- (Cayce closely paralleled Buddhist and Hindu thinking concerning
exercise and breathing.)
- (Lapis Linguis is called the talking stone, and enhances psychic
ability. - Azurite)
- (All unconscious minds are in contact with one another.)
- (Cayce said there is a center of our universe, and the Creative
Force resides there. Sometimes the Creative Force moves through the
universe like the Gulf Stream.)
- (There are problem-solving dreams from the soul, and there are
dreams and visions from the Creator.)
- (That which connects the pineal gland and the pituitary is called
the "silver cord".)
- when man presents self in the fullness of self, equal with that
Fullness (God) (All seekers of God are of Israel.)
- (Enlightened men: Swedenborg, as he studied; Socrates as he
meditated; Paul, the apostle, as he meditated upon the happenings
of the hour.)
- (Trembling waves of joy accompany the spiritual baptism.)
- (It is best to polarize the body: head north for life readings,
and head south for health readings.)
- (Q) What power does the centrosome have, and what is its
relative to in a living, human body?
(A) The emotions as related to the CENTRAL forces in the
281-63 eventual activity within the lyden gland itself, or that
ability to reproduce within its own self.
- (A brilliant, gold tinged flash of light signaled the sleeping
Cayce that he was prepared for questions.)
- (Our idea of the Creative Forces is expressed) in the manner we
treat our fellow men.
- Get your own house in order, then read first the Exodus 19:5, then
find rest. Consider what spirit, what purpose, what desire must
occupy thy mind.
- For as ye do to thy fellow man ye do to thy Maker. Let that
knowledge be spent in a way and manner to help others.
- Be a light unto others, not boastful of self.
- God giveth the increase - (don't fret)
- Learn from the lowliest in the earth, in the birds, in the trees,
in the grass, in the flowers, in the bees. - Song of Glory - Do
thou likewise
- Not the God of any people (but the Living God that is personal.)
- come to know - in every thing, in every act - that love that may
pass all understandings. For to others it may be as a myth, as a
dream. as a thing to be hoped for, but to this body, to this entity,
to this soul, who has tasted of the joys of the personal contact
with those influences within the soul, it may come to be His power
working within.
- to be - and that activity - unto the glory of the Creative Forces
is the purpose
- (Tomatoes can be contaminated with other influences, they are bad
unless vine ripened. They are a perfect food when canned.)
- (Eat plenty of lettuce, it purifies the bloodstream of micro
- (Lettuce, carrots and celery will) immunize a person
- (Cayce told eighteen people they would not have to reincarnate.)
- (To deal with nervous tension, Cayce suggested eating plenty of
grapefruit and seafood, also bone marrow is good.)
- (Man is made physically from every element within the earth.)
- Sometimes strange fish pop up in those waters!
- (Sleep would be) far more effective with two, rather than one,
sleep periods of lesser duration.
- (When man's accomplishments are shown, his first experience will be
seeing the future. - yet this must be approached with prayer and
fasting. Not just doing without food; but one that would abase
himself that the Creative Force might be made manifest.
- (Cayce speaks of Atlanteans as "thought people", and tells us that
the bodies of people in the Ra-Ta period of Egypt - 10,000 BC were
less dense.)
- (The second prophet of our century is Rudolf Steiner His book
"Cosmic Memories".)
- (Cayce told a man 20 to 30 days of meditation would yield psychic
- Lucid dreaming is charaterized as a state of awareness in the dream
that detaches the dreamer.
- Fruits of the Spirit - by number
- Open the door for those that cry aloud for a knowledge that God is
within the reach of those that will put their hand to doing!
- attunement of self with that consciousness that is the measure of
standard, that is the bright and morning star, that is that Rod of
Jesse that still cannot be lost in the experiences of men.
- Love as was shown, as was manifested by Him, is alone the way.
- (Sphinx - with the head of a man and the body of a lion. It looks
toward the East, and listens to the Universe.)
