
Atlantis Book Review!!


by Jung and Wilhelm!

by Jung and Wilhelm!

This book, perhaps 5,000 year old Chinese wisdom, holds the unique position of being about the only source for the mystical key of the proper circulation of the light within to wash away sins. Some may reproach me for revealing these mysteries, but I'm guided by 'judge not lest ye be judged'. To a sinner these pearls of wisdom may seem like foolishness, as it is written. In meditation I perceived an old fashion key going around a counterclockwise circle. This seems contrary to that given here, but the rest seems most precious.

When the student is ready,
the teacher will appear.

  • - For we have in medieval alchemy the long sought connecting link between Gnosis and the processes of the collective unconscious, observable to us today in modern man.
  • - Book: "Psychology and Alchemy", by Jung
  • - The unconscious must be inseminated by consciousness being immersed in it.
  • - The conclusion of the meditation leads of necessity to the wiping out of all differences in the final integrated life, which is free of opposites.
  • - China: There have been formed a series of secret sects whose effort is to achieve, by the practice of secret traditions from ancient times, a state of the psyche lifting them above all the misery of life.
  • The methods used are magical writing, prayer, sacrifice, etc., and, in addition to these, mediumistic seances, widely prevalent in China, by means of which direct connection with the gods and the dead is sought.
  • - They also had the "planchette, the flying spiral pencil".
  • - The Chinese yoga men achieve, almost without exception, the central experience.
  • - By the union of the spiritual principle in men to the correlated psycogenic forces one can prepare for the possibility of life after death, not merely as a shadow-being doomed to dissolution but as a conscious spirit.
  • - Use this meditation to exert a psychic influence on certain processes of the sympathetic nervous system. (As Europeans we would speak here of the endocrine system.)
  • - This influence strengthens, rejuvenates and normalizes the life-processes, so that even death will be overcome in such a way that it fits in as a harmonious ending to life.
  • - The spiritual principle, now fitted for an independent continuation of life in the spirit-body, created out of its own energy-system.
  • - Sects have thought in this way to acquire magic powers, the ability to expel evil spirits and diseases, and here talismans, oral and written charms play their part.
  • - Jung suggests that the Boxer Rebellion was an induced mass psychosis.
  • - The Golden Flower: "Tai I Chin Hua Tsung Chih"
  • - Liro li ch ang, the old street of dealers in books and antiquities in Peking.
  • - "Chin-tan-chiao, the Religion of the Golden Elixir of Life". - Tang of the eighth century AD.
  • - The sayings of Lu Tung-pin, or Lu, the Guest of the Cavern.
  • - Search the esoteric, veiled, mystical teaching in the "Tao Te Ching".
  • - Seeking: The fixed pole in the flight of phenomena, where the adept can attain eternal life. (Polaris?)
  • - We must work towards an inner rebirth through the circulation of the light, and the creatation of the divine seed-kernel. - Also study the "Hui Ming Ching" of Liu Hua-yang.
  • - The backward-flowing movement (Metanoia).
  • - Light is the life of man. The eye is the light of the body.
  • - Christ, who must be born in us and who, in another way, is the bridegroom of the soil.
  • - The need of having oil in the lamps so that they can burn brightly, takes on a new and weighty psychological meaning in our text.
  • - The "Golden Flower" (Chin Hua), in an esoteric connection, includes the word light.
  • - The teaching always remained limited to secret circles. (Persian origin?)
  • - According to this hypothesis, Lu Yen, the founder of the "Chin - tan - Chiao" (8 th century AD), would have been a Christian of the Nestorian confession!
  • - Man and the Cosmos obey the same law, separated by any fixed barriers. - And from the one a way leads into another.
  • - Stars: The psyche and the cosmos are to each other like the inner world and the outer world.
  • - Therefore man participates by nature in all cosmic events, and is inwardly as well as outwardly interwoven.
  • - The Tao, then, the Way consists of: A head of beginning, going underneath, standing still, or meditation.
  • - The Tao leads from a beginning directly to the goal.
  • - The fundamental idea is that the Tao, though itself motionless, is the means of all movement and gives it law.
  • - Heavenly paths are those along which the constellations move. (Stars)
  • - Lao-tse has used this word, though in the metaphysical sense, as the final world principle, which antedates realization and is not yet divided by the drawing apart of the opposites on which emergence into reality depends. (Aether, the Subtile)
  • - To Confucianism, the final principle of an undivided One is the Tai-chi (the Great Ridge-pole, the supreme ultimate).
  • - The one pole being the light (yang) and the other the dark, or the shadowy (yin).
  • - thought-earth (spirit), as womb, or tilled field
  • - The characters refer to phenomena in nature.
  • - Yin is shade, therefore the north side of a mountain and the south side of a river.
  • - The sunny south slope is yang.
  • - In the Realm of phenomena, where yang appears as the active principle and conditions.
