5750-1 1. HLC: You will give an historical treatise on the origin and
development of the Mayan civilization, answering questions.
2. EC: Yes. In giving a record of the civilization in this
particular portion of the world, it should be remembered
that more than one has been and will be found as research
3. That which we find would be of particular interest would be
that which superseded the Aztec civilization, that was so
ruthlessly destroyed or interrupted by Cortez.
4. In that preceding this we had rather a combination of
sources, or a high civilization that was influenced by
injection of forces from other channels, other sources, as
will be seen or may be determined by that which may be given.
5. From time as counted in the present we would turn back to
10,600 years before the Prince of Peace came into the land
of promise, and find a civilization being disturbed by
corruption from within to such measures that the elements
join in bringing devastation to a stiffnecked and
adulterous people.
6. With the second and third upheavals in Atlantis, there were
individuals who left those lands and came to this particular
portion then visible.
7. But, understand, the surface was quite different from that
which would be viewed in the present. For, rather than
being a tropical area it was more of the temperate, and quite
varied in the conditions and positions of the face of the
areas themselves.
5750-1 8. In following such a civilization as a historical
presentation, it may be better understood by taking into
consideration the activities of an individual or group
- or their contribution to such a civilization. This of
necessity, then, would not make for a complete historical
fact, but rather the activities of an individual and the
followers, or those that chose one of their own as leader.
9. Then, with the leavings of the civilization in Atlantis (in
Poseidia, more specific), Iltar - with a group of followers
that had been of the household of Atlan, the followers of the
worship of the ONE with some ten individuals - left this land
Poseidia, and came westward, entering what would now be a
portion of Yucatan. And there began, with the activities of
the peoples there, the development into a civilization that
rose much in the same matter as that which had been in the
Atlantean land. Others had left the land later. Others had
left earlier.
There had been the upheavals also from the
land of Mu, or Lemuria, and these had their part in the
changing, or there was the injection of their tenets in
the varied portions of the land - which was much greater in
extent until the final upheaval of Atlantis, or the islands
that were later upheaved, when much of the contour of the
land in Central America and Mexico was changed to that
similar in outline to that which may be seen in the present.
10. The first temples that were erected by Iltar and his
followers were destroyed at the period of change physically
in the contours of the land. That now being found, and a
portion already discovered that has laid in waste for many
centuries, was then a combination of those peoples from Mu,
Oz and Atlantis.
11. Hence, these places partook of the earlier portions of that
peoples called the Incal; though the Incals were themselves
the successors of those of Oz, or Og, in the Peruvian land,
and Mu in the southern portions of that now called California
and Mexico and southern New Mexico in the United States.
12. This again found a change when there were the injections from
those peoples that came with the division of those peoples
in that called the promise land. Hence we may find in these
ruins that which partakes of the Egyptian, Lemurian and Oz
civilizations, and the later activities partaking even of
the Mosaic activities.
13. Hence each would ask, what specific thing is there that we
may designate as being a portion of the varied civilizations
that formed the earlier civilization of this particular land?
5750-1 14. The stones that are circular, that were of the magnetized
influence upon which the Spirit of the One spoke to those
peoples as they gathered in their service, are of the
earliest Atlantean activities in religious service, we
would be called today.
15. The altars upon which there were the cleansings of the bodies
of individuals (not human sacrifice; for this came much later
with the injection of the Mosaic, and those activities of
that area), these were later the altars upon which individual
activities - that would today be termed hate, malice,
selfishness, self-indulgence - were cleansed from the body
through the ceremony, through the rise of initiates from the
sources of light, that came from the stones upon which the
angels of light during the periods gave their expression to
the peoples.
16. The pyramid, the altars before the doors of the varied temple
activities, was an injection from the people of Oz and Mu;
and will be found to be separate portions, and that referred
to in the Scripture as high places of family altars, family
gods, that in many portions of the world became again the
injection into the activities of groups in various portions,
as gradually there were the turnings of the people to the
satisfying and gratifying of self's desires, or as the Baal
or Baalilal activities again entered the peoples respecting
their associations with those truths of light that came from
the gods to the peoples, to mankind, in the earth.
17. With the injection of those of greater power in their
activity in the land, during that period as would be called
3,000 years before the Prince of Peace came, those peoples
that were of the Lost Tribes, a portion came into the land;
infusing their activities upon the peoples from Mu in the
southernmost portion of that called America or United States,
and then moved on to the activities in Mexico, Yucatan,
centralizing that now about the spots where the central
of Mexico now stands, or Mexico City. Hence there arose
through the age a different civilization, a MIXTURE again.