- a soul may will itself never to reincarnate, but must burn and burn
and burn.
- seek Only in the Name of the Christ, the Lord, the Son of Man! The
Savior of the World!
- (Cayce's files are stored in a fire-proof vault, thank God.)
including his own unpublished memoirs
- Consequently, a microfilm copy of his letters is now safety stored
in a nuclear bomb-proof underground storage facility in upstate New
York, along with a copy of the readings.
- (Names are given numbers in the readings: Edgar Cayce is 294,
Gertrude Cayce is 538, Morton Blumenthal is 900, Arthur Lammers is
- Gladys says: "He was a many-faceted man."
- (Cayce lived in Dayton, Selma, and Hopkinsville before moving to
Virginia Beach.)
- (Gladys never married, and lived with the Cayces.)
"I went to the Presbyterian with the Cayces."
- Cayce often said, "If you belong in this work you can't get away
from it; and if you don't belong, you can't stay in it."
- (Cayce never criticized anyone!)
- June Bro said of Cayce - "He would take me out and show me where
the fairies were."
- Cayce "felt sure of the Bible"
- As a workman in all phases of the experience is not ashamed, but
rightly dividing the words of truth; that is, putting
the emphasis where emphasis is due.
- (Stock raising should be a part of the self-reliant farm.)
- Hold the acreage; for that may be the basis for the extreme periods
through which all portions of the country must pass.
- The Spirit of Truth and Life that is in the light - for the more
perfect activities of thought.
- from Wheat!
- diet may fire and does fire those portions within the body as to set
the very influences that bring destructive conditions in the
experience of the body. (Wheat for heat - a special food!)
- rightly emphasizing the words of truth
- each product (plant) being given It's opportunity for fulfilling
its mission to man.
- Put an orchard around the edge.
- Coming close to the cusps
- The mental self should seek its source of activity.
- Then, study thyself, and it will be seen that the line has been laid
- Not knowledge alone but that which the self, the will, applies in
the experience in its relation one to another makes for that which
is helpful in an experience.
- the desire is that the laws of the Creator be manifested in the
physical world.
- All power is given through knowledge and understanding. - It turns
- the land continues to grow - for it is God's footstool.
- For all life is of a vibratory nature.
- (Jacob Boehme predicted the rising of Atlantis 300 years ago.)
V.I.- gravitational force of the conscience
- essential mind-body integration
- (The Way) Our progress is measured in terms of soul growth, which
is, in itself, a positive feedback, in which ever milestone reached
more clearly identifies and aids in movement toward the next. -
Will motivates!
- an ideal which moves one forward in soul development then the "like"
which one attracts will be of the next step.
- (Cayce's 14,254 documented readings)
- Mind is the Way - as the Christ Consciousness
- (Two or three almonds a day will prevent cancer. Peanut oil rubs
will ease arthritis. Peanut oil and olive oil are as food for the
skin. Some olive oil on salad is good also, but is taken internally
only "in sips".)
- After the three day apple fast for purification, take olive oil,
half a teaspoonful.
- (All health comes from God, healing from within the body.)
- Cayce "as Lucius, a co-worker of Christ in Palistine."
- there are only four elements in your body - water, salt, soda and
- The mind is not the spirit!
- the classic temple sleep at Epidaurus, undertaken by ancient Greeks
to receive a dream blessing from Asklepios
900-181 Animals stay within the physical sphere of the spirit-force.
1910-1 some are given a cosmic influence only and others the ability to
become one with the creative energy itself.
- a combination of intense meditation, some vigorous releasing
technique, as well as a life stressor, that brings about the
- Stand aside and watch self pass.
- anger - blocks the flow of the circulation to the eliminating
- a bad cold from getting mad
1523-17 The cold comes from - resentments, which have been builded into the
mental forces.
294-97 For the glands secrete according to impulses from the emotional
- Glyco-Thymoline for alkalinizing the body - a few drops.
