- There are, in truth, no incurable conditions. - All produced by
conditions that may be met - for the condition is the breaking of
a law - (change our attitude)
- (Incorrect use of knowledge brings destructive elements.)
- No healing is perfected without some psychic force exerted.
- (The Chaldeans of 4000 BC were giving Psychic Readings.)
- (Cayce states that all forces that may be obtained from psychic
sources, may, and should be given to the world, unselfishly.)
- The understanding of all laws, for that is the law, the
understanding of the law pertaining to any given condition.
- Through man, all law to the physical plane or material plane is
made manifest, but the manifestation is of the compliance as
made with the law.
- Suggestion being that manner in which the direction is given.
- become Universal by the natural laws governing Relativity Of All
- the spirit that is the mind of the soul
- The soul may be "banished from Maker, not death."
- (He seems to say the spirit is the subconscious mind.)
- Like a stick in water "the reflection from suggestions to the
subconscious to reach the conscious or mental forces appear bent
in their action."
- In the nerve system "all receiving a force"
- Our spirit "carries all force".
- The spirit of all that have passed from the physical plane remain
about the plane until their development carry them onward".
(Or reincarnated)
- Any may be communicated with.
- in spirit-force there are good and there are bad
personages still reflected.
- (bent by our expression)
- all insufficient matter is cast unto Saturn
- Cayce "using only its elements to communicate".
- In trance the personality "lies above the other body."
- The environment makes or performs the variations in whatever it
may enter, else we would have no redemption in the blood.
- Environment bends the weakest and the strongest.
- Cayce says we are developing "thought transference".
- (Astrology) The planning of other planets began the ruling of the
destiny of all matters as created, just as the division of waters
was ruled and is ruled by the moon in its path about the earth.
- The strongest force used in the destiny of man is the Sun first,
then the closest planets to the earth or those that are coming
to ascension at the time of the birth of the individual.
- the higher creation as it begun is ruled by its
actions in conjunction with the planets
- To the Creator of the Universe "our system is only
a very small part."
- only upon the earth plane at present do we find man
is flesh and blood
- The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth
His handy works. (horizon at evening)
- Day unto day uttereth speech, night unto night sheweth knowledge.
- (Principal planets included "Septimus", but excluded Pluto.)
- (1924 Mars to be major influence for next "few years." Major
influence as it moves away on those who have sojourned there.)
- (Planet positions can help us exercise stronger will power.)
- (Job had astrology)
- At birth the controlling planet is that one at zenith as seen
from the sign of the Zodiac one is leaving?
- (Some foods cause nightmares.)
- We must pass "through all the various stages of development."
- Mercury pertaining of Mind - Mars of Madness - Earth
as of Flesh - Venus as Love - Jupiter as Strength
- Saturn As the beginning of earthly woes - Uranus as of the
Psychic - Neptune as of Mystic - Septimus as of consciousness -
Arcturus as of the developing
- (The superconscious is the interlay between the spirit and soul,
here lies the disincarnate spirits, with their souls.)
- Confucius, who gave to his peoples in his day the beginning of
an understanding of the Wisdom of the divine. - Pliny gave
another understanding
- Will's manifestation in the earthly plane being that barrier, for,
as has been given, "The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak."
- Enter into the work, then, with an humble heart, and with the joy
of the labor, and the peace and the blessings of many will come
to thee.
- In the development in eternity's realm, is that a finite force
as made of creation may become one with thee (Universal Forces)
Creator, as a unit, atom, or vibration, becomes one with the
universal forces.
- Jesus will return "without spot or blemish".
- without passing through each and every stage of development,
there is not the correct vibration to become one with the
Creator, beginning with the first vibration, as is of the
spirit quickened with the flesh. (Earth's plane)
- (Many stages of development, all made manifest
through flesh - the true test.)
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