18. Those in Yucatan, those in the adjoining lands as begun by
Iltar, gradually lost in their activities; and came to be
that people termed, in other portions of America, the Mound
19. Ready for questions.
20. (Q) How did the Lost Tribe reach this country?
(A) In boats.
5750-1 21. (Q) Have the most important temples and pyramids been
(A) Those of the first civilization have been discovered,
and have not all been opened; but their associations,
their connections, are being replaced - or attempting to
be rebuilt. Many of the second and third civilization may
NEVER be discovered, for these would destroy the present
civilization in Mexico to uncover same!
22. (Q) By what power or powers were these early pyramids and
temples constructed?
(A) By the lifting forces of those gases that are being used
gradually in the present civilization, and by the fine work
or activities of those versed in that pertaining to the
source from which all power comes.
For, as long as there remains those pure in body, in mind, in
activity, to the law of the One God, there is the continued
resource for meeting the needs, or for commanding the
elements and their activities in the supply of that
necessary in such relations.
23. (Q) In which pyramid or temple are the records mentioned
in the readings given through this channel on Atlantis, in
April, 1932? [[364] series]
(A) As given, that temple was destroyed at the time there
was the last destruction in Atlantis.
Yet, as time draws nigh when changes are to come about, there
may be the opening of those three places where the records
are one, to those that are the initiates in the knowledge of
the One God:
The temple by Iltar will then rise again. Also there will
be the opening of the temple or hall of records in Egypt, and
those records that were put into the heart of the Atlantean
land may also be found there - that have been kept, for those
that are of that group.
1286-1 27. Before that we find the entity was in the land of the present
nativity, during those periods when there were the spreadings
of those teachings that had come from the lands from which
those peoples came that were known as the Lost Tribes, as
well as from Atlantis, Yucatan, the Inca, and the land of On
[?]. [Og?]
28. They were portions of the entity's people then, in that part
of the land now known as the central portion of Ohio, during
the early portion of the Mound Builders.
29. There the entity was a priestess of those peoples that were
a part of the experiences there of those peoples. For while
confusions arose from the tenets of the Hebraic as well as
the Atlantean, as well as the Inca, these became centralized
or localized in the expressions of those peoples and those
groups in that particular period of their activity.
30. Yet the greater blessings that the entity in its activity
rendered the people in that experience were in the building
of individual homes.
294-148 7. There were also established storehouses, that would be called
banks in the present, or places of exchange, that there might
be the communications with individuals in varied lands; for
even in this period (though much had been lost even by these
peoples) was there the exchange of ideas with other lands,
as of the Poseidian and Og, as well as the Pyrenean and
Sicilian, and those that would now be known as Norway, China,
India, Peru and American. These were not their names in that
particular period, but from whence there were being gathered
a portion of the recreations of the peoples; for the
understandings were of one tongue! There had not been as yet
the divisions of tongues in THIS particular land. This was
yet only in the Atlantean or Poseidian land.
8. With the gathering of these people and places, there began
the erecting of the edifices that were to house not only the
peoples, but the temple of sacrifice, the temple of beauty
- that GLORIFIED the activities of individuals, groups or
masses, who had CLEANSED themselves for service. Also the
storehouses for the commodities of exchange, as well as that
gathered by the peoples to match - as it were, still - one
against the other. Hence we find the activities of the
priest, or seer, as really a busy life - yet much time was
given in keeping self in communion with those that brought
the knowledge of that progress made in the spiritual sense
in other lands, especially so from Poseida and Og.
364-4 [ed: circa 250,000 bce] 3. As the peoples were a peaceful peoples, their developments
took on rather that form - with the developing into the
physical material bodies - of the fast development, or to
the using of the elements about them to their own use;
recognizing themselves to be a part OF that about them.
Hence, as to the supplying of that as necessary to sustain
physical life as known today, in apparel, or supplying of the
bodily needs, these were supplied through the natural
elements; and the DEVELOPMENTS came rather in the forms -
as would be termed in the PRESENT day - of preparing for
those things that would pertain to what would be termed the
aerial age, or the electrical age, and supplying then the
modes and manners of transposition of those materials about
same that did not pertain to themselves bodily; for of
themselves was transposed, rather by that ability lying
within each to be transposed in thought as in body.
