - when they are kept in accord and PURE with those
through which the channels of the blessings, of the Creative
Forces, may manifest. So, we find, when we apply the lessons
in the day - would ye be true, keep that EVERY WHIT thou
KNOWEST to do within thine own heart! Knowing, as ye USE
that as is KNOWN, there is given the more and more light to
know from whence ye came and whither ye go!
500-1 12. Before this we find the entity in this present land
and among those peoples that were called natives of the land, with and among those of the household of one of the great chiefs of the land; yet the entity was born of those peoples that had
journeyed to the land - and when there came the starvation to
the peoples in Roanoke isle, when there were the changings,
and when the great chief of that land went in search of the friends that had been among the peoples. The entity then was
named Virginia, yet - in those associations - the name was
changed to Alahoi (A-O-I) (?) by the chief Powhatan. And in
those environs the entity grew to become chief among those
that aided in the application of the surrounding environs to
aid in the ills and in the activities of the peoples, rather
than the tom-toms or those influences that brought the
activity of what was called the medicine man. The entity
brought ease to many, aid to those that suffered with all
characters of disorder or disturbance, and rose to one of
power that was sought far and wide by a mighty peoples. And
when there had been the activities in and among the chiefs of
the five great nations, as they met in their pow wow within
the Octagon (?), what is now known as the bank of the Ohio,
the entity then acted as the counsel to those peoples as to
how they might better themselves, even with their
relationships to those peoples that later entered in to
become the settlers of the land.
13. From the experience (for it developed throughout) we find the
activities in the present as of no strange lands, no strange
places or peoples; and the ability to use those influences of
nature in their proper relationships to those activities of
individuals. Also the abilities within the entity to act in
the capacity of the counsel between those where disturbances
or disruptions may have been made in any character or nature.
These were indeed developments for the entity, and harken to
many of those that have come as mysteries of old; for to the
entity much that had been given by those peoples from the
sons of this fair land - especially where the sons of the
Atlanteans had settled and later became the Mound Builders,
when joined with the peoples that had crossed the Pacific -
is innate in the entity. Hence mysteries, rites, rotes that
pertain to strange peoples in strange places, to the entity
find their answer in the self through the associations in
that sojourn.
583-1 14. Then, before that, we find in the other sphere entirely, in
that of the north country, not far from its present location
on the physical plane, see? [early Norse settlers, Mound
Builders - See 583-3.]
15. Then, in the first, in the days when the persecution of those
that followed in the ways of the first as they left the land
of the Persians, in their exile under the Cyrenian force,
583-3 10. In the one before this, we find in the name then Olse, and
in the country near where the entity now sojourns [Chicago,
Ill.], for the entity, then, as we see, came into this
country from the descendants of the Norse peoples who first
landed and settled the Northeastern coast of this country,
during that time. The entity then of strong physical forces
and giving much to the aid of the peoples in establishing the
forts and the outposts of the peoples who joined later with
that peoples in the country South of there, known as Mound
Builders, see? The entity in this, we find, did not develop
in the last of the sojourn, for the forces of might were used
against the entity.
685-1 Hence those things pertaining to the active forces
of the Indians, as were called in that land; the medicine
man, the associations of the colors, the associations of
trinkets, the associations of the various activities that
had been handed down by the people from the mound worshipers
that had come into that portion of the land.
1208-1 31. Hence throughout those periods the entity became then THAT
ONE that led the first establishing of the activity in the
varied lands that came to be known as later the Mayan, the
Yucatan, the Inca, the Peruvian - and LATER the Mound
Builders in the northern portions of the entity's present
sojourn. [Ohio?]
32. Not that the entity remained there, but established those
activities which has become a part of the entity by those
1215-4 44. Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land,
during those periods when there were the beginnings of the
exodus owing to the destructive forces that had been begun by
the sons of Belial.
45. The entity was among the Princes of the land that made for
the separating of those influences wherein there might be
established the journeyings to other lands, with the keepings
of records, with the permanent establishments of activities
that have become a part of that ye call civilization in the
present time.
