826-8 (Q) What great change or the beginning of what change, if
any, is to take place in the earth in the year 2,000
to 2,001 A.D.?
(A) When there is a shifting of the poles. Or a new cycle begins.
- (Southeast Canada will be safe from earth changes.)
- (The only time I know of that Cayce seemed to make an error,
was his prediction of a great disaster in 1936. But
a correction was made over two years before 1936,
resetting the events for 1998.
Unlike Jonah, I'm happy since destruction is delayed.)
- (Mt. Etna and nearby Vesuvius, and Mt Pelee signal the major changes!)
3976-15 As to the changes physical again: The earth will be broken
up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of
Japan must go into the sea.
The upper portion of Europe will
be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear
off the east coast of America.
There will be the upheavals
in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the
eruption of volcanos in the Torrid areas, and there will be
shifting then of the poles - so that where there has been
those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more
tropical, and moss and fern will grow. And these will begin
in those periods in '58 to '98, when these will be proclaimed
as the periods when His light will be seen again in the
clouds. As to times, as to seasons, as to places, ALONE is
it given to those who have named the name - and who bear the
mark of those of His calling and His election in their
bodies. To them it shall be given.
As to those things that deal with the mental of the earth,
these shall call upon the mountains to cover many. As ye
have seen those in lowly places raised to those of power in
the political, in the machinery of nations' activities, so
shall ye see those in high places reduced and calling on
the waters of darkness to cover them. And those that in the
inmost recesses of theirselves awaken to the spiritual truths
that are to be given, and those places that have acted in
the capacity of teachers among men, the rottenness of those
that have ministered in places will be brought to light,
and turmoils and strifes shall enter. And, as there is
the wavering of those that would enter as emissaries, as
teachers, from the throne of life, the throne of light, the
throne of immortality, and wage war in the air with those of
darkness, then know ye the Armageddon is at hand.
- - "And those that seek in the latter portion of the year of our Lord (as ye have
counted in and among men) 1936, He will appear!" [Corrected to 1998]
- yet as each seeks to be a channel of blessings to the fellow man,
each attunes self to the throne of universal information
- the sun will be darkened - and there shall be proclaimed
- through the spiritual interception in the hearts and
minds and souls - that his star has appeared - and will
point (pause) the way for those who enter into the Holy
of Holies in themselves.
He will appear!"
- (The regenerated) shall come and declare that John
Peniel is giving to the world the new order of things.
- "as begins then the reign in `98 (as time is counted in the present.)"
- [Cayce gave October 31 as the anniversary of Noah's Flood, or poleshift.]
"That same name as to which the priest was banished - the constellation
of Libra, or to Libya were these people sent.
Is it not fitting,
then, that these must return? as this priest may develop
himself to be in that position, to be in the capacity of a
LIBERATOR of the world in its relationships to individuals
in those periods to come; for he must enter again at that
period, or in 1998. (294-151) Male 55 7/29/1932"
- and that hear and that see a light breaking in the east
- and know that He will make thy paths straight then
may the next step, the next word be declared unto thee
- For ye in your weakness have known the way.
- "this too must pass away"
- there will be the breaking of agreements
- "That thrown off will be returned."
- (The earth changes are affected by sun-spot cycle, they will be at max!)
- (The hottest weather occurs during the greatest sunspot activity.)
- (In 2100 AD water covered part of Alabama, and New York
was gone.) Most of the houses were of glass.
- Jupiter and Uranus influences in the affairs of the
world appear the strongest on or about October 15
to the 20th - destructive conditions
- (May cause an earthquake in southern California)
- "for the time and times and half times are at an end"
[Propose a time is 1,000 years. If this count began
with Daniel, the 2500 year span is coming to an end.]
- The young king's son will soon reign.
- Bring hope and not fear.
- Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart.
8. (Q) Three hundred years ago Jacob Boehme decreed Atlantis
would rise again at this crisis time when we cross from this
Piscean Era into the Aquarian. Is Atlantis rising now?