- leucocytes in the blood supply to choke a cold - colds first begin
with the lymph - castor oil and a Turkish bath help the cold
- (A cold sufferer needed adjustments in the lumbar and lower dorsal
- (For TB - sweats, salt rum rubs, then the alcohol rubs after the
oil rubs.)
- The highest form of psychic perception is the inner contact each of
us can make with the Spirit.
- days when head and neck exercises were used had a higher average
score of phenomena in meditation.
- (Water drinking and lucid dreaming were aids to meditation.)
996-12 A sweet water well could be found in the northern portion of South
Bimini by drilling 892 ft. down.
587-4 the well in Bimini - assuming it were actually found could be
established as a center for two particular purposes; a regeneration
for those with certain types of individual ailments (not only from
the well, or water from same, but from the surrounding waters
because of the life in same), and a center for archeological
- (Bimini - be sure to examine Paradise Point, and the East Site.)
- (Brown's Hotel at Alice Town)
- (A dowser identified Mangrove Cay as the site of the Fountain of
- The "Atlantean Road" had been cited by Dr. Zink off Paradise Point.
- 20 ft. deep
- (Path marked with 4 by 4 pilings, fallen over.)
V I - (ferry over to South Bimini or water taxi)
- the road site when it appeared in 1968.
-1497-7 Static Suppressor Tube description, 1938 by sylvania
996-12 (Water is good for neurotics.)
2427-1 There cannot be happiness or joy save when self has found peace
within self.
- that which would be the companionable, the at- oneness with, the
ability to be one with, becomes necessary for the demonstration or
manifestation of those attributes in and through all force, all
demonstration, in a sphere.
- That man reaches that consciousness in the material plane of being
aware of what he does about or with the consciousness of the
knowledge, the intelligence the first cause, makes or produces that
which is known as the entering into the first cause, principles,
basis, or the essence, that there may be demonstrated in that
manifested that which gains for the soul, for the entity.
- (Elements prepare a man for atonement.)
- This is "a causation world".
- in the transition, the change, the going toward that (and being of
that) from which he came.
- (The elemental world shows us that everything is in its proper place
and time.)
- a large amount of any element would attract a compass. - Because of
the influence of which the mind element of a soul, an entity, has
become conscious!
- The mind is as subject to the Hosts of Heaven, as the physical body
is subject to the (mineral) elements.
- (Hell) self may cast self into a fire element by doing that the soul
knows to be wrong!
- disincarnate entities (that may be earth-bound, or that may be
heaven-bound) may influence the thought of an entity or a mind.
- it has been found that there be those influences that do have their
effect upon the thought of those who would do this or that - given
by self!
- My Spirit beareth witness with thy spirit, saith the Lord. Be still
and know God.
- (Cayce on Jesus) I am the way. No man approaches the Father but by
me. But, does a soul crucify the flesh even as He, when it finds
within itself that it must work out its own salvation in a material
world, by entering and re-entering that there may be made manifest
that consciousness in the soul that would make it a companion with
the Creator.
- for He is the way, that light ever ready to aid when there is the
call upon - and the trust of the soul in - that first cause!
V.I.- (Scientific Exploration and Archaeological Society - SEAS - did
original work on Bimini in 1971-72 under Gifford. Found were several
groupings of column segments or of the fluted marble column
segments. These were removed to Dr. Doris Johnson's museum in
- (Published studies of Bimini: Zink, Berlitz, PROCTOR - also Mahan,
and Harrison.)
- if the psychic ability can be developed in a balanced way, society
will benefit.
1152-11 f given 8/13/1941
It is evident that there are strenuous conditions imminent
in the affairs of the land, owing to thought as respecting
the relationships in varied portions of the world.
And, as has been and is indicated, unusual combinations are
being made; and those individual groups or nations that have
heretofore manifested friendly or brotherly relationships are
now soon to be as enemies.