46. Hence we find the entity making for the establishments in the
Yucatan, in the Luzon, in what became the Inca, in the North
American land, and in what later became the land of the Mound
Builders in Ohio; also the establishments of those activities
in the upper portion of what is now the eastern portion of
the land.
47. The entity then was not only one skilled in aircraft and in
watercraft, as an aviator and a navigator, but made great
strides in keeping in touch with other lands through the
forces of nature in the experience.
48. Hence those things of nature that have to do with
communications become a part of the entity's experience.
49. The imaginations of tales as of travel, the activities that
have to do with strange lands, strange people, strange
customs, become as a portion of the innate forces.
50. And from those very influences may there arise later in this
experience those activities that may bring again renown to
the entity in this experience.
51. Then the name was Ex-Cex.
1286-1 27. Before that we find the entity was in the land of the present
nativity, during those periods when there were the spreadings
of those teachings that had come from the lands from which
those peoples came that were known as the Lost Tribes, as
well as from Atlantis, Yucatan, the Inca, and the land of On
[?]. [Og?]
28. They were portions of the entity's people then, in that part
of the land now known as the central portion of Ohio, during
the early portion of the Mound Builders.
29. There the entity was a priestess of those peoples that were
a part of the experiences there of those peoples. For while
confusions arose from the tenets of the Hebraic as well as
the Atlantean, as well as the Inca, these became centralized
or localized in the expressions of those peoples and those
groups in that particular period of their activity.
30. Yet the greater blessings that the entity in its activity
rendered the people in that experience were in the building
of individual homes.
31. And this will become a part of the entity's experience in
this sojourn. For within the next two and a half to three
years there should come into the experience that association,
the relations with one who was as a helpmeet to the entity
during that sojourn.
32. For, as has been indicated from the innate experience as well
as from the longings within, a home - HOME - with all its
deeper, inner meanings, is a portion of the entity's desire;
to know, to experience, to have the "feel" of, to have the
surroundings of that implied by the word HOME! Is it any
wonder then that in all of thy meditation, Ohm - O-h-m-mmmmm
has ever been, is ever a portion of that which raises self
to the highest influence and the highest vibrations
throughout its whole being that may be experienced by the
1298-1 20. Before this (among those appearances that have an influence
in the present) we find the entity was in the land of its
present nativity, in what is now known as the southernmost
portion - or in Florida; during those periods when there
were those settlings from the Yucatan, from the lands of On
(?) or the Inca, from the Norse land, when there were the
beginners of the Mound Builders and those that gathered upon
what is now the east portion of Alabama and Florida - though
it was quite different then in its structure, outwardly.
21. The entity's sojourns then were with those of a race of
unusual height, unusual proportions to what might be termed
in the present. For they were then the lords of the land,
as would be termed, that issued to the other lands, the other
environs about same, the instructions for their moral, their
religious, their penal codes.
22. Then the entity was among those that were the more lenient
in that lording; for the entity sought rather to bring that
activity, that development where all under the Lord - as law
- are ONE.
23. Hence the experiences were made to become rather severe,
rather strained in those activities. For there were the
harkenings to those periods that stand first in the
experience of the entity in the present, as well as those
sojourns in Egypt and Atlantis and those activities that
brought the lack of consideration of those that were - STILL
in THOSE experiences in Egypt and Atlantis - with their
beast appendages, their hindrances; which made for that
which has been and is so much a part of the animal, that has
signified and does signify the very natures of same.
24. Those the entity abhorred, as in the present - yet so little
apparently gained, yet how great in the soul's developments
25. The name then was what would be termed in the present Alta,
that meant a NEW life!
1966-1 20. Before that we find the entity was in the land of the present
sojourn, during the very early period of the sojourners of
those who came from or through the south and western portions
of the present land, - among those who became later known as
the Mound Builders, or those who made preparations for those
activities that were a part of the experience through the
presentation of teachers and ministers during those early
21. Hence we will find that in portions of the land known as Ohio
may the entity find manners or means or ways of carrying
on, in a form or manner in which greater material as well as
mental satisfaction may be a part of the entity's experience.