Will it cause a sudden convolution and about what Year?
"(A) In 1998 we may find a great deal of the activities as
have been wrought by the gradual changes that are coming
These are at the periods when the cycle of the solar
activity, or the years as related to the sun's passage
through the various spheres of activity become paramount or
Catamount [?] [Tantamount?] to the change between the Piscean
and the Aquarian age.
- "Then the area where the entity is now located [Virginia Beach] will be among
the safety lands, as will be portions of what is now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois,
and much of the southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of
Canada; while the western land - much of that is to be disturbed - in this
land - as, of course, much in other lands."
- The weakling, the unsteady, must enter into the
crucible and become as naught, even as He, that
they may know the way.
- (Earth changes are best interpreted in the "Holy Writ".)
- (Learn His will, His ways, and His Word, and His purpose with man.)
- "The geographical changes, as we find, will not be
of any appreciable change in the affairs of men,
save as induced by those Actvities of men respecting
their application of those laws pertaining to same,
in this Particular generation."
- "I, Halaliel, have spoken."
- (In America the people are to hold more power in their hands.)
- that there would come three that would make of
the perfect way of life. (They achieved balance in
their spiritual, their mental, their material experiences.
They may proclaim the Atlantean records.)
- (If men in America don't show brotherly love)
civilization must wend its way westward, - and again
must Mongolia, must a hated people, be raised.
-3976-15 [America] "His messenger shall appear there." Hints, is finding
those that make the paths straight.
- (There are healing powers in the waters off Bimini,
Changes near the site of the soon to be found Atlantis.)
- (Roosevelt was "called".)
- (These stones, as well as others, were mentioned by Cayce: Agate, Amethyst,
Bloodstone, Chrysocolla, Emerald, Azurite, Malachite,
Lapis Linguis, Moonstone, Ruby, Topaz, and Lapis Lazuli.)
- "scientific change has been found by the observation
into the terrestrial forces and into those places
and conditions about the earth's planes, there is
missing some one of the earth's companions or planets,
and the combustion or destruction of same caused much
- (Quartz crystals amplify, lend, and synchronize many
types of energy, such as light and electricity.)
- (Wear Lapis Linguis on the wrist or on the waist.)
- Let individuals draw their own conclusions.
- (Oil exists all across America along a line from
Monterey, Mexico to Concord, New Hampshire in the
Hickory Sands formation, 2400 - 3000 ft. in Texas.)
- (Atlantis lies west and south of Bimini.)
- know what was the cause of indifference, or sin.
- (The Earth is catching up with Time.)
-1602-3 When the lines about the earth are considered from
the mathematical precisions, it will be found that
the center is nigh unto the Great Pyramid.
This is a gradual, not a cataclysmic
activity in the experience of the earth in this period. (1602-3)
Female 41 9/22/1939"
1152-11 Is Virginia Beach to be safe?
A It is the center - and the only seaport and
center - of the White Brotherhood.
[Now Cayce has before told of gradual changes that are coming about
on planet Earth, but he also talked of major changes that happened
suddenly or more rapidly. He said much of northern Europe "would be
changed in the twinkling of the eye". I just found another reference
supporting the rapid climatic changes, to follow.]
6-2 14. In the one before this we find in that land known as the
Canadian land, when there were many changes in the climatic
conditions, and what was then of a semi-tropical nature
became - during the entity's period and sojourn - that of the
glacier or ice period. The entity, during this period,
gained much and lost much. Gained through the assistance as
given in the establishing of the homes, even when forced to
move to other lands, and then known among the peoples as the
Mound Builders of the Central Northwest. In this the entity
lost, through the using for self those aggrandizements of
selfish interests. In THIS the entity lost. In the name
182-2 10. In the one before this we find in that day when there was
the destruction to the elements of earth [Atlantis?], then
in now the PERUVIAN countries, when the lands disappeared
in the low places and the entity was left alone in the
higher mound to which the entity had then gone for its
study. In the name then of Oumu. In the personality
exhibited in the present, the ever fear in the deep recesses
of self of destruction coming to many suddenly.