It is self-evident that there will be the attempt to use a
great deal of propaganda as regarding conditions in France,
Italy, Germany, Russia, Spain, Norway, Turkey, the Holy Land
and India.
A great number of individuals formulated into groups who have
declared specific or definite policies will be questioned as
to purpose and as to the ideal. Some of such will be drawn
into coalition with questionable groups.
Hence this is not, in the immediate, the time for the joining
definitely with any individual group's activity other than
that which stands alone on Christ and Christ's principles.
For, with those changes that will be wrought, Americanism -
the ism - with the universal thought that is expressed and
manifested in the brotherhood of man into group thought, as
expressed by the Masonic Order, will be the eventual rule in
the settlement of affairs in the world.
Not that the world is to become a Masonic order, but the
principles that are embraced in same will be the basis upon
which the new order of peace is to be established in '44 and
When these things are considered, then, it is self-evident
that individuals should be up and doing. Especially the
entity, with its abilities, has definite work to do in the
The entity has the ability to work with or through individual
groups, - not as a propagandist, but - as has been so oft
indicated - do not magnify the differences of various groups,
but rather UNIFY the sameness as expressed in many of them
that hold to the principles as given in Him.
For, the time is at hand when individuals who have - as this
entity - seen and given so much, and experienced so much as
to the meaning of the advent of the Son of man, the Prince of
Peace, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, must now more
than ever magnify and glorify Him in the relationships of
individuals one to another.
There are so many groups that have such as a background, yet
their working hypothesis, their working labels are under
influences that belie that principle in its APPLICATION to
All of these should be taken into consideration by this
entity; and its abilities as a speaker, its abilities as a
writer should be directed in those conditions and affairs
that will more and more unite seekers in every phase of life,
in every position, in every portion of the country, to that
standard set by Him. Not as in a church, not as in an ism or
cult, but in that every soul does the best he can where he is
- and all with one ideal: "I am my brother's keeper - Christ
the Lord is my brother!"
As to conditions in the geography of the world, of the
country, - changes here are gradually coming about.
No wonder, then, that the entity feels the need, the
necessity for change of central location. For, many portions
of the east coast will be disturbed, as well as many portions
of the west coast, as well as the central portion of the U.S.
In the next few years lands will appear in the Atlantic as
well as in the Pacific. And what is the coast line now of
many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many of the
battle fields of the present will be ocean, will be the seas,
the bays, the lands over which the NEW order will carry on
their trade as one with another.
Portions of the now east coast of New York, or New York City
itself, will in the main disappear. This will be another
generation, though, here; while the southern portions of
Carolina, Georgia - these will disappear. This will be much
The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf, rather than
the waterway over which such discussions have been recently
made. It would be well if the waterway were prepared, but
not for that purpose for which it is at present being
Then the area where the entity is now located [Virginia Beach
for rdg.] will be among the safety lands, as will be portions
of what is now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and much of the
southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of Canada;
while the western land - much of that is to be disturbed - in
this land - as, of course, much in other lands.
Then, with the knowledge of these, - first the principles,
then the material changes.
The choice should be made by the entity itself as to
location, and especially as to the active work.
To be SURE there is work to be done by the entity, DEFINITE
Join with all of those who declare that the Lord has come
and that His day is again at hand.
5277-1 (Q) Is it true that "Many now living will never die," as
predicted by some?
(A) No one ever dies if they believe in God. Not that those
who are living materially will not die, for those who live
materially, who are in a changing world, must die; and that
change, that transition must come to all.
1150-1 Page 4
26. And those that counsel in body oft now with the inmost soul
of the entity would make, even as then, a gathering together
rather than a scattering abroad. For the Lord thy God is IN
His holy temple; has promised to meet thee THERE - thy
temple! Thy body, thy mind, is the temple of the living God.