22. Then the entity's name was Calan, and the entity gained;
for it made for those activities in which there were the
considerations of the dwellings as well as the political and
religious rights of all; for the entity acted in the capacity
as the priestess for the peoples it served in the temple, or
in the altars where sacrifices were wont to be made by those
early peoples.
42. (Q) Would it be well for the body to reside in Ohio?
(A) Near Columbus or Springfield.
43. (Q) What would be the effect of such residence there?
(A) As indicated, it would offer an outlet or channel for
activities in which greater peace and harmony may be the
experience of the entity.
2410-1 23. Before this the entity was in the land of the present
sojourn, among the Natives of the land, of the tribes of
people who lived near to, and who had gathered much of their
understanding from quite a different undertaking, known in
some circles as the Mound Builders.
24. There the entity was among those who brought into the
awarenesses of many great patterns, great symbols, in their
manner and way of manifestations that would indicate the
developments of individuals toward being a helpful force in
the affairs or lives of the many.
25. Then the name - as would be interpreted today - was Shando.
The entity gained, the entity lost. In the early portions
there were those attempts of the entity to apply the laws of
natural or nature's sources as a means of helpful influence
in the lives of others. When these became so useful as to
bring the many to seek from the entity the interpreting of
same in their experience, selfishness crept in - and that
inclination to dominate by self's own personality.
3393-2 9. Before this the entity was in the land east from the present
nativity, or in the settlings in the land when there were the
Mound builders in Ohio, Indiana, and the various groups that
traveled through that land.
10. The entity was then one who acted in the capacity as the
teacher, the soothsayer or the priestess to those peoples.
11. Hence we find in the entity's present experience a form of
ceremony to almost any condition is almost necessary, yet at
other periods it is altogether tabu.
12. But as the entity aided in self, and aided in bringing better
understandings to those people through that experience, it
has brought and may bring the ability indicated as related
especially to young people that are in those periods of
transition in body as well as in purposes.
13. The entity was then beautiful in form, as it has been through
the greater portion of this experience also.
14. The name then was Mayohar.
3528-1 21. Before that the entity was in the land of the present
sojourn, during the early activities of a peoples that had
been banished from Atlantis.
22. The entity was among those of the second generation of
Atlanteans who struggled northward from Yucatan, settling in
what is now a portion of Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio; being among
those of the earlier period known as Mound Builders.
5750-1 17. With the injection of those of greater power in their
activity in the land, during that period as would be called
3,000 years before the Prince of Peace came, those peoples
that were of the Lost Tribes, a portion came into the land;
infusing their activities upon the peoples from Mu in the
southernmost portion of that called America or United States,
and then moved on to the activities in Mexico, Yucatan,
centralizing that now about the spots where the central
of Mexico now stands, or Mexico City. Hence there arose
through the age a different civilization, a MIXTURE again.
18. Those in Yucatan, those in the adjoining lands as begun by
Iltar, gradually lost in their activities; and came to be
that people termed, in other portions of America, the Mound
19. Ready for questions.
20. (Q) How did the Lost Tribe reach this country?
(A) In boats.
21. (Q) Have the most important temples and pyramids been
(A) Those of the first civilization have been discovered,
and have not all been opened; but their associations,
their connections, are being replaced - or attempting to
be rebuilt. Many of the second and third civilization may
NEVER be discovered, for these would destroy the present
civilization in Mexico to uncover same!
22. (Q) By what power or powers were these early pyramids and
temples constructed?
(A) By the lifting forces of those gases that are being used
gradually in the present civilization, and by the fine work
or activities of those versed in that pertaining to the
source from which all power comes.
For, as long as there remains those pure in body, in mind, in
activity, to the law of the One God, there is the continued
resource for meeting the needs, or for commanding the
elements and their activities in the supply of that
necessary in such relations.