(Q) Is the Aquarian Age described as the 'Age of the Lily' and why?
(A) The purity. Only the purity as it represents will be
able to comprehend or understand that awareness that is
before those who seek the way.
(Q) Can a date be given to indicate the beginning of the Aquarian Age?
(A) "This has already been indicated as the period when it
should pass, but that is when it begins to affect.
It laps
over from one to another, as is the natural sources, as he
holds to that which has been, which is. As has been
indicated, we will begin to understand fully in '98."
(1602-3) Female 41 9/22/1939
"this occurs in the entrance of the Messiah in this period -
1998." (5748-5) 6/30/1932
- Watch for them near Davis Strait in the attempts there
for the keeping of the life-line to a land open.
- (Watch Libya and Ankara, and Syria and the Persian Gulf.)
- (Much of ancient Mexico under sea)
- (Incal for Inca)
- (South California and South New Mexico were settled by Lemurians.)
- (A recession in the 1980's was predicted, caused by greed.)
- Someday a "City of Gold" will be discovered in the
Gobi Desert, a temple with elevators; -electric cars
- On Russia's religious development hinges the hope of the world.
- (Other planets and stars affect the elemental powers
of the earth: Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.)
- (An ancient temple to the sun and moon is near Santa Barbara.)
- for the satellite of the moon had not faded then
- (Mu settlers in Oregon, gave the totem the family tree.)
- (The fear of death hinders)
- (Evidence of Atlantis can be found in the Pyrenees and
Morocco, and in British Honduras, Yucatan, and America.)
- (Atlantis during its highest point was in the southern portion of
South America and the Artic, and Siberia, and also in Hudson Bay.)
- (In Atlantis, Adam was called Amilius.)
- (The stars of the Pleiades and Arcturus were mentioned.)
- Let it be remembered, or not confused, that the earth
was peopled by animals before peopled by man!
- (Earth) is slowly receding or gathering closer to the sun,
from which it receives its impetus for the awakening of
the elements from that which it receives from the sun. -
elements that give life itself, by radiation of like elements.
- gives the sun as the Father of Light!
- Elements have their attraction and detraction - or those of
animosity and those of gathering together.
- (Attraction is a stimuli or impulse to create.)
- Accidents happen in creation, as well as in individual lives!
- (Stars and planets have) various forces (of attraction or
- (Atlantis had gas balloons)
- (Their "tempered brass", the temperament of that as
becomes between aluminum and that of uranium.)
(Iron fluxes combine and carbonized with those of
other fluxes)
- (One of Cayce's clients went to Bimini and found an
old fresh water well, walled around the top, with
stones of peculiar composition and strange symbols.)
- (This well and area are for "regeneration" of certain ailments.
- (Cayce gave the Dodge family as backers for an Atlantis
expedition. They may contact me when ready.)
- There is much gold under the sea.)
- (Devil's Triangle) there are those conditions as related
to the varied powers that are in power or in affluence
as respecting activities of any nature there.
- (Iltar the Atlantean leader of the Maya built the first
temple, it will rise above the sea again.)
- (A Temple in the Yucatan is "overshadowing" the location
of the Atlantean records. These records contain the history
and sciences of the Atlanteans.)
- (The slaves of the Atlanteans were called "things".)
- (Egypt) the center of the Universal activities of nature,
as well as the spiritual forces.
- Mathematical, the astrological and the numerological indications
- A "community home" was at Ararat before Noah "who again joined
with many in peopling the earth - this was caused on Og.
- (The records of Atlantis will be open) to those that are the
initiates in the knowledge of the One God.
- The records are One.
- records of the race of the developments of laws
pertaining to One (universal laws?)
- (The rising of the Temple will make the records accessible.)