  • - The "Book of Changes" is now called "I Ching".
  • - Dual primal forces
  • - The inner nature of man comes from heaven.
  • - In each of whom the central monad is enclosed as the life principle.
  • - Human nature and life (hsing and ming)
  • - In Chinese the heart and the mind have the same word "hsin".
  • - The heart (hsin), according to the Chinese idea, is the seed of emotional consciousness, which is awakened by the five senses through unreflecting reactions to impressions received from the external world.
  • - Human nature is related to the logos.
  • - Ming (life) is closely related to Eros. - Life as pure coincidence
  • - Bi-polar tensions: The body is activated by the interplay of two psychic structures - first, hun, which because it belongs to the yang principle, I have translated as animus - p'o as the anima. This was gathered from death observations.
  • - Anima: At death it sinks to the earth and decays.
  • - The animus, on the other hand, is the higher soul; after death it rises in the air - where at first it is still active for a time, and then evaporates in ethereal space, or flows back into the common reservoir of life.
  • - In living men, the two correspond in a certain degree to the cerebral system and the system of the solar plexis respectively.
  • - The animus dwells in the eyes, the anima in the abdomen.
  • - The animus is bright and active, the anima is dark and earth-bound.
  • - (Much suggests that Chinese is a primary language, and not derived.)
  • - The usual, clockwise-flowing, that is, the downward- flowing life-process, is the one in which the two souls enter into relations as the intellentual and animal factors. As a rule it will be the anima, the undiscriminating will, which, goaded by passions, forces the animus or intellect into its service.
  • - At least the anima will do this to the extent that the intellect directs itself outward, whereby the energies of both animus and anima leak away and life consumes itself.
  • - The result is death.
  • - (Animus sign hun of demon and cloud.)
  • - While for p'o the characters for demon and white
  • - When the energies in the body are not allowed to go their natural, downward course, but are dammed up, the movement is described as backward-flowing.
  • - The yoga system teaches a technique of meditation whereby the natural flow of energy can be reversed, and the energy made to rise to the higher centres, where it becomes spirit.
  • - After the phantom stage, the monad goes to those heavens and hells merited - but purely inner states.
  • - But is the ego has made an effort to strive upward in spite of the process of externalization it maintains for a time - he has a happy life.
  • - Kuei is high development, attained by a soul who has penetrated many inner states. - The one who withdraws.
  • - By the rising movement of the life-energies, if the energies of the anima are mastered by the animus, then a liberation from external things takes place.- An inner, ascending circulation of the energies takes place.
  • - The ego withdraws from its entanglement in the world, and after death remains alivebecause interiorization has prevented the wasting of the life- energies in the outer world.
  • - Instead of these being dissipated they have created within the inner rotation of the monad a life-centre which is independent of bodily existence. Such an ego is a god, deus, shen.
  • - Shen means to extend, to create; its opposite is kuei. - Shen was expressed by wavy vertical lines.
  • - Such a being survives as long as the inner rotation continues.
  • - It can, even though invisible, still influence men and inspire them to great thoughts and noble deeds.- The sages and saints are beings like these.
  • - These beings retain a personal character, and are therefore subject to the effects of space and time.
  • - The Golden Flower alone, which grows out of inner detachment from all entanglement with things, is eternal.
  • - In Taoism: The goal is to preserve in a trans- figured form the idea of the person, the traces left by experience.
  • - A man who reaches this stage transposes his ego; he is no longer limited to the monad, but penetrates the magic circle of the polar duality of all phenomena and returns to the undivided One, the TAO.
  • - That is the light which, with life, returns to itself and which is symbolized in our text by the Golden Flower.
  • - Trigram Chen - thunder, the Arousing is life which breaks out of the depths of the Earth.
  • - Trigram Sun - streaming of the reality - energies into the form of the idea. - realization
  • - Trigram Li - sun, fire, the Clinging, plays a great role in this religion of light. It dwells in the eyes, forms the protecting circle, and brings about rebirth.
  • - Trigram K'un - earth, one of two primal powers - the yin principle.
  • - Trigram Chien - heaven, Creative, yang
  • - Trigram Li - the region of Eros - Li stands for Logos, Li is the sun, K'an the moon.
  • - Li is the sun, K'an the moon. The marriage of K'an and Li is the secret magical process which produces the child, the new man.
  • - Trigram Ken - mountain, Keeping Still meditation - by keeping external things quiescent, gives life to the inner world. - The place where life and death meet.
  • - The following are quotes from the "Tai I Chin Hua Tsung Chih".
  • - That which exists through itself is called the Way (TAO). - The one primal spirit.