Dost thou meet Him there, that there may be made known to
thee the ways in which thou may walk? For He will do thee
3175-3 20. The abilities are indicated in weaving, in color. The color
of the robe was pearl-gray, as would be called now, with
selvage woven around the neck, as well as that upon the edge,
as over the shoulder and to the bottom portion of same; no
belts [bells?] no pomegranates, but those which are woven in
such a manner that into the selvage portion of the bottom was
woven the Thummim and Urim. These were as the balance in
which judgments were passed by the priest. But these were
woven, not placed upon the top of same. Neither were there
jewels set in same.
3544-1 Know, as has
ever been given, when ye are prepared for a thing, the
opportunity to use it presents itself.
531-3 So, the experiences have brought that; as to how those things
in their various emanations of the cosmic or etheric forces
in nature gather about them - as in stones - a concentration
of a force or power.
The ruby would make for the body that not as something which
would be other than the power that self attributes to same,
through its actual experience. But the light or reflection
from same, worn on hand or body, will enable the body to
concentrate in its mental application the greater - through
the influences such a stone brings to material expression.
How? Each element, each stone, each variation of stone, has
its own atomic movement, held together by the units of energy
that in the universe are concentrated in that particular
activity. Hence they come under varied activities according
to their color, vibration or emanation.
In this particular one (the ruby) there is that fitness with
that which has been the experience of THIS soul, this entity,
through material expression. Hence it is an aid, a crutch to
lean upon. But, as has always been given, let it be a
stepping-stone; NOT that which thou STANDEST only upon!
[See his ltr. 8/15/46 under 531-9 in re ruby effect.]
5113-1 9. (Q) Are the noises and vibrations from electric power plant
in my neighborhood harmful?
(A) Unless the body can attune itself to the noises until it
is not aware of their presence, better move from that
707-2 "The acceptable
year of the Lord is at hand," when with psalms and hymns of
praise the entity may raise within self that light, that
awareness of the presence of that divine influence which is
the heritage of every soul;
707-2 6. (Q) How can I use the astronomical, the numerical, the
environs of the creations in the vibrations from metal, from
stones, which influence me, to advantage in my present life?
(A) As these are but lights, but signs in thine experience,
they are as but a candle that one stumbles not in the dark.
But worship NOT the light of the candle; rather that to which
it may guide thee in thy service. So, whether from the
vibrations of numbers, of metals, of stones, these are merely
to become the necessary influences to make thee in attune,
one with the Creative Forces; just as the pitch of a song of
praise is not the song nor the message therein, but is a
helpmeet for those that would find strength in the service of
the Lord. So, use them to attune self. How, ye ask? As ye
apply, ye are given the next step.
7. (Q) Should I carry these stones on my person? and how may I
know thru meditation the message they would give me?
(A) If necessary. And how may ye know? These do not give
the messages! They only attune self that the Christ
Consciousness may give the message! Listen to no message of
a stone, of a number, even of a star; for they are but
servants of the Lord and Master of all - even as thou!
1717-1 (A) That of the Egyptian, as is termed Egyptian now. That
the combination of the Celtic and of the native Egyptian.
TABLETS of same oft appear in the entity's experience. Study
to read these up and down; NOT across.
900-6 [900] was sage of cult of true Euranians. [Uranians?]]
12. In the next return we would find the body through its will
and spirit force need not be in Earth's plane again. We are through.
262-57 if ye will but follow in the way that
has been opened - that has been shown thee - that each in
your own experience may be the channel for the greater
blessing to thy fellow man. And, as has been given you, ye
have been chosen; each one that CHOOSES to DO His biddings.
[1/7/34 GD's note: During above reading EC had the same
experience as in several Life Readings of going for the
records, but this time he got the information from a group
activity back of the house where the old man usually gave
him the record of the individual.]
283-4 29. The one before this the entity was in that land now commonly
termed the Egyptian, during those periods when the uprisings
or divisions made for turmoils, before the settling into the
general advance by the people who arose to be such a might in
the affairs of not only the world, but the worlds and worlds.
30. The entity was then among those of the king's household,
that came into the land, and was associated closely with
the young king who was made the ruler; yet joining with the
activities of the native that was raised to the council, and
was of those that were separated when the priest returned to
the activities in the land.
987-2 And to the
entity, because of its own abilities, there was given the
preparation of the settings of the breastplate and the
putting of the stones thereon, and the preparation of the
Urim and Thummim for the interpretations of the movements
that came upon the high priest in the holy of holies to be
given to his people in or from the door of the tabernacle.
254-109 Essenes: When there were the activities in which there were to be the
cleansings through which bodies were to become channels for
the new race, or the new preparation, these then were
restricted - of course - as to certain associations,
developments in associations, activities and the like. We
are speaking here of the twelve women, you see - and all of
the women from the very beginning who were dedicated as
channels for the new race, see?
Hence the group we refer to here as the Essenes, which was
the outgrowth of the periods of preparations from the
teachings by Melchizedek, as propagated by Elijah and Ilisha
and Samuel. These were set aside for preserving themselves
in direct line of choice for the offering of themselves as
channels through which there might come the new or the divine
origin, see?
Their life and work during such periods of preparation were
given to alms, good deeds, missionary activities - as would
be termed today.
1158-6 9. Did not John come as the voice of one crying in the
wilderness and in the spirit of Elijah? Yet he WAS Elijah.
As in the present, here, proceed - but remember that given -
each must know his OWN book of remembrance, and read same.
1472-3 4. Some four and twenty years before the advent of that entity,
that soul-entrance into material plane called Jesus, we find
Phinehas (?) and Elkatma (?) making those activities among
those of the depleted group of the prophets in Mt. Carmel;
that begun by Samuel, Elisha, Elijah, Saul, and those during
those early experiences.
Essenes that had cherished
not merely the conditions that had come as word of mouth but
had kept the records of the periods when individuals had been
visited with the supernatural or out of the ordinary
experiences; whether in dreams, visions, voices, or what not
- they brought the life
of their child, Judy, and dedicated it to the study and the
application of self to the study of those things that had
been handed down as a part of the EXPERIENCES of those who
had received visitations from the unseen, the unknown - or
that worshiped as the Divine Spirit moving into the
activities of man.
1472-3 12. So there was the setting about to seek means and manners for
the preservation, and for the making of records of that which
had been handed down as word of mouth, as tradition. Such
channels and ways were sought out. And eventually the manner
was chosen in which records were being kept in Egypt rather
than in Persia, from which much of the tradition arose - of
course - because of the very indwelling of the peoples in
that land.
13. Hence not only the manners of the recording but also the
traditions of Egypt, the traditions from India, the
conditions and traditions from many of the Persian lands and
from many of the borders about same, became a part of the
studies and the seeking of the entity Judy early in the
attempts to make, keep and preserve such records.
until there were those
visitations by what ye call the Wise Men of the East - one
from Persia, one from India, one from the Egyptian land.
15. These reasoned with the Brethren, but more was sought from
the studies of the entity Judy at that experience.
EACH and every soul
MUST BECOME, MUST BE, the SAVIOR of some soul! to even
COMPREHEND the purpose of the entrance of the Son INTO the
earth - that man might have the closer walk with, yea the
open door to, the very heart of the living God!
29. And the entity, as would be termed, was hounded, yea was
persecuted the more and more; yet remaining until what ye
would call the sixty-seventh year AFTER the Crucifixion; or
until Time itself began to be counted from same.
30. For the records as were borne by the entity, it will be
found, were BEGUN by the activities of the entity during what
ye would term a period sixty years AFTER the Crucifixion.
31. And then they were reckoned first by the peoples of Carmel,
and then by the brethren in Antioch, then a portion of
Jerusalem, then to Smyrna, Philadelphia, and those places
where these were becoming more active.