- (The secret record chamber) lies, as the sun rises from
the waters, the line of the shadow or light falls between
the paws of the Sphinx that was later set as a sentinel
or guard.
And which may not be entered from the connecting
chambers from the Sphinx's - right paw - until the time has
been fulfilled when the changes must be active
in this sphere of man's experience.
- the Sphinx, and the treasure or storehouse facing same,
between this and the Nile, in which those records were kept.
- (It is thought that people are still going there for initiation as
well as to interpret the religious changes man will undergo.)
- Between, then, the Sphinx and the river
- Then, with Hermes and Ra - began the building of that
now called Gizeh, with which those prophesies were builded,
in the building of this that was to be the hall of the
initiates of that sometimes refered to as the White Brotherhood.
- `36 - for it is in many - these run from specific days
- (The Nile was called Nole when it dumped into the Atlantic,
"on the Congo end."
- (A chosen priest came from Arabia or Tibet to teach the worlds
astrologers. This was 10.5 million years ago.)
- most of the people had tails then - These left mounds in the Sahara.
- (There were a 133,000,000 souls in the earth plane then.)
- (The sands of the Gobi cover many an ancient ruin.)
5249-1 Ice, nature, God changed the poles and the animals
were destroyed. [from misc.htm]
- From reading 270-35 (given on January 21, 1936):
"If there are the greater activities in the Vesuvius, or Pelee, then the southern
coast of California--and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern
portions of Nevada--may expect, within the three months following same, an
inundation by the earthquakes." [Inundate: 'to cover by water or flood'!]
[Earthquakes] The causes of these, of course, are the movements about
the earth; that is, internally - and the cosmic activity
or influence of other planetary forces and stars and their
relationships produce or bring about the activities of the
elementals of the earth; that is, the Earth, the Air, the
Fire, the Water - and those combinations make for the
replacements in the various activities.
- "The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf, rather than the waterway
over which such discussions have been recently made."
"It would be well if the
waterway were prepared, but not for that purpose for which it is at present
being considered."
- "No wonder, then, that the entity feels the need, the necessity for change of
central location. For, many portions of the east coast will be disturbed, as well
as many portions of the west coast, as well as the central portion of the U.S."
3976-24 8. Ye are to have turmoils, - ye are to have strifes between
capital and labor. Ye are to have a division in thine own
land before there is the second of the Presidents that next
will not live through his office - a mob rule! [See 4/61
EARTH CHANGES booklet report, page 37; also see 3976-24,
Par. R2.]
9. To meet same? Only that each soul turns not to self alone
and cry for strength, but that each soul LIVES in such a
manner that there may be the awakening to the needs, the
purposes, the causes for the nation coming into existence!
3976-24 Unless there is, then, a more universal oneness of purpose on
the part of all, this will one day bring - here - in America
- revolution!
311-8 19. (Q) How soon will the changes in the earth's activity begin
to be apparent?
(A) When there is the first breaking up of some conditions
in the South Sea (that's South Pacific, to be sure), and
those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's
almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Aetna
area, then we may know it has begun. [See 5752-3 in re
creation, etc.]
20. (Q) How long before this will begin?
(A) The indications are that some of these have already
begun, yet others would say these are only temporary. We
would say they have begun. '36 will see the greater changes
apparent, to be sure.
21. (Q) Will there be any physical changes in the earth's
surface in North America? If so, what sections will be
affected, and how?
(A) All over the country we will find many physical changes
of a minor or greater degree. The greater change, as we will
find, in America, will be the North Atlantic Seaboard. Watch
New York! Connecticut, and the like.
22. (Q) When will this be?
(A) In this period. As to just when -
23. (Q) What, if any, changes will take place around Norfolk
area, Va?
(A) No MATERIAL, that would be effective to the area, other
than would eventually become more beneficial - in a port, and
the like.
294-151 until
the changes were to come again in the earth's position that
would make for, as it had in this inundation that brought
about Ra-Ta's coming in the experience from the gods in the
Caspian and the Caucasian mountains, that had brought this
change in the peoples.