  • - Light of heaven - is contained in the two eyes.
  • - The secret of the magic of life consists in using action in order to obtain non-action.
  • - One must not wish to leap over everything and penetrate directly. - Take in hand the work on human nature (hsing).
  • - The Golden Flower is the light. - A symbol - The true energy of the transcendent great One.
  • - The lead of the water-region has but one taste.
  • - Heaven created water through the One. - True energy
  • - If man attains this One he becomes alive; if he loses it he dies.
  • - Hold fast to the primal, and to guard the One; it is the circulation of the light and the maintaining of the centre. If one guards this true energy, one can prolong the span of life, and can then apply the method of creating an immortal body by melting and mixing.
  • - Induce the upward flowing light: So that the thoughts (the place of heavenly consciousness, the heavenly heart) are gathered together. The heavenly heart lies between the sun and the moon (i.e. between the two eyes).
  • - Yellow Castle: In the square inch field of the square foot house, life can be regulated. - The square foot house is the face. The square inch is the Heavenly Heart, between the eyes.
  • - Between the eyes: In the purple hall in the city of jade dwells the God of Utmost Emptiness and Life - the heavenly heart, or the centre of emptiness, or the terrace of living, or Yellow Castle, or the dark pass.
  • - The light is the Master.
  • - When the light circulates, the energies of the whole body appear before its throne.
  • - Therefore you only have to make the light circulate: That is the deepest and most wonderful secret.
  • - The light is easy to move, but difficult to fix. If it is made to circulate long enough then it crystallizes itself; that is the natural spirit-body. - Formed beyond the nine heavens.
  • - It is the condition of which it is said in the Book of the Seal of the Heart: Silently thou fliest upward in the morning.
  • - To do this, you must only concentrate your thoughts.
  • - The book "Leng Yen" says: By collecting the thoughts one can fly and will be born in heaven.
  • - All changes of spiritual consciousness depend upon the heart.
  • - there is a secret charm which, although it works very accurately, is yet so fluid that it needs extreme intelligence and clarity, and the most complete absorbtion and tranquility. - Apply the charm - and keep fast hold of it.
  • - If you can be absolutely quiet then the heavenly heart will spontaneously manifest itself.
  • - The primal spirit is precisely human nature and life.
  • - The magic of the Elixir of Life makes use of conscious action in order that unconscious non-action may be attained.
  • - Conscious action consists in setting the light in circulation by reflection in order to make manifest the release of heaven.
  • - If the true seed is born, and the right method applied in order to melt and mix it, and in that way to create the Elixir of Life, then one goes through the pass.
  • - * The embryo is formed by warming, nourishing, bathing, and washing. A whole year of this fire-period is needed before the embryo is born, sheds the shells, and passes out of the ordinary world into the holy world.
  • - Not with one leap can a man suddenly get there!
  • - Whoever seeks eternal life must search for the place whence human nature and life originally sprang.
  • - In comparison with heaven and earth, man is like a mayfly.
  • - Only the primal spirit and the true nature overcome time and space.
  • - When students understand how to grasp the primal spirit they overcome the polar opposites of light and darkness, and tarry no longer in the three worlds.
  • - But only he who has envisioned human nature's original face is able to do this.
  • - The primal spirit dwells in the square inch between the eyes, but the conscious spirit dwells below in the heart.
  • - How could the true thought in the square inch move! If it rashly moves, that is not good.
  • - * It is best indeed if the light has already solidified into a spirit-body and its life-energy gradually penetrated the instincts and movements. But that is a secret which has not been revealed for thousands of years.
  • - The primal castle can be fortified and defended.
  • - * The eyes start the light circulating like two ministers at the right and left who support the ruler with all their might. - Then the rule in the centre is thus in order.
  • - The way to the Elixir of Life knows as supreme magic, seed-water, spirit-fire, and thought-earth: these three.
  • - (Seed-water?) It is the true, one energy of former heaven (Eros).
  • - Spirit-fire is the light (Logos).
  • - Thought-earth is the heavenly heart of the middle dwelling (intuition).
  • - Spirit-fire is used for effecting, thought-earth for substance, and seed-water for the foundation.
  • - The anima adheres to consciousness, in order to affect it. (Feminine - yin)
  • - The animus in which the spirit shelters.
  • - * The animus lives in the daytime in the eyes; at night it houses in the liver. When living in the eyes, it sees; when housed in the liver, it dreams.
  • - Dreams are the wanderings of the spirit through all nine heavens and all nine earths.
  • - Whoever is in a dark and withdrawn mood on waking, and chained to his bodily form, is fettered by the anima.