32. The entity [Judy]- though receiving rebuffs, yea even stripes in
the body - died a natural death in that experience; at the
age then of ninety-one.
262-61 In no land in which JESUS presented Himself was He accepted;
262-87 Seek not the experience until - and
unless - ye know from whence and how and to whom it is given!
10. (Q) Why did Jesus say, "Touch me not," when He first
appeared to Mary after the resurrection?
(A) For the vibrations to which the glorified body was
raised would have been the same as a physical body touching
a high power current. Why do you say not touch the wire? If
ye are in accord, or not in touch with the earth, it doesn't
harm; otherwise, it's too bad!
5748-6 (A) In this particular period of Araaraart and of the priest
(that began those understandings - and passed through those
of the hell in the misinterpretation of same), there was even
then the seeking through those channels that are today called
archaeological research.
In those periods when the first change had come in the
position of the land, there had been an egress of peoples
- or THINGS, as would be called today - from the Atlantean
land, when the Nile (of Nole, then) emptied into what is now
the Atlantic Ocean, on the Congo end of the country. What is
now as the Sahara was a fertile land, a city that was builded
in the edge of the land, a city of those that worshipped the
sun - for the use of its rays were used for supplying from
the elements that which is required in the present to be
grown through a season; or the abilities to use both those of
introgression and retrogression - and mostly retrograded, as
we are in the present. The beginnings of these mounds were
as an interpretation of that which was crustating in the
land. (See, most of the people had tails then!) In those
beginnings these were left.
195-13 EC: There may be a substitute made synthetically. Not one
with all the qualities or actions of morphine, though there
are three distinct plants from which this may be made, not
synthetically; those that partake of the properties of
morphine as made from the Hop poppy. These we find grow in
many climes; especially, though, the bean that grows in the
valleys of the North Nile. This we find has all the
qualities of the Hop poppy in action on the nervous systems
of individuals. This, too, may be made from the Tarsius [?]
Nocus [?], that grows in the plains in the South and West,
or field poppy; gathered with the dew on same, when the
pollen is just forming, before or after seeding, would
prevent from obtaining, in distillation, the effect that is
found from the Hop or poppy from which this is made.
We do not find a synthetic with all the properties. There
must be the base for such properties, to have the same
effect. In the same manner, in distillation, as the cocaine
is made, may the morphine be made, or its substitute, yet
without the full effects as seen in morphine. The manner
in which the better substitute may be made is from the
bloom, in the pollen stage, of the South and West field
poppy, made or grown in this country. They change in
color. Made in this manner:
Gather with the dew on same, when the pollen is forming on
the blossoms, and then distill in pure water (distilled
water). This would be clarified through the distillation,
and with the evaporation, the crystal formation in sediment
would then be redistilled, and the second sediment forming
that white crystal that may be used instead of the morphine
as prepared at present.
(Q) Will the action of this be the same as morphine?
(A) The same, with the after effect and habit-forming
water heated to temperature of the
two hundred and eighty (280) degrees, and the distillation
gathered through the form of the steam in the coil. Then
this steam distilled a second time and allowing the crystals
to form in sediment for use.
8. There must be the dew, and it must be at the stage when the
pollen is forming, before it is seeded, and after the pollen
is impregnated, which is in its first day's bloom - the next
morning, then, gather.
9. (Q) What States can this be grown in successfully?
(A) Southern Tennessee, north Alabama, Mississippi,
Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, northeastern portions of New
Mexico. It grows wild in the field, changes in colors as
seasons pass; the pink and red being that preferable.
(A) Field daisy poppy.
877-10 21. And during the entity's experience when the greater warning
was through the destruction of the mighty forests to the
north, upon what are now the mountains of lime, salt and
sodas, the entity in these combinations saw the development
of what are now called explosives for defense. Armors were
not of this people, though later became a part of same.[gobi]
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