[I don't endorse entirely the Einstein/Hapgood theory of the sliding crust.
I think there are more than one engine, so to speak.]
[This explanation best fits the movements of the plates over
long periods of time. There is also a cyclic shift of the
polar axis that occurs in a twinkling of an eye.
Within the
next few months or so this will occur again. The buildup of
ice at the poles is the major mechanism to this disaster that
has caused the floods, ice-ages, glaciers and extinctions of
Curiously, all of the poleshifts mentioned by Cayce were
caused by man, and not the natural cyclic type that took the
large reptiles, as the Zodiac suggests in tales of Aquarius.]
[There have been some who single out this passage or that of the readings, and base their
conclusion on a statement of irony, such as human affairs going on much as before, after the earth
changes. Also commonly misconstrued is the idea that there will not be sudden change.]
[The affects may have been building for 2500 years, but the event of the poleshift
and the changes of northern Europe will occur "in a twinkling of an eye"!]
[It happened so fast that the mammoths had not time to finish eating or to
lie down and die, but were quick-frozen where they stood, the meat was
thought still edible after 12,000 years. Get right with God now, there
is little time left, for many of us. Most will live to tell the tale.]
[This is serious, you should be alarmed, but keep a spirit of hope and not fear. A poleshift
is survivable, most will survive, but a definite edge goes to those who leave the areas of danger, in favor
of inland and higher ground.]
[Now that 1999 has arrived we must not be too quick to think Cayce
was in error. He did say that by 1998 we would begin to see and know that
something was amiss with the Earth.
He mentioned it would be noticed first
by those who take measurements of the planet. Indeed, they have claimed
that 1998 was the hottest year ever recorded. We are repeatly facing the
'storm of the century', or the 'flood of the century'.
Brace yourselves, and don't be hasty in being critical of the readings,
that were faithfully given in advance to spare the believers. The new
millennium doesn't truly begin until the end of year 2000.]
[Given the geological facts a student of science comes to the same
conclusions as given by Cayce on poleshifts being the best explanation for
the ice-ages, glaciers, and the mass extinctions.
It remains the only
event that would explain the large magnetic shifts that occur in the strata
of some volcanic materials, and the seashells on all of the mountains.
These poleshifts seem part of the divine plan, so that the continents take
turns lying fallow on the seafloor, collecting sweet limestone for the
fertility of future fields. Many say the time is ripe for this to happen
once again.]
[My own feelings are poleshifts have happened many times before, and will
so again relatively soon. We'll learn about sudden plate drop! Mainliners are
being more positive about the same psychic information, its hopeful, but we would
warn and also caution not to be fearful. The Atlanteans were wise enough to heed
their prophets, as were those of Nineveh, but some foolish moderns regard the
prophecies of Edgar Cayce as humorous, like those of Noah's time. Poleshift seems
to be more likely during high sunspot activity and during a solar eclipse, this
last based on recent pendulum experiments.]
[Each must take time now for some soul searching. Each must let it go in prayerful
meditation, me included, open the heart's door to that love-light, of that humble
one of the House of Bread, the hidden slice. To pass this test, we must be guided
from both hemispheres of the brain, create no bad karma, by thinking only the
positive, the good, the constructive.
Why by a casual thought or remark of judgment
or condemnation, should you call that affliction to yourself?]
I Berosus, interpreter of Bellus, affirm that all the earth inherits will be consiged to flame when the five planets assemble in Cancer, so arranged in one row that a straight line may pass through their spheres'.
[Miracles are expected for those who place the needs of others before their
own. Elijah has come and gone many times, I suspect, but went unrecognized.]
I feel compelled to admit surprise that we have arrived at spring
of 2001 without major disaster, but am thankful. It should be noted that
an iceberg the size of a state broke off Antarctica a while back, which by
lessening the weight of ice at the pole may have delayed the inevitable
poleshift, volcanic, and earthquake activity related to these forces.