  • - The method used by the ancients for escaping from the world consisted in melting out completely the slag of darkness in order to return to the purely creative.
  • - * And the circulation of the light is the magical means of reducing the dark, and gaining mastery over the anima.
  • - If this method is followed, plenty of seed-water will be present of itself; the spirit-fire will be ignited, and the thought-earth will solidify and crystallize, and thus the holy fruit matures. The scarabaeus rolls his ball and in the ball there developes life.
  • - * Why should not the dwelling place of our heavenly heart also be able to create a body if we concentrate the spirit upon it?
  • P28 - The animus is in the heavenly heart. It is that received from the great emptiness - the primordial beginning.
  • - The anima is bound to the bodily fleshly heart. The animus loves life - anima seeks death.
  • - All sensuous desires and impulses of anger are effects of the anima; it is the conscious spirit which after death is nourished on blood.
  • - Distil the dark anima completely so that it transforms itself into pure light (yang).
  • - True human nature (Logos united with vitality)
  • - The conscious spirit is the ruler of the human heart.
  • - In the body is the animus, when out of the body it is the spirit.
  • - The primal spirit (one) crystallizes itself in the non-polarized free one.
  • - Who ever has done good in the main has spirit-energy that is pure and clear when death comes. It passes out by the upper openings of the mouth and nose. Evil men by the door of the belly.
  • - First subjugate the perceiving spirit by the circulation of light. One must forget both body and heart.
  • - When the spirit lives, the breath will begin to circulate in a wonderful way.
  • - Then the spirit must be allowed to dive down into the abdomen (solar plexus).
  • - At that time, the method of the turning of the mill- wheel must be applied in order to distil it so that it becomes the Elixir of Life. (Philosopher's Gold- This also explains the myths of a man strapped to a wheel; also of the one rolling the stone up the hill.)
  • - That is the method of concentrated work.
  • - When the Life Elixir pearl is finished, the holy embryo can by formed, then the work must be directed to the warming and nourishing of the spiritual embryo. That is the method of finishing.
  • - When the energy-body of the child is fully formed, the work must be so directed that the embryo is born and returns to emptiness. That is the method of ending the work.
  • - From the most ancient times till to-day, this is not empty talk, but the sequence of the great Way in the true method of producing an eternally living and immortal spirit and holy man.
  • - Everything belonging to the dark principle is wholly absorbed, and the body is born into pure light.
  • - When the conscious spirit has been transformed into the primal spirit, then only can one say that it has attained an infinite capacity for transformation and, departing from the cycle of births, has been brought to the sixfold present, golden genius.
  • - * In time, the primal spirit transforms itself in the dwelling of life into the true energy.
  • - Master Lu-tsu was quoted often.
  • - (I found this to be a most profound book.)
  • - The good, but blindly, is transformed at his death, is limited to the region of the five senses and is therefore still imprisoned on this earth.
  • - Light circulation was revealed by the "True Men of the Beginning of Form" (Kuan Yin-hsi) - a pupil of Lao-tse.
  • - * When the light is made to move in a circle, all the energies of heaven and earth, of the light and the dark, are crystallized. - This is called seed-like thinking, or purification of the energy.
  • - * Only after concentrated work of a hundred days will the light be genuine, then only will it become spirit-fire. After a hundred days there develops by itself in the midst of the light a point of the true light-pole (yang). Then suddenly there develops the seed pearl.
  • - Then one must be quite still and wait. The circulation of the light is the epoch of light.
  • - * The radiance of the light (yang-kuang) is the determining thing. In the physical world it is the sun; in man, the eye.
  • - The Way of the Golden Flower depends wholly on the backward-flowing method.
  • - Man's heart stands under the fire sign. The flames of the fire press upward.
  • - * When both eyes are closed and reversing the glance, directs it inward and looks at the room of the ancestors, that is the backward-flowing method.
  • - * The energy of the kidneys is under the water sign. When the desires are stirred, it runs downward, is directed outward, and creates children. If, in the moment of release, it is not allowed to flow outward, but is lead back by the energy of thought so that it penetrates the crucible of the Creative, and refreshes heart and body and nourishes them, that also is the backward-flowing method.
  • - Two psychic poles: 1. The Logos (heart, consciousness) under the fire trigram Li. 2. Eros (kidneys, sexuality), under the water trigram Kan.

See More Carl Jung!

Jung 1 .. Jung 2a .. Jung 3b

This book surprised Jung, who thinking his ideas were original, found they were ancient! Consider these things from a spiritual, symbolic point of view. Making lavish use of the imagination and will. I've found reading the Psalms of David helpful in understanding these things.

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