364-4 4. In these things, then, did Amilius [?] see the beginning of,
and the abilities of, those of his own age, era, or period,
not only able to build that as able to transpose or build up
the elements about them but to transpose them bodily from
one portion of the universe to the other, THROUGH the uses
of not only those RECENTLY re-discovered gases, and those
of the electrical and aeriatic formations - in the breaking
up of the atomic forces to produce impelling force to those
means and modes of transposition, or of travel, or of lifting
large weights, or of changing the faces or forces of nature
itself, but with these transpositions, with these changes
that came in as personalities, we find these as the Sons of
the Creative Force as manifest in their experience looking
upon those changed forms, or the daughters of men, and there
crept in those pollutions, of polluting themselves with
those mixtures that brought contempt, hatred, bloodshed, and
those that build for desires of self WITHOUT respects of
OTHERS' freedom, others' wishes - and there began, then, in
the latter portion of this period of development, that that
brought about those of dissenting and divisions among the
peoples in the lands. With the attempts of those still in
power, through those lineages of the pure, that had kept
themselves intact as of the abilities of forces as were
manifest IN their activities, these BUILDED rather those
things that ATTEMPTED to draw BACK those peoples; through
first the various changes or seasons that came about, and
in the latter portion of the experience of Amilius [?] was
the first establishing of the altars upon which the
sacrifices of the field and the forest, and those that were
of that that SATISFIED the desires of the physical body,
were builded.
364-4 [ed : circa 50,000 bce] 5. Then, with the coming in or the raising up of Esai [?], with
the change that had come about, began in that period when
there were the invasions of this continent by those of the
animal kingdoms, that brought about that meeting of the
nations of the globe to PREPARE a way and manner of disposing
of, else they be disposed of themselves by these forces.
With this coming in, there came then the first of the
destructive forces as could be set and then be meted out in
its force or power. Hence that as is termed, or its first
beginning of, EXPLOSIVES that might be carried about, came
with this reign, or this period, when MAN - or MEN, then -
began to cope with those of the beast form that OVERRAN the
earth in many places. Then, with these destructive forces,
we find the first turning of the altar fires into that of
sacrifice of those that were taken in the various ways, and
human sacrifice began. With this also came the first egress
of peoples to that of the Pyrenees first, OF which later we
find that peoples who enter into the black or the mixed
peoples, in what later became the Egyptian dynasty. We also
find that entering into Og, or those peoples that later
became the beginning of the Inca, or Ohum [Aymara'?], that
builded the walls across the mountains in this period,
through those same usages of that as had been taken on by
those peoples; and with the same, those that made for that
in the other land, became first those of the mound dwellers,
or peoples in that land. With the continued disregard of
those that were keeping the pure race and the pure peoples,
of those that were to bring all these laws as applicable to
the Sons of God, man brought in the destructive forces as
used for the peoples that were to be the rule, that combined
with those natural resources of the gases, of the electrical
forces, made in nature and natural form the first of the
eruptions that awoke from the depth of the slow cooling
earth, and that portion now near what would be termed the
Sargasso Sea first went into the depths. With this there
again came that egress of peoples that aided, or attempted
to assume control, yet carrying with them ALL those forms of
Amilius [?] that he gained through that as for signs, for
seasons, for days, for years. Hence we find in those various
portions of the world even in the present day, some form of
that as WAS presented by those peoples in THAT great
DEVELOPMENT in this, the Eden of the world.
262-39 6. In the latter portion of same we find as CITIES were builded
more and more rare became those abilities to call upon rather
the forces in nature to supply the needs for those of bodily
adornment, or those of the needs to supply the replenishing
of the wasting away of the physical being; or hunger arose,
and with the determinations to set again in motion, we find
there - then Ani [?] [See the name ANI mentioned on pp. 6,
57, 187 and 324 of the book, MYTHS & LEGENDS OF ANCIENT
EGYPT, by Lewis Spence.] [GD's note: I put a question mark
because I didn't know whether this was the correct spelling
or not.], in those latter periods, ten thousand seven hundred
(10,700) years before the Prince of Peace came - again was
the bringing into forces that to TEMPT, as it were, nature
- in its storehouse - of replenishing the things - that of
the WASTING away in the mountains, then into the valleys,
then into the sea itself, and the fast disintegration of the
lands, as well as of the peoples - save those that had
escaped into those distant lands.
21. In the one before this we find again in that land now known
as Egypt. The entity then among those that set up the first
of the pyramids that became more and more the monuments of
endeavors and accomplishments of man. The entity then in the
name Oual. In THIS experience the entity gained and lost.
Gained through that given. Lost through that as came from
aggrandizement of selfish motives.
1183-1 33. The entity then was in the name Alsia or Amammia - for it was
named both. And there may be found yet, among the temples in
the Andean experience, the records of the entity's activities
in the storehouse of wealth of the earth - in golds!