1510-1 8. Knowledge is well, but knowledge without the works or without
the application is worse than useless.
4047-2 Wisdom not applied will become sin.
- through experience is wisdom gained
- the unfoldment in the present is merely becoming aware of that
experience through which the entity, - either in body or in mind,
- has passed in a consciousness. - by being in the doing does the
awareness come of the relationships as one portion of body, mind and
soul finds.
- Each entity enters materiality for a purpose.
- For in the consciousness of eternity, time is not, neither is space.
- In man's consciousness there appears so much mercy, so much love,
that these have been called time and space.
- knowledge without the use of same still remains, as in the
beginning, sin.
- For the entity - soul's growth is ever from within.
- Aid others in their understanding of the law.
- Remember, there is knowledge as may come that is not from above.
- that force ever evident in those elements seen, heard, known, among
those who enter in the inner shrine of self's understanding.
- the simplicity of application that is the wisdom of the sages.
- Hence the use of knowledge or wisdom is that which brings happiness
or peace or contentment.
- the Creative Forces have given men to be over all that have been as
created manifestations - and to work with the constructive forces
in the spiritual realm.
- The Word - is the key to life. - When man speaks the word "I Am"
he directly links himself with God.
- in Him is no darkness at all!
- being forewarned, be forearmed
- If the developed influences of an entity in matter arise from the
constructive, a growth must ensue. If they be turned into
questionings or even doubts for self, retardments or a quick change
must come.
- There are bodies who, that with a little learning - without the
proper balance to apply that learning, it makes for madness.
- the soul is that which is to be made one with the Creator, through
experience and through the application of that knowledge and
understanding respecting the laws of the cosmic or God-Force in a
material world - makes for the preparedness within the inner self
for the companionship with those celestial influences that make for
the directing and the associations of the ideas and of conditions.
- Yet will, that factor - the gift of the Maker, - may change any or
all of these in the experience of an entity. - This (Will), as is
the experience of each and every entity, is the means, the channel,
the way through which there is the carrying out of what has been given.
- Too much sweets "destroy the better elements".
- Merit that which you mete!
- Let not thy right hand know what thy left hand doeth
- For the spiritual life is the motivative force in the experience of
an entity.
- it is not by knowledge nor even by power alone that activities may
come, but it is what one does about that one knows in relationships
to one's fellow man - and one's ideal
- knowledge - that is power which if applied in Constructive manner
brings harmony.
- Experiences are much altered - regarding those things that are
traits, urges and influences, - by doing something about same, if
there is the correct approach.
- For until there is a manifested interest by the entity in a helpful
influence in the lives of others
- not a great deal of change for constructive forces may be expected.
- In such measures
- Ye may indeed lead - and lean heavily upon the arms of promise.
- each soul must awaken to its Own possibilities and abilities in its
relationship to Truth, Love, God.
- (One is only given that which is practical, and applicable at that
1402-3 not accrediting the influence from the numbers, the
stars or any omen in itself, by the author.
- there is a wisdom as concerning incarnation or activities that
cometh not from above.
- Take hold of your own serpent!
- For, concentration comes from application.
- ever live so that ye may look every man in the face and tell him to
go to!
- Kaballa of Numbers, as we have indicated, become more and more of
an accepted force within self. - these Are But Signs! and the
application is in the heart and soul and Mind of the individual.
- It is not those that do some great deed who are great before the
- Heaven: of hope or of discouragement. For, lo, both are in your
own heart, your own conscience.
- For only self can separate you from the love of the Father.
- In knowledge comes ability. In ability comes contentment, when
abilities are applied aright.
- The spirit is of the universal consciousness, or God, that which is
the First Cause.
- (Our spirit) not the whole but one With the whole.
- Then indeed do the senses take On an activity in which they may be
directed in that awareness, that consciousness of the spiritual
- to know, to conceive, to imagine, to become aware of that which is
its ideal.
- When the mental self is loosened in the quietness of those periods
when it would take cognizance of the influences about self, we find
the mental as a vapor - as a gas (not that it is either, but as
comparison) is loosened by the opening of the self through those
centers of the body that arouse the awareness of the mental to the
indwelling of the spiritual self that is a portion of and encased
within self. And it, the energy, the influence - as the vapor, as
the gas - rises to the consciousness within, to the temple of the
motivative forces of the physical body.
- each in its atomic self - a portion of the whole.
- Well-balanced foods - that are as energies that are positive and
negative forces within the material activity - (keep the proper
acid balance) - also the potash - for the activity of mind.
- but that ye find within thy mind, thy body, that would offend, pluck
it away!
- yea the very blood and the very streams through which thy mentality
flows! Thy Brain is not thy mind, it is that which is used by thy
- For that ye give away Alone do ye possess!
- In whatever manner that to thine own consciousness is a cleansing
of the body, of the mind, that ye may present thyself Clean before
thyself, and before thy God, Do! - Whether washing of the body with
water, purging of the same with oils, or surrounding same with music
or incense.
- Doubt builds a barrier!
- Then, meditating upon that which is thy highest ideal within
thyself, raise the vibrations from thy lower self, thy lower
consciousness, through the centers of the body to the temple of thy
mind, thy brain, thy eye that is single in purpose; or to the
glandular forces of the body as the Single Eye.
(Endocrine glands and chakras)
- In patience possess ye your soul.
- The understanding of all laws, for that is the law, the
understanding of the law pertaining to any given condition.
- Now, in the next few years, there will be many entrances of those
who are to prepare the way.
412-9 For they take hold upon the ways of the world, and He hath
given that the WORLD cannot know - it is not ready; only
those who listen to that voice within where He hath promised
to meet those who know the beauties of the more abundant
281-42 It is
hard for an individual, no matter how learned he may be, to
conceive of the activities that exist only three miles above
the earth. Why? Because there are no faculties within the
individual entity in the present CAPABLE of conceiving that
which is not represented within his individual self.
20. Yea, - but the individual of that period was not so closely
knit in matter. Thus the activities of the realms of
relativity of force, relativity of attraction in the
universe, WERE an experience of the souls manifesting in the
earth at that period, see?
what relationships he must bear, in every extent and
phase of his life, to his fellow man; that he may understand
through same the phases of the mind, the phases of the